O Mystery Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric

Unlocking the Mystery of Love Divine: Understanding the Profound Connection with Jesus. Reflecting on His boundless love and sacrificial nature

O Mystery Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric

“O Mystery of ” is a that invites us to reflect on the boundless love of Jesus. It reminds us that Jesus willingly took our , bearing our and misery so that we can be adorned with His righteousness. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to embrace the profound connection between Jesus and ourselves and live lives that reflect His sacrificial love.


O Mystery Of Love Divine – Hymn Lyric

O mystery of love divine,
That thought and thanks o’erpowers!
Lord Jesus, was our portion Thine,
And is Thy portion ours?

Didst Thou fulfill each righteous deed,
God’s perfect will express,
That we th’unfaithful ones might plead
Thy perfect faithfulness?

For Thee the Father’s hidden face?
For Thee the bitter cry?
For us the Father’s endless ,
The song of victory?

Our load of sin and misery
Didst Thou, the Sinless, bear?
Thy spotless robe of purity
Do we the sinners wear?

Thou, Who our very place didst take,
Dwell in our very heart:
Thou, Who Thy portion ours dost make,
Thyself, Thyself impart.


Meaning of O Mystery Of Love Divine

O Mystery of Love Divine: Reflecting on the Boundless Love of Jesus

In our journey through life, there are moments when we are overwhelmed by the inexplicable power of love. It is a feeling that cannot be fully captured in words, but in those moments, gratitude wells up within us, and we long to express our thanks. The hymn, “O Mystery of Love Divine,” beautifully captures this sentiment, inviting us to ponder the profound connection between Jesus and ourselves.

Lord Jesus, was our portion Thine,

And is Thy portion ours?

Didst Thou fulfill each righteous deed,

God’s perfect will express,

That we th’unfaithful ones might plead

Thy perfect faithfulness?

As we delve into the lyrics of this hymn, we come face to face with the incredible truth that Jesus, the Son of God, willingly chose to make us His portion. It is a mind-boggling concept to grasp – that the One who fulfilled every righteous deed and perfectly expressed God’s will would offer Himself on behalf of unfaithful like us.

In those moments when we feel abandoned and alone, we can find solace in the knowledge that Jesus Himself experienced the hidden face of the Father. He cried out in anguish, feeling the weight of separation from God. But through His sacrifice, He opened the floodgates of the Father’s endless grace, bringing us into an relationship with Him.

Our load of sin and misery

Didst Thou, the Sinless, bear?

Thy spotless robe of purity

Do we the sinners wear?

The hymn reminds us that Jesus, the Sinless One, willingly shouldered the burden of our sin and misery. His spotless robe of purity, which He wore throughout His earthly life, is now bestowed upon us sinners. It is through His unfathomable sacrifice that we are offered the chance to stand before God clothed in His righteousness.

Thou, Who our very place didst take,

Dwell in our very heart:

Thou, Who Thy portion ours dost make,

Thyself, Thyself impart.

The hymn concludes by highlighting the astonishing truth that Jesus not only took our place but also dwells within our hearts. Through His indwelling presence, He continually imparts Himself to us – His love, His grace, His strength. In doing so, He becomes our portion, our source of joy and satisfaction. It is through this intimate connection that we begin to grasp the depth of the mystery of His divine love.

Reflecting on these profound ideas, we are reminded of the immense privilege and responsibility we have as recipients of this boundless love. It compels us to live lives that honor and reflect the love of Christ. When others encounter us, may they see glimpses of His sacrificial love, His faithfulness, and His victory over sin. May our lives become living testimonies to the mystery of love divine.

In conclusion, “O Mystery of Love Divine” encapsulates the wonder and awe we experience when contemplating the boundless love of Jesus. Though we may not fully comprehend its magnitude, we are invited to appreciate and embrace the truth that Jesus willingly took our place and offers Himself as our portion. Through His sacrifice, we are adorned with His righteousness and invited to dwell in Him. May this hymn serve as a constant reminder of the extraordinary love that surrounds us and may it spark a desire within us to share that love with others.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unlocking the Mystery of Love Divine: Understanding the Profound Connection with Jesus. Reflecting on His boundless love and sacrificial nature, explore the truth behind O Mystery of Love Divine. Experience the transformative power of His love and journey towards living a life that reflects His faithfulness and victory over sin.
O Mystery Of Love Divine - Hymn Lyric - Unlocking the Mystery of Love Divine: Understanding the Profound Connection with Jesus. Reflecting on His boundless love and sacrificial nature, explore the truth behind "O Mystery of Love Divine." Experience the transformative power of His love and journey towards living a life that reflects His faithfulness and victory over sin.