The Grace Of Jesus Christ Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound bond of peace and amity in "The Grace of Jesus Christ Our Lord." Unite with the Father's love and Holy Ghost's communion. Embrace the unbreakable threefold cord that brings purpose and belonging

The Grace Of Jesus Christ Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

The of our , the ‘s love, and the Holy Ghost’s communion are the threefold cord that binds us together in a bond of peace and amity. This bond is unbreakable, transcending time, place, and even death itself. It is a gift of love from our Lord that calls us to rest, reflect on the past, and prepare for the future, living out this bond in our daily lives.


The Grace Of Jesus Christ Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord,
The Father’s love with sweet accord,
The Holy Ghost’s communion be
Our bond of peace and amity.

This is the threefold cord that binds
The sympathies of kindred minds,
And draws them to that Glorious Three,
The One eternal Deity.

Thus God to man Himself reveals,
His people calls, redeems, and seals,
Who one with Him in spirit are,
In answer to Christ’s farewell prayer.

Nor time, nor place, nor life, nor death,
Decaying strength, departing breath,
Can loose or break that holy cord,
Laid on them by their loving Lord.

This was the very cord of love,
Which drew Him from His throne above;
With it He makes Sin’s prisoners free,
And captive leads captivity.

Bound with this covenant to-day,
We rest as pilgrims on our way,
Past trials thankfully review,
And cheerfully prepare for new.

Sacred Poems and Hymns


Meaning of The Grace Of Jesus Christ Our Lord

The Grace of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Proclaiming the Bond of Peace and Amity

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is easy to lose sight of the things that truly matter. We get caught up in the stresses of school, friendships, and family, and often forget about the grace and love that surround us. Yet, in the midst of it all, there is a threefold cord that binds us together, our bond of peace and amity.

Through the simple yet powerful words of a , we are reminded of this profound truth: The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Father’s love with sweet accord, and the Holy Ghost’s communion, are what unite us in a bond that cannot be broken.

As seventh-grade students, we may not fully grasp the depth and complexity of these concepts, but we can certainly appreciate the power and beauty of these words. Let us explore them further, as we seek to understand the significance of this threefold cord.

“The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord” is a phrase that carries immense meaning. Grace is often defined as God’s unmerited favor towards us, His unconditional love and forgiveness. It is through the grace of Jesus Christ that we are saved, that we are offered eternal life.

Think about it for a moment. Despite our flaws and mistakes, Jesus extends His grace to us, inviting us into a relationship with Him. It is this grace that enables us to experience His love and forgiveness, to find and peace in the midst of our struggles.

“The Father’s love with sweet accord” speaks to the harmony and unity found within the Godhead. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit operate in perfect harmony, working together for our good.

Imagine a harmonious orchestra, with each instrument playing its part, resulting in a beautiful symphony. In the same way, the Father’s love, Jesus Christ’s grace, and the Holy Spirit’s presence work together, creating a divine melody in our lives. This unity is what brings us peace and amity, a deep sense of belonging and purpose.

“The Holy Ghost’s communion” refers to the fellowship we have with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not just an abstract concept but a personal presence in our lives. He dwells within us, guiding and comforting us, and helping us to grow in our faith.

When we experience communion with the Holy Spirit, we are reminded of our connection to God and to one another. We are reminded of the bond we share as believers, united by our faith in Jesus Christ.

This threefold cord – the grace of Jesus Christ, the Father’s love, and the Holy Ghost’s communion – is what binds us together as Christians. It is what draws us to the “Glorious Three,” the One eternal Deity.

No matter where we are in life, this bond remains unbreakable. It is not limited by time, place, or even death itself. It transcends all earthly limitations and connects us to something greater, to the very heart of God.

In times of strength and weakness, in joy and sorrow, this holy cord sustains us. Even when our strength is decaying and our breath is departing, this bond remains firm. It is a gift bestowed upon us by our loving Lord, who laid down His life to set us free.

When we think of the cord of love that drew Jesus from His throne above, we are reminded of the incredible He made for us. He willingly left the glories of to save us from our , to offer us the gift of salvation.

His love, demonstrated through His death on the cross, has the power to free us from the chains of sin and lead us into a life of true freedom. This is a love that should stir our hearts and ignite a passion within us to share this love with others.

As we reflect on this hymn and its powerful message, we are called to respond. We are called to rest as pilgrims on our journey, to review past trials and bravely prepare for new ones. We are called to live in the reality of this threefold cord, allowing it to shape and transform our lives.

So, let us hold fast to the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, cherishing the Father’s love, and communing with the Holy Spirit. Let us live as a reflection of this bond of peace and amity, extending grace and love to those around us.

In doing so, we are embracing our identity as children of God, united by a threefold cord that cannot be broken. This is the grace of Jesus Christ, the Father’s love with sweet accord, and the Holy Ghost’s communion. May it be our anthem, our source of strength, and our guide as we navigate through life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound bond of peace and amity in The Grace of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Unite with the Father's love and Holy Ghost's communion. Embrace the unbreakable threefold cord that brings purpose and belonging, and experience the grace and love that surrounds us in everyday life.
The Grace Of Jesus Christ Our Lord - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound bond of peace and amity in "The Grace of Jesus Christ Our Lord." Unite with the Father's love and Holy Ghost's communion. Embrace the unbreakable threefold cord that brings purpose and belonging, and experience the grace and love that surrounds us in everyday life.