God So Loved The World – Hymn Lyric

Discover the meaning behind the powerful hymn "God So Loved The World" and the boundless love God has for humanity. Find hope in the message of love and salvation offered through His sacrificial love.

God So Loved The World – Hymn Lyric

So Loved The ” is a powerful message about the incredible love God has for all people. This love is so strong that God gave His only Son, Jesus, to save us and offer us life. It’s a reminder of the greatest love story ever told and the hope and it brings to our lives.


God So Loved The World – Hymn Lyric

God so loved the world,
God so loved the world,

That He gave His only begotten Son,
That whoso believeth, believeth in Him
Should not perish, should not perish
But have everlasting life.

For God sent not His Son into the world
Not to condemn the world,
God sent not His Son into the world
Not to condemn the world;
But that the world through Him might be saved.

God so loved the world,
God so loved the world,
That He gave His only begotten Son,
That whoso believeth believeth in Him
Should not perish, should not perish
But have everlasting life, everlasting life,
Everlasting, everlasting life.

God so loved the world,
God so loved the world,
God so loved the world.


Meaning of God So Loved The World

God So Loved The World

When we hear the phrase “God so loved the world,” it’s like a warm hug for the soul, a reminder that no matter what’s going on around us, there’s an incredible love story at the heart of everything. This line is not just any phrase; it’s a treasure that comes from one of the most famous parts of the , specifically from the book of John 3:16. It says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Let’s take a peek at what this little line is really about and why it has become such an important message for people all over the world.

First off, the “world” in this case isn’t just talking about our beautiful planet with its oceans, mountains, and forests; it’s about the people, the entire bunch of us who live here. Every person with their joys, worries, and everything in between is included in this world that God loves so dearly.

Now, the love described here isn’t just any old love. It’s not the love you might have for your favorite ice cream or your comfiest pair of sneakers. This love is HUGE. It’s the kind of love that is to do anything, give up everything, and go to the greatest lengths possible for the sake of someone else.

That’s exactly what happened. God showed this amazing love by sending his only Son to us. This Son is Jesus, and he’s a pretty special person. Imagine having a who never messes up, is always there to help, and cares about you no matter what. That’s a small glimpse of who Jesus is.

But here’s where the story takes a wild turn: even though Jesus was perfect, he ended up having a really tough time. He was misunderstood, ridiculed, and eventually faced a super painful experience where he died on a . Even though that sounds incredibly sad, it was all part of the plan because it was his way to fight the biggest battle ever – the battle against all the wrong in the world, things like selfishness, hurting others, and lies.

The great news is that the story didn’t end there. Jesus back to life, showing that love and goodness are stronger than anything, even death. And because he rose, everyone who believes in him has a super exciting promise – everlasting life.

Everlasting life is a bit like receiving an elite, never-ending pass to the most amazing theme park, but way better. It’s about living forever with God, where all the bad stuff is gone and only the good remains, always.

To get this everlasting life, the secret is in believing. Believing might sound like something you do with your mind, like believing in math formulas or science facts. But it’s also about trust. It’s like sitting in a chair. You don’t just look at it and say, “Yep, I believe you’re a chair.” You actually sit down and trust it to hold you. Believing in Jesus is similar. It’s trusting that he’s who he says he is and that he’s done what he says he’s done.

Now, some people might say, “But wait, I’ve done some messed-up things. Can God really love me?” The answer is a big, resounding YES! God’s love isn’t like a gold star chart where you only get love if you have enough points. His love is for everyone – no matter your story, where you’re from, or what you’ve done.

If you ever wonder how you’re supposed to respond to this kind of love, well, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a good place to start is just to accept it and say “thank you.” Thank you for the love, the sacrifice, and the promise of everlasting life.

Then, inspired by that love, you can spread kindness and care to those around you. It’s like when you get an awesome present, and you’re bursting with excitement, wanting to share the joy. When you understand how much you’re loved, you’ll find yourself wanting to make the world a better place, being a friend, helping others, and shining a little bit of that love wherever you go.

In songs, in stories, and in countless works of art, “God so loved the world” has been shared and celebrated. This love has inspired people to live life with hope and courage, to pick themselves up when they fall, and to look out into the world not with fear but with love.

So the next time you see a sunrise, or get a hug from a friend, or witness someone doing something kind, remember that line: “God so loved the world.” It’s like a reminder of the biggest, most wonderful love of all, wrapping around the planet like the gentle glow of the morning sun.

The best part of this message? It’s for you, it’s for me, it’s for everyone. And all we have to do is accept it, trust in it, and let it fill us with warmth and light, guiding us through each and every day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the meaning behind the powerful hymn God So Loved The World and the boundless love God has for humanity. Find hope in the message of love and salvation offered through His sacrificial love.
God So Loved The World - Hymn Lyric - Discover the meaning behind the powerful hymn "God So Loved The World" and the boundless love God has for humanity. Find hope in the message of love and salvation offered through His sacrificial love.