Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One – Hymn Lyric

"Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One - Find peace and freedom as you trust in God's power to keep your soul. Experience salvation and eternal protection."

Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One – Hymn Lyric

In “Commit Thy Soul To Me The One,” the content emphasizes the importance of entrusting one’s soul to for peace and freedom from burdens. By committing to God and trusting in Him, one can find salvation and be kept safe by His power. This powerful message assures that God will be the faithful guardian of our souls for eternity.


Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One – Hymn Lyric

Commit thy soul to Me, the Faithful One;
Roll on Me now the burden of thy care;
Thou hast found pardon through My dying Son;
Now shall thy soul find peace and freedom there.

I know , Lord, whom I have trusted now;
And am persuaded Thou canst keep the whole:
I have committed; Thou hast heard my vow;
Thou dost accept: O keep my trusting soul!

Kept by the power of God! upon my heart
Inscribed henceforth shall be this golden word,
Which means that and I shall never part;
Kept to salvation by the mighty Lord.

The Lord thy Keeper then! ’tis writ for thee
By night and day-wayworn and feeble sheep,
Without, within, He shall thy Guardian be
And e’en to endless ages He shall keep.


Meaning of Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One

“Commit Thy Soul to Me, The Faithful One” is a beautiful hymn that speaks deeply of trust, , and the lasting peace that comes with a strong faith in a caring and mighty God. This heartfelt hymn guides us through the journey of entrusting our souls and our cares to God, knowing that He is the Faithful One who promises to keep us safe and provide for us in all circumstances.

The hymn begins with a powerful invitation: “Commit thy soul to Me, the Faithful One.” In these simple words lies an immense promise. They call us to place our innermost being, our soul, into the hands of someone who is unwaveringly reliable and constant. When we about whom we can trust, we might think of our closest friends or family members. However, this hymn points us toward the ultimate source of trustworthiness—God Himself. Just as a trustworthy friend would never abandon us in times of trouble, God’s faithfulness ensures He is with us every step of the way.

“Roll on Me now the burden of thy care.” Life can sometimes feel like we are carrying a backpack filled with heavy rocks—each rock representing a worry or a fear. As we add more rocks, our load becomes harder to bear. But the hymn encourages us to imagine rolling that heavy backpack off our shoulders and onto God, who is strong enough to carry all our burdens with ease. This image brings a sense of relief, knowing we don’t have to handle everything on our own. Like a parent would lift a heavy suitcase for their , God is ready to take the weight off our shoulders.

The hymn gently reminds us, “Thou hast found pardon through My dying Son; Now shall thy soul find peace and freedom there.” It speaks of the profound belief in Jesus’ , a cornerstone of the faith. When we struggle with feelings of guilt or regret, it’s comforting to remember the promise that we are forgiven. And with this forgiveness comes peace—an inner calm that helps us through tough times—and freedom from the chains of past mistakes. What a relief it is to know that we do not have to be perfect and that we are loved and forgiven!

“I know Thee, Lord, whom I have trusted now; And am persuaded Thou canst keep the whole.” This line from the hymn reassures us that God isn’t just some far-away idea; He is someone we can know personally and trust completely. You might have felt the warmth of a friend’s hand during a scary moment—a simple gesture that says, “I’m here with you.” In much the same way, we can sense God’s presence and reassurance in our lives. He is someone we can depend on, no matter what.

“I have committed; Thou hast heard my vow; Thou dost accept: O keep my trusting soul!” What a wonderful conversation to have with God—it’s almost like saying, “I’m all in. I trust You with my life.” When we commit ourselves to God, we are telling Him we trust Him to guide us and take care of us. And the best part is, He hears us and accepts our commitment. It’s like a silent agreement that He will indeed keep watch over us.

“Kept by the power of God! upon my heart Inscribed henceforth shall be this golden word, Which means that Christ and I shall never part; Kept to salvation by the mighty Lord.” This line of the hymn is like an invisible, yet indestructible bond between us and God. It’s as if we have written a contract with golden ink on our hearts, a promise that no matter what, we belong to Him. The power of God is like a shield around us, keeping us safe and secure as we journey through life.

“The Lord thy Keeper then! ’tis writ for thee By night and day-wayworn and feeble sheep, Without, within, He shall thy Guardian be And e’en to endless ages He shall keep.” Whether we’re facing long, tiring days or scary, dark nights, this part of the hymn tells us that God is like a shepherd who looks after His flock. We can be confident that He is always there, like a security guard who never falls asleep. He holds us close, protecting us from all types of dangers.

This hymn, “Commit Thy Soul to Me, The Faithful One,” embodies the essence of faith—a trusted relationship with God, who cares for us deeply. It offers comfort, assurance, and the profound truth that we are never alone. For those seeking solace or facing uncertainty, these words are like a safe harbor in a stormy . By entrusting our soul, our worries, and our entire lives to God, the Faithful One, we can find an unshakeable peace and a love that never ends. This commitment is an ever-present invitation to experience the boundless care and unwavering guardianship of a God who is forever faithful.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One - Find peace and freedom as you trust in God's power to keep your soul. Experience salvation and eternal protection.
Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One - Hymn Lyric - "Commit Thy Soul To Me The Faithful One - Find peace and freedom as you trust in God's power to keep your soul. Experience salvation and eternal protection."