Scatter Loves Sunbeams As Onward – Hymn Lyric

Scatter Love's Sunbeams As Onward: Spreading Love and Kindness in the World. Brighten others' lives with simple acts of love

Scatter Loves Sunbeams As Onward – Hymn Lyric

Spreading Love and Kindness: Scatter Love’s Sunbeams As You Go In a that sometimes feels dark, we all have the power to bring light into the lives of others. By scattering love’s sunbeams as we journey through life, we can brighten the pathway for those around us. Through simple acts of kindness and love, we can make a meaningful difference in the world.


Scatter Loves Sunbeams As Onward – Hymn Lyric

Scatter love’s sunbeams as you go,
Brighten life’s pathway with blessings below;
Scatter love’s sunbeams, their golden rays bright
May some lost wand’rer lead into the light.

Scatter the sunbeams over life’s way;
Shed forth their brightness day after day;
Scatter the sunbeams of divine;
Bright beams of love,
Over the world let them shine.

Scatter the blossoms of mercy so sweet,
Pluck out the thorn points that wound the tired feet;
Comfort the with fragrance and bloom,
With kindness loving life’s pathway illume.


Scatter ‘s carols from harp-strings of love;
out the glad notes life’s discords above,
Till they shall echo o’er mountain and plain,
In cot and palace, a beautiful strain.



Meaning of Scatter Loves Sunbeams As Onward

You Go: Spreading Love and Kindness in the World

In a world that can sometimes feel dark and gloomy, we all have the power to bring a little light into the lives of others. Just like the sunbeams that scatter across the earth, we can scatter love’s sunbeams as we journey through life, brightening the pathway for those around us. By embracing the simple yet powerful act of spreading love and kindness, we can make a meaningful difference in the world.

Love is a universal language that knows no boundaries. It has the power to heal, to unite, and to uplift. When we choose to scatter love’s sunbeams, we are choosing to extend a helping hand, a listening ear, or a kind word to those in need. It can be as simple as offering a smile to a stranger, giving a compliment to a , or lending a helping hand to someone struggling with a heavy load.

The act of scattering love’s sunbeams is not limited to grand gestures or momentous occasions. It is found in the small, everyday moments that make up our lives. It is in the way we treat others, the way we choose to respond to challenges, and the way we view the world. Love’s sunbeams can be scattered in every interaction we have, whether it’s with family, friends, classmates, or even strangers.

One of the most powerful aspects of scattering love’s sunbeams is its ripple effect. When we choose to spread love and kindness, it has a way of spreading beyond the initial act. Just like a stone dropped in a pond creates ripples that expand outward, our acts of love and kindness have the potential to touch the lives of countless others. By brightening the pathway for one lost , we may unknowingly lead them into the light and inspire them to do the same for others.

Scattering love’s sunbeams is not always easy. There may be times when we encounter thorns that wound our tired feet or when life’s challenges make it difficult to see the light. But even in those moments, we can choose to pluck out the thorns and find comfort in the blossoms of mercy and kindness. In doing so, we not only heal ourselves but also create a path of for others.

Hope is another powerful force that is closely intertwined with love. By scattering hope’s carols, we can uplift and inspire those around us. Just like the harmonious notes of a harp, our words and actions can ring out above life’s discords and echo across mountains and plains. They can reach the farthest corners of the earth, bringing a beautiful strain of hope to all who hear it.

It is important to remember that scattering love’s sunbeams is not about the spotlight being on us. It is about selflessly shining our light onto others, without expecting anything in return. When we scatter love’s sunbeams, we are not seeking recognition or praise. Instead, we are focused on making a positive impact, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

In conclusion, as we journey through life, let us remember to scatter love’s sunbeams. Let us brighten the pathway for others, knowing that our acts of kindness and love have the power to lead lost wanderers into the light. Let us pluck out the thorns that wound and bring comfort to the weary. Let us ring out hope’s carols above life’s discords, spreading a beautiful strain of positivity and inspiration. Together, we can make the world a brighter, kinder place, one sunbeam at a time.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Scatter Love's Sunbeams As Onward: Spreading Love and Kindness in the World. Brighten others' lives with simple acts of love, kindness, and hope. Make a positive impact and inspire others to do the same.
Scatter Loves Sunbeams As Onward - Hymn Lyric - Scatter Love's Sunbeams As Onward: Spreading Love and Kindness in the World. Brighten others' lives with simple acts of love, kindness, and hope. Make a positive impact and inspire others to do the same.