Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be – Hymn Lyric

Discover the amazing display of love in the hymn "Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be." Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and find inspiration to respond with gratitude and surrender to His wonderful love.

Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be – Hymn Lyric

Came Down My Ransom To Be: An Amazing Display of ” is a that tells the story of Jesus’ unfathomable love and sacrifice. Through His death on the cross, Jesus paid the price to set us free from the bondage of . This hymn encourages us to reflect on our own relationship with Him and respond with , surrender, and devotion to His wonderful love.


Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be – Hymn Lyric

Jesus came down my ransom to be;
O it was wonderful love!
For out of the Father’s He came,
To die for me on a cross of shame,
And from sin’s bondage to reclaim;
O it was wonderful love!

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful love,
Coming to me from above,
Filling me, thrilling me through and through;
O it was wonderful love!

Clear to faith’s vision the cross reveals
Beautiful actions of love;
And all that by grace e’en I may be
When saved, to serve Him eternally.
He came, He died, for you and me;
O it was wonderful love!

His death’s a claim, His love has a plea;
O it is wonderful love!
Ungrateful was I to slight call,
But, Lord, now I , before Thee fall,
I give myself, I give up all,
All for Thy wonderful love.


Meaning of Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be

Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be: An Amazing Display of Love


In the hymn “Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be,” we are reminded of the unfathomable love of Jesus Christ. This love story is not just a tale of sacrifice and redemption, but one that compels us to reflect on our own lives and relationship with Him. Let’s explore the powerful message behind this hymn and the profound impact it can have on our hearts and souls.

Understanding the Verse:

“Jesus came down my ransom to be;

O it was wonderful love!

For out of the Father’s heart He came,

To die for me on a cross of shame,

And from sin’s bondage to reclaim;

O it was wonderful love!”

In these lines, we find a declaration of awe for the love Jesus showed by coming down from Heaven to be our ransom. The word “ransom” refers to the payment made to release someone from bondage or captivity. In this case, Jesus paid the ultimate price with His life, on a cross of shame, to set us free from the bondage of sin.

His love was not just a human act; it originated from the heart of the Father. This emphasizes that God Himself, in His immense love, sent His only Son to save us. This act of sacrifice and redemption is described as “wonderful love” – an extraordinary and awe-inspiring love that is beyond our comprehension.

Reflection on the Cross:

“Clear to faith’s vision, the cross reveals

Beautiful actions of love;

And all that by grace e’en I may be

When saved, to serve Him eternally.

He came, He died, for you and me;

O it was wonderful love!”

The cross is a powerful symbol that serves as a reminder of Jesus’ selfless act of love. Through faith, we can see the beauty and significance of His actions as we reflect on the cross. It is through this reflection that we begin to understand the magnitude of His love and the depth of His sacrifice.

The hymn acknowledges that it is by God’s grace that we are saved. His love extends to each one of us, and through this love, we have the opportunity to serve Him eternally. Jesus’ death was not just for a select few, but for all humanity. In these lines, the hymn prompts us to contemplate our individual redemption and the role we can play in serving Jesus.

Responding to His Love:

“His death’s a claim, His love has a plea;

O it is wonderful love!

Ungrateful was I to slight Thy call,

But, Lord, now I come, before Thee fall,

I give myself, I give up all,

All for Thy wonderful love.”

The hymn takes a personal turn as the singer realizes their own failure to respond gratefully to Jesus’ call. At this moment of realization, the individual repents and surrenders their life completely to Him. The hymn acknowledges the transformation that occurs when one comprehends the depth of Jesus’ love.

This response is a call to action for each of us. We are encouraged to examine our own hearts and recognize any areas where we have disregarded His love or failed to fully surrender ourselves to Him. The hymn inspires us to respond with gratitude, surrender, and a willingness to give up everything for His wonderful love.


In summary, the hymn “Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be” beautifully captures the extraordinary love of Jesus Christ. By coming down from Heaven and dying on the cross, He paid the price for our sins and offered us redemption. This love story urges us to reflect on our own relationship with Him and respond with gratitude, surrender, and wholehearted devotion. May we always be in awe of His wonderful love and seek to live our lives as a testament to His unconditional grace and .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the amazing display of love in the hymn Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be. Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and find inspiration to respond with gratitude and surrender to His wonderful love.
Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be - Hymn Lyric - Discover the amazing display of love in the hymn "Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be." Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and find inspiration to respond with gratitude and surrender to His wonderful love.