O Jesus Lover Of Our Race – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible promise and grace from Jesus

O Jesus Lover Of Our Race – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “O Jesus Lover of Our Race” beautifully expresses Jesus’ deep for all humanity, regardless of race. It highlights the promise he made to send a holy Paraclete, the Holy , to provide comfort, guidance, and support to his disciples. This promise is a demonstration of Jesus’ amazing grace, and it reminds us of his unconditional love for us all.


O Jesus Lover Of Our Race – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus,
Lover of our race,
How rich the promise of grace
To Thy disciples made,
A holy Paraclete to send,
To succour, comfort, and befriend
With His inspiring aid.

On earth,
The is clear,
The Holy Comforter is here,
To all the faithful given.
And now,
What prophets long foretold,
In all His fulness we behold
The Spirit sent from heaven.


Meaning of O Jesus Lover Of Our Race

O Jesus, Lover of our race, what a beautiful and comforting promise you made to your disciples. You assured them that you would send a holy Paraclete, a helper, to be with them, to support them, and to bring them comfort. This promise is such a rich demonstration of your amazing grace.

The words “O Jesus Lover Of Our Race” speaks volumes about your immense love for humanity. It is a reminder that you see beyond our differences, our flaws, and our mistakes. You love us unconditionally, regardless of our race, background, or circumstances. Your love knows no bounds, and your promise of grace encompasses all of humanity.

In the hymn, it is mentioned that the Holy Comforter is here, shining a clear light on earth. This references the presence of the Holy Spirit, who was sent by Jesus to guide, empower, and comfort all believers. The Holy Spirit is a precious gift, given to us to fulfill the promise made by Jesus.

The verse also mentions that this promise was foretold by the prophets. Throughout the Old Testament, there are numerous prophecies about the coming of the Holy Spirit. These prophecies build anticipation and excitement for the arrival of the Spirit who will bring forth a new era of presence and guidance.

Now, in all His fullness, we behold the Spirit sent from heaven. This is a remarkable statement because it tells us that the promise has been fulfilled. The Holy Spirit is present among us, and we have the privilege of experiencing His power, guidance, and comfort.

What does it mean for us, in practical terms, that the Holy Spirit is here? It means that we are never alone, even in our darkest moments. The Spirit is here to offer us strength and support. When we feel lost or confused, the Spirit is there to guide us and provide wisdom. When we experience or pain, the Spirit is there to offer comfort and solace.

The Holy Spirit also plays a significant role in inspiring and empowering believers. The Spirit ignites within us a passion for God’s truth and equips us with the gifts and abilities needed to serve Him and others. With the Spirit’s help, we can live lives that honor God and make a positive impact in our communities.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit brings unity to the diverse body of believers. Through His work, barriers of race, culture, and language are broken down. The Spirit creates a bond of love that unites us as one family, working together to spread the good news of Jesus’ love and grace.

The title of this hymn, “O Jesus Lover Of Our Race,” encapsulates the essence of the promise and the role of the Holy Spirit. It reminds us that Jesus loves us all, regardless of our race or background. He desires to bring us into a closer relationship with Him and empower us to live out His love in our everyday lives.

As we meditate on these words and the promise they hold, may we be filled with gratitude for the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit. May we embrace His presence in our lives and allow Him to guide, inspire, and comfort us. And may we strive to love others as Jesus loves us, breaking down barriers and extending grace to all.

In conclusion, the promise of grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit are truly incredible . They remind us of Jesus’ deep love for us and His to be intimately involved in our lives. Let us cherish this promise, walk in the power of the Spirit, and live as instruments of His love and grace in the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incredible promise and grace from Jesus, the Lover of our race. Discover the powerful role of the Holy Spirit in guiding, empowering, and comforting believers. Embrace His love and make a positive impact in our diverse world.
O Jesus Lover Of Our Race - Hymn Lyric - Experience the incredible promise and grace from Jesus, the Lover of our race. Discover the powerful role of the Holy Spirit in guiding, empowering, and comforting believers. Embrace His love and make a positive impact in our diverse world.