Joy In The Gospel Glad News Of Salvation – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of spreading the glad news of salvation with the hymn "Joy in the Gospel! Glad news of salvation!" Join the angels in proclaiming His glorious fame and share His life-giving name with every nation. Embrace your role as a preacher of His name and witness the transformative power of Christ in the lives of others.

Joy In The Gospel Glad News Of Salvation – Hymn Lyric

“Joy in the : Spreading Glad News of ” beautifully expresses the excitement and wonder of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world. The hymn inspires us to be like angels, proclaiming His glorious fame and His life-giving name to every nation. Each of us, regardless of age or status, has a duty to speak of Him and live according to His will, spreading forth His fame through our actions and words.


Joy In The Gospel Glad News Of Salvation – Hymn Lyric

Joy in the Gospel! Glad news of salvation!
Swift let it fly to the ends of the earth;
Blessings from for every nation-
Angels would tell it, for they know its worth.

Angels would tell it, how grandly proclaim!
Angels would tell it, His glorious fame!
They’d sing hallelujahs, their loud hallelujahs,
And spread thro’ the nations His life bringing name.

Passing the angels in bright ranks of ,
Leaving the singers with harps in their hands;
Christ came to mortals and gave them His story:
Tell it to others in every land! [Refrain]

All those who know it are preachers of Jesus,
Little or big, they should speak in His name;
Doing His will, for He evermore sees us;
Giving the pennies to spread forth His fame. [Refrain]

Then when He cometh to gather His loved ones,
Bearing them back to His home in the sky,
Out of all lands will He summon His saved sons,
Saved thro’ His children-shall it be you or I? [Refrain]


Meaning of Joy In The Gospel Glad News Of Salvation

Joy In The Gospel: Spreading Glad News Of Salvation

The hymn “Joy in the Gospel! Glad news of salvation!” beautifully expresses the excitement and wonder that comes with sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world. The verses and refrain inspire us to be like angels, proclaiming the glorious fame of our and bringing His life-giving name to every nation.

In the first verse, the hymn emphasizes the urgency and importance of spreading the gospel. It tells us that the blessings from Heaven are meant for every nation and that even angels recognize the worth of this message. Imagine, the angels themselves would eagerly tell of the grandness of Jesus’ story!

In the refrain, we are encouraged to join the angels in proclaiming His glorious fame. They sing hallelujahs and spread His name throughout the nations. How amazing it must be to the heavenly chorus singing in unison, filled with joy and excitement for the message they carry!

The hymn continues by picturing Christ leaving the singers with harps in their hands and coming to mortals to share His story. This image reminds us that Jesus humbled Himself to come to earth and reach out to us. He entrusted His story to us, ordinary individuals who have the privilege and responsibility to share it with others.

It is a common misconception that only pastors or professional preachers should spread the gospel. However, the hymn challenges this notion by stating that all those who know Jesus are preachers of His name. Whether we are young or old, big or small, we bear the duty to speak of Him and live according to His will. Our actions and words can reflect His love and , making a difference in the lives of those around us.

As believers, we are called to live in a way that is pleasing to God. The hymn reminds us that Jesus sees everything we do. He knows our every thought and action, and He calls us to faithfully represent Him. Even the simplest acts, such as giving pennies, can contribute to spreading forth His fame. Each act of kindness and love becomes a testament to the transformative power of Christ.

The final verse of the hymn paints a beautiful picture of Christ’s return. It assures us that He will come again to gather His loved ones, summoning them from all lands. The saved sons and daughters, who have been touched by His grace and love, will be brought back to His heavenly home. The hymn challenges us to consider whether we will be counted among His saved children.

Therefore, our duty as followers of Jesus is not only to accept His salvation but also to share it with others. It is a privilege to be a part of His plan and to witness the transformation in the lives of those who come to know Him. By spreading the glad news of salvation, we participate in building His kingdom on Earth and preparing for His glorious return.

In conclusion, we find great joy in the gospel and the glad news of salvation. Inspired by the hymn, we should eagerly join the angels in proclaiming His glorious fame. We can speak of Jesus’ story to people from all walks of life, regardless of our age or status. Every act of kindness and love we show becomes a testament to His transformative power. Let us embrace our role as preachers of His name, with joy and anticipation for the day when He will gather His loved ones and bring them home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of spreading the glad news of salvation with the hymn Joy in the Gospel! Glad news of salvation! Join the angels in proclaiming His glorious fame and share His life-giving name with every nation. Embrace your role as a preacher of His name and witness the transformative power of Christ in the lives of others.
Joy In The Gospel Glad News Of Salvation - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy of spreading the glad news of salvation with the hymn "Joy in the Gospel! Glad news of salvation!" Join the angels in proclaiming His glorious fame and share His life-giving name with every nation. Embrace your role as a preacher of His name and witness the transformative power of Christ in the lives of others.