When Spring Unlocks The Flowers – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Beauty of Spring: "When Spring Unlocks The Flowers" celebrates God's creation and urges us to appreciate nature's wonders. Embrace the changing seasons and find solace in our Creator.

When Spring Unlocks The Flowers – Hymn Lyric

“When Spring Unlocks The Flowers” is a that celebrates the wonders of nature and acknowledges as the creator and sustainer of the earth. The poet expresses for the changing seasons and encourages us to appreciate the beauty around us. The hymn serves as a reminder to remain steadfast in our for God, even in the face of uncertainty.


When Spring Unlocks The Flowers – Hymn Lyric

When spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil;
When summer’s balmy showers refresh the mower’s toil;
When winter binds in frosty chains the fallow and the flood;
In God the earth rejoiceth still and owns his Maker good.

The birds that wake the and those that love the shade;
The winds that sweep the mountain or lull the drowsy glade;
The that from his amber bower rejoiceth on his way,
The moon and stars their Master’s Name in silent pomp display.

Shall man, the lord of nature, expectant of the sky,
Shall man alone, unthankful, his little praise deny?
No; let the forsake his course, the seasons cease to be,
Thee, Master, must we always love, and Savior, honor Thee.

The flowers of spring may wither, the hope of summer fade,
The autumn droop in winter, the birds forsake the shade;
The winds be lulled, the sun and moon forget their old decree;
But we, in nature’s latest hour, O Lord, will cling to Thee!


Meaning of When Spring Unlocks The Flowers

When Spring Unlocks The Flowers: A Celebration of God’s Creation

In this beautiful hymn, the poet reflects on the wonders of nature and the role of God as the creator and sustainer of the earth. The verses evoke a sense of gratitude and awe towards the changing seasons, from the vibrant blooms of spring to the refreshing rains of summer, and even to the frosty grip of winter. Throughout it all, the earth rejoices and acknowledges its Maker’s goodness.

The poet draws our attention to the birds that greet the morning with their joyful songs and the winds that sweep across the mountains, bringing both energy and peace to the land. They remind us of the harmony and balance that nature possesses. The sun, rising from its amber bower, and the moon and stars, silently displaying their Master’s Name, exemplify the grandeur of the universe and the majesty of God’s creation.

As the “lord of nature,” man too is called to appreciate and give thanks for the gifts bestowed upon him. It is not enough for him to expectantly wait for from above, but rather he should be grateful and offer praise to his Creator. The poet wonders why man, with the ability to reason and understand, would be unthankful and deny God his rightful praise. It is a call for humility and acknowledgment of our dependency on God’s providence.

The hymn emphasizes the eternal nature of God’s love and guidance. Even if the seasons were to cease and the year forsake its course, the poet reaffirms that we must always love and honor our Master, Jesus . This reminder reassures us that amidst the changing and sometimes uncertain nature of the natural world, we can find stability and comfort in our relationship with God.

The beauty of spring with its blooming flowers may fade, the hope of summer may give way to the somberness of autumn, and winter may cast a sense of . The birds may migrate, seeking warmer climates, and the winds may calm. Even the sun and moon may seemingly forget their old decree. However, the poem conveys that in nature’s “latest hour,” at the end of time, mankind must continue to cling to the Lord.

“When Spring Unlocks The Flowers” teaches us to appreciate the transient beauty of the natural world while recognizing the everlasting presence of God. The hymn encapsulates the gratitude we should feel for the changing seasons and the wonders of creation, reminding us of our responsibility to cherish and care for the earth. It speaks to our innate connection with the world around us and encourages us to find solace and strength in our relationship with our Creator.

In conclusion, “When Spring Unlocks The Flowers” offers a profound reminder of the importance of gratitude and reverence for God’s creation. By recognizing the beauty and resilience of nature, we are called to reflect on our place within the intricate tapestry of life. This timeless hymn emphasizes the need to remain steadfast in our love for God, even when faced with the impermanence of the seasons. Let us embrace the splendor of each new bloom, knowing it is a testament to our Maker’s boundless creativity and love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Beauty of Spring: When Spring Unlocks The Flowers celebrates God's creation and urges us to appreciate nature's wonders. Embrace the changing seasons and find solace in our Creator.
When Spring Unlocks The Flowers - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Beauty of Spring: "When Spring Unlocks The Flowers" celebrates God's creation and urges us to appreciate nature's wonders. Embrace the changing seasons and find solace in our Creator.