Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye – Hymn Lyric

Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye: Experience God's Compassion in this hymn. Learn how God cares for His people and calls us to show love and compassion to others.

Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye – Hymn Lyric

Of Souls With Pitying Eye” is a that highlights God’s unfailing love and compassion for His people. It emphasizes the responsibility we have to care for one another and extends a plea for God to bring to those who are lost and in need. The hymn encourages us to extend compassion, welcome the outcasts, and reflect God’s love in our own lives.


Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye – Hymn Lyric

Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye,
The thousands of our Israel see:
To Thee, in their behalf we cry,
Ourselves but newly found in Thee.

See, where o’er desert wastes they err,
And neither food nor feeder have,
Nor fold, nor place of refuge near;
For no man cares their souls to save.

Thy people, , are sold for naught,
Nor know they their Redeemer nigh;
They perish, whom Thyself hast bought;
Their souls for lack of knowledge die.

The pit its mouth hath opened wide,
To swallow up its careless prey;
Why should they die, when Thou hast died,
Hast died to bear their sins ?

Why should the foe Thy purchase seize?
Remember, Lord, Thy dying groans:
The meed of all Thy these;
O claim them for Thy ransomed ones!

Extend to these Thy pardoning ;
To these be Thy salvation showed:
O add them to Thy chosen race!
O sprinkle all their hearts with blood!

Still let the publicans draw near:
Open the door of faith and ;
And grant their hearts Thy word to hear,
And all their sins forgiven.


Meaning of Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye

Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye: The Compassion of God for His People

In the hymn “Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye”, we are reminded of the unfailing love and compassion that God has for His people, and the responsibility we have to care for one another. The hymn speaks of the plight of the Israelites, who are lost and wandering in the desert, without any guidance or support. They have no food, no shelter, and no one to protect them. It is a desperate situation, and yet, amidst the despair, there is a glimmer of hope.

The hymn begins by addressing God as the Shepherd of our souls. This imagery symbolizes the role of God as our protector and guide. Just as a shepherd cares for his flock and ensures their well-being, God watches over His people with a pitying eye. He sees their struggles and their pain, and He hears their cries for help. It is in these moments of desperation that we turn to God, seeking His guidance and support.

As we reflect on the hymn, we can draw parallels to our own lives. We have all experienced times of uncertainty and despair, where it feels like we are wandering in a desert, with no direction or purpose. We may feel lost, alone, and without hope. However, just as God sees the plight of the Israelites, He sees us in our struggles. He knows our pain and our fears, and He is always there to offer His love and compassion.

The hymn also highlights the lack of care and concern for the Israelites by their fellow men. The people have been sold for nothing, left to fend for themselves with no knowledge of their Redeemer. This emphasizes the importance of community and the responsibility we have to care for one another. It is not enough to simply look out for our own well-being; we must also extend a helping hand to those in need.

In today’s society, it is easy to become consumed with our own lives and problems. We may turn a blind eye to the struggles of others, believing that it is not our responsibility to help. However, this hymn reminds us that as followers of God, we are called to show compassion and love to all. We should not only be concerned with our own salvation, but also with the salvation of those around us.

The hymn goes on to remind us of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. He died to bear our sins away and to offer us redemption and salvation. In His dying groans, we find the ultimate expression of God’s love for us. He everything so that we could be forgiven and reconciled with Him.

This sacrifice should not be in vain. The hymn calls on God to claim His ransomed ones and to extend His pardoning grace to all. It is a plea for God to bring people into His chosen race, to sprinkle their hearts with His blood, and to offer them salvation. The hymn recognizes that there is no one beyond God’s reach. It acknowledges that even the publicans, who were seen as the outcasts and sinners of society, should be welcomed into the Kingdom of God.

This message of inclusivity and forgiveness is a powerful reminder of God’s unconditional love for all His children. It challenges us to look beyond our own biases and prejudices, and to see the worth and value in every individual. Just as God extends His grace to us, we are called to extend that same grace to others.

In conclusion, the hymn “Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye” reminds us of the compassion and love that God has for His people. It is a call to action, urging us to care for one another and to extend God’s love to all. As we reflect on the words of this hymn, may we be inspired to show compassion, welcome the outcasts, and extend forgiveness to all those in need. We can take comfort in knowing that no matter how lost and wandering we may feel, God is always there, with His pitying eye, ready to guide and protect us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye: Experience God's Compassion in this hymn. Learn how God cares for His people and calls us to show love and compassion to others.
Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye - Hymn Lyric - Shepherd Of Souls With Pitying Eye: Experience God's Compassion in this hymn. Learn how God cares for His people and calls us to show love and compassion to others.