O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea – Hymn Lyric

Experience the serenity of Jesus teaching by the sea in the hymn "O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea." Gain insight into His teachings

O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea – Hymn Lyric

The “O I To Of As He Sat Beside The Sea” beautifully captures the peaceful and awe-inspiring moments when Jesus taught His followers by the sea. As we reflect on these precious moments, we can gain valuable insights about Jesus’ teachings and the profound impact they had on those who listened. This hymn invites us to imagine ourselves amidst the crowd, to experience the teachings of Jesus firsthand and be transformed into true disciples.


O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea – Hymn Lyric

Oh, I love to think of Jesus
As he sat beside the sea;
Where the waves were only murm’ring
On the strand;
When he sat within the boat
On the silver wave afloat
Where he taught the waiting people
On the land.

Oh, I love to think of Jesus
By the sea;
Oh, I love to think of Jesus
By the sea,
And I love the precious Word,
Which he spake to them that heard,
While he taught the waiting people
By the sea.

Oh, I love to think of Jesus
As he walked upon the sea;
When the waves were rolling fearfully and grand;
How the winds and waves were still,
At the bidding of his will,
While he brought his loved disciples
Safe to land.

Oh, I love to think of Jesus
By the sea,
How he walked upon the wave,
His beloved ones to save,
While he brought them safely o’er
The stormy sea.

Oh, I love to think of Jesus
As he walked beside the sea;
Where the fishers spread their nets
Upon the shore:
How he bade them follow him
And forsake the paths of sin,
And to be his true disciples

Oh, I love to think of Jesus
By the sea,
And I long to leave my all,
At my dear Redeemer’s call,
And his true
Evermore to be.


Meaning of O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea

O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea

The hymn “O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea” beautifully captures the peaceful and awe-inspiring moments when Jesus taught His followers by the sea. As we reflect on these precious moments, we can gain valuable insights about Jesus’ teachings and the profound impact they had on those who listened.

In the first verse of the hymn, we are invited to imagine Jesus sitting by the sea, where the waves softly murmured on the shore. This image paints a serene and tranquil picture, suggesting a calmness and tranquility that Jesus possessed. It is in moments like these that Jesus spoke to the waiting people on the land, imparting His words of wisdom and guidance. This verse evokes a sense of longing to experience the teachings of Jesus firsthand, to sit amongst the crowd and soak in His teachings.

When we think of Jesus walking upon the sea in the second verse, we are reminded of His power and authority over nature. The waves, fearfully and grandly rolling, were stilled at His command. Jesus showcased His divine ability to overcome the storms of , bringing hope to His beloved disciples. This image of Jesus walking on water resonates with the human desire for safety and security amidst life’s trials. Just as Jesus brought His disciples safely to land, He offers us the same assurance and protection.

The third verse of the hymn transports us to a different scene, where Jesus walks beside the sea and encounters the fishers spreading their nets on the shore. In this moment, Jesus calls them to forsake their paths of sin and become His true disciples. This verse highlights Jesus’ compassion and invitation to all, regardless of their background or past mistakes. It reminds us that Jesus is not only a teacher, but also a redeemer, offering us forgiveness and a chance to start anew.

The hymn’s title, “O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea,” encapsulates the theme of reflection and admiration for Jesus’ teachings by the sea. This rich imagery guides our imagining of Jesus in these peaceful moments and encourages us to consider the profound impact His teachings can have on our lives.

As we delve further into the meaning behind this hymn, we can apply its lessons to our own lives. Firstly, the hymn emphasizes the significance of finding solace and guidance in Jesus’ teachings. Just as the people eagerly listened to Jesus by the sea, we too should take time to study His words, pondering on the wisdom and love they convey. By immersing ourselves in the Scriptures, we can find comfort, encouragement, and answers to the challenges we face.

Secondly, the hymn highlights Jesus’ miraculous power over nature and His ability to calm the storms in our lives. When we feel overwhelmed by the trials and tribulations of life, we can trust in Jesus’ authority to and rescue us from the turmoil. By placing our in Him, we can navigate even the most turbulent waters with confidence, knowing that Jesus is by our side every step of the way.

Thirdly, the hymn invites us to recognize Jesus’ call to discipleship and His offer of redemption. Just as Jesus urged the fishers by the sea to follow Him, we too are called to leave behind our old ways and embrace a life of discipleship. This involves surrendering our desires and ambitions to align ourselves with God’s will. By accepting Jesus’ invitation, we can experience the transformative power of His love and become true followers of Christ.

In conclusion, the hymn “O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea” ignites our imagination and transports us to the serene moments when Jesus taught by the sea. As we reflect on these scenes and the profound teachings they symbolize, we are reminded of the importance of studying Jesus’ words, finding solace in His power, and embracing the call to discipleship. May we always cherish these thoughts and carry them with us into our own lives, seeking to live as true disciples of Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the serenity of Jesus teaching by the sea in the hymn O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea. Gain insight into His teachings, His power over nature, and His call to discipleship. Reflect on His wisdom and find solace in His love.
O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea - Hymn Lyric - Experience the serenity of Jesus teaching by the sea in the hymn "O I Love To Think Of Jesus As He Sat Beside The Sea." Gain insight into His teachings, His power over nature, and His call to discipleship. Reflect on His wisdom and find solace in His love.