Jesus Triumphant When The Storm-clouds Break – Hymn Lyric

Discover the triumph of Jesus in the midst of life's storms. Find hope and solace as His loving voice guides you through troubles. Experience His triumph over sin and witness His glory in the last triumph of grace. Choose to walk with Him and live in His victorious love.

Jesus Triumphant When The Storm-clouds Break – Hymn Lyric

In times of trouble and uncertainty, Jesus remains triumphant when the storm-clouds break. He awakens our souls and guides us through the fleeting years, reminding us to find hope in Him. His overcomes all obstacles, giving us comfort and assurance in the midst of our struggles.


Jesus Triumphant When The Storm-clouds Break – Hymn Lyric

Jesus triumphant when the storm-clouds break,
And the loud thunder bids the awake;
When biting blasts lay earthly projects low,
And one by one the fondest treasures go.

Jesus triumphant, thro’ the fleeting years;
Jesus triumphant, spite of blinding tears;
High over all, to hear loving voice,
Which bids the heart look upward and rejoice.

Jesus triumphant, when in work for Thee,
Sad and disheartened, no results we see;
When gathered force of evil seems to win,
And work for seems lost in work of sin.

Jesus triumphant all along the line;
Triumphant , all Thy triumph mine;
For since I am a partner in Thy love,
My life on earth is lived through Thee above.

Jesus triumphant as I fall asleep,
No fear of death to those whom Thou shalt keep;
Jesus triumphant when the body dies,
And earth in earth, all that is mortal lies.

Jesus triumphant when the spirit wings
and upward to the King of kings;
And through the last great triumph of Thy grace
Triumphant saints shall see Thee face to face.


Meaning of Jesus Triumphant When The Storm-clouds Break

In times of trouble and uncertainty, when storm clouds gather and thunder roars, it is Jesus who triumphs. He is the one who awakens our souls, reminding us to look beyond the earthly troubles and find hope in Him. Even when our plans crumble and our treasures slip , Jesus remains triumphant, guiding us through the fleeting years.

No matter how many tears may blind our eyes, Jesus stands tall, victorious over all obstacles. His loving voice resonates above the noise, encouraging us to lift our hearts and find in Him. In times of despair, when it feels like our efforts for His work yield no results and the forces of evil seem to overpower, Jesus remains triumphant, shining a amidst the darkness.

As we march forward in our partnership with Jesus, we understand that His triumph is intertwined with ours. We are not alone or abandoned in our struggles, for we share in His love and victory. Our lives on this earth are lived through Him, and His triumph becomes our own.

Even as we fall asleep, Jesus remains triumphant. There is no fear of death for those who are kept by Him. He is the source of comfort and assurance as we surrender our bodies to rest. And when our mortal bodies return to the embrace of the earth, it is Jesus who triumphs. He transcends the physical, and even in death, He leads us to eternal life.

When our spirits take flight, soaring onward and upward towards the King of kings, it is Jesus who triumphs. Through His grace, we experience the ultimate victory, witnessing His glorious face. Our journey culminates in the last great triumph, in the presence of Jesus, where triumphant saints bask in His divine presence.

The hymn “Jesus Triumphant When The Storm-clouds Break” resonates with believers across the ages, reminding us that Jesus is always victorious and triumphant. No matter the storms we face, whether in our personal lives or in the world, His power surpasses all. It serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging us to turn to Him during times of trouble.

Jesus’ triumph is not limited to a single moment or event, but rather encompasses all aspects of our lives. He is triumphant in the storms that shake our foundations, in the doubts and fears that plague us. His triumph extends to our daily work for Him, even when it seems fruitless or overshadowed by the forces of sin. Jesus is triumphant, not just for Himself, but for each one of us who choose to walk with Him.

This hymn speaks to the core of our faith, reminding us that Jesus’ triumph is not just a future promise, but a present reality. It encourages us to persevere in times of hardship, knowing that His victory is already secured. In the face of adversity, we can find solace in His triumph and hope in His unfailing love.

So, let us hold on to the truth that Jesus is triumphant when the storm-clouds break. With Him by our side, we can weather any storm, knowing that His love and power will triumph over all. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the faithfulness of our Savior and inspire us to live in the light of His triumph every day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the triumph of Jesus in the midst of life's storms. Find hope and solace as His loving voice guides you through troubles. Experience His triumph over sin and witness His glory in the last triumph of grace. Choose to walk with Him and live in His victorious love.
Jesus Triumphant When The Storm-clouds Break - Hymn Lyric - Discover the triumph of Jesus in the midst of life's storms. Find hope and solace as His loving voice guides you through troubles. Experience His triumph over sin and witness His glory in the last triumph of grace. Choose to walk with Him and live in His victorious love.