Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible power and love of Jesus in "Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow." Find hope

Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Jesus Is Waiting His To Bestow,” we are reminded of the incredible power and love of Jesus. The song speaks to His ability to forgive our sins, His willingness to give His life for us, and His strength to save us from our struggles. This hymn encourages us to rely on Jesus’s leadership, bring our burdens to Him, and look to Him for and guidance. It assures us that Jesus is mighty to save and that His grace is available to all who seek it.


Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is waiting His grace to bestow,
Sin “red like crimson” He makes white as snow;
Loving us freely, His life-blood He gave;
Redeemer-He’s mighty to save!

Mighty to save, mighty to save-
Jesus is mighty to save!
Mighty to save, mighty to save-
Jesus is mighty to save!

Standing alone in the we shall fail,
Close to our Leader His might will prevail;
Or if a for others we crave,
Look up to Jesus-He’s mighty to save! [Refrain]

Take Him the burden that weighs on your heart,
Take Him the trouble, He’ll comfort impart;
Held by His hand we can walk on the wave;
Look up to Jesus-He’s mighty to save! [Refrain]

Up from the valley the darkness is gone,
When Jesus brings there the beauty of dawn;
Vict’ry, glad vict’ry, we sing o’er the grave!
Glory to Jesus-He’s mighty to save! [Refrain]


Meaning of Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow

In the hymn “Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow,” we are reminded of the incredible power and love of Jesus. The song speaks to His ability to forgive our sins, His willingness to give His life for us, and His strength to save us from our struggles.

The verse begins by describing Jesus as waiting to bestow His grace upon us. This grace is compared to making our sins, which are as red as crimson, white as snow. This paints a powerful picture of Jesus’s ability to cleanse us from our wrongdoing and offer us a fresh start. It is a comforting reminder that no matter how deep our sins or mistakes may be, Jesus’s grace is greater.

The refrain repeats the phrase “Mighty to save” to emphasize Jesus’s strength and ability to save us from our sins and the struggles we face in life. This repetition drives the message and instills a sense of hope and assurance in the listener. Jesus is not just capable of saving us, but He is mighty in doing so. This speaks to His power and authority over all things.

The verse continues by encouraging us to rely on Jesus’s leadership in our lives. It acknowledges that when we try to stand alone in the face of struggles, we are likely to fail. However, when we draw close to Jesus and follow His guidance, His might will prevail. This reminds us that we do not have to face life’s challenges on our own. Jesus is there to support and strengthen us, giving us the ability to overcome.

Additionally, the verse urges us to look to Jesus when we desire blessings for others. Sometimes, we may feel helpless or unsure of how to help those around us. However, the hymn reassures us that when we lift our eyes to Jesus, we will find the strength and wisdom we need to be a blessing to others. Jesus’s power to save extends beyond our own lives and reaches out to impact the lives of those we care about.

The next stanza encourages us to bring our burdens and troubles to Jesus. It assures us that when we entrust our worries and cares to Him, He will bring comfort and relief. This reminds us that we do not have to carry the weight of our problems on our own. Jesus is there to offer support and bring to our hearts.

The hymn then paints a picture of Jesus holding our hand and guiding us through the storms of life. Just as Peter walked on when he kept his eyes on Jesus, we too can walk on the waves of life’s challenges when we focus on Him. This imagery serves as a reminder that no matter how tumultuous life may get, we can find stability and strength in our relationship with Jesus.

Finally, the verse speaks of the victory and joy that comes from Jesus’s saving power. It describes how darkness dissipates and is replaced by the beauty of dawn when Jesus is present. This serves as a reminder that in Jesus, we can find hope, victory, and new beginnings. Even in the face of death, we have reason to because Jesus conquered the grave and offers us eternal life.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow” reminds us of the power and love of Jesus. It speaks to His ability to forgive our sins, His willingness to give His life for us, and His strength to save us from our struggles. This song urges us to rely on Jesus’s leadership, bring our burdens to Him, and look to Him for blessings and guidance. It assures us that Jesus is mighty to save and that His grace is available to all who seek it. May these words encourage and uplift us as we journey through life with Jesus by our side.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible power and love of Jesus in Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow. Find hope, forgiveness, and strength in His ability to save and guide us through life's challenges.
Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible power and love of Jesus in "Jesus Is Waiting His Grace To Bestow." Find hope, forgiveness, and strength in His ability to save and guide us through life's challenges.