Jesus Loves Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Unconditional Love and Protection of Jesus in the Hymn "Jesus Loves Me." Find reassurance

Jesus Loves Me – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Me: A Powerful Message of Unconditional and Protection The hymn “Jesus Loves Me” reminds us of Jesus’ immense love and care for us. It reassures us that He is always near, guiding and protecting us through life’s challenges. It is a hymn that brings hope and assurance, reminding us of His sacrificial love, His attentiveness to our , and His watchful eye.


Jesus Loves Me – Hymn Lyric

Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me!
He is always, always near;
If I try to please Him truly,
There is naught that I can fear.

Jesus loves me; well I know it,
For to save my soul He died;
He for me bore pain and sorrow,
Nailed hands and pierced side.

Jesus loves me; and morning
Jesus hears the prayers I pray;
And He never, never leaves me,
When I or when I play.

Jesus loves me; and He watches
Over me with loving eye,
And He sends His holy angels
Safe to keep me till I die.

Jesus loves me; O Lord Jesus,
Now I pray , by Thy love,
Keep me ever pure and holy,
Till I come to Thee above!


Meaning of Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves Me: A Powerful Message of Unconditional Love and Protection

In the vast world we live in, filled with uncertainties and challenges, it is often reassuring to know that we have someone who loves us unconditionally. Someone who is always near, guiding and protecting us. This someone is none other than Jesus himself. As we the beautiful hymn “Jesus Loves Me,” we are reminded of the immense love and care that He has for each and every one of us.

From the very first verse, we are emphatically reminded of this truth: Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me! These simple words have a profound impact on our hearts and minds. They remind us that amidst all the complexities of life, we can always find solace in the fact that Jesus loves us. And not just in a distant, theoretical way, but in a tangible and personal manner.

The hymn continues to affirm that Jesus is always near. He is not a God who is far off, but one who walks beside us, every step of the way. When we try to please Him truly, we realize that there is no need to fear. For His love is not conditional, dependent on our achievements or successes. It is a love that is freely given, no matter what. There is no greater reassurance than knowing that we are truly loved, flaws and all.

The second verse of the hymn takes us deeper into the sacrificial love of Jesus. It testifies to the fact that He willingly laid down His life to save our souls. His love was so great that He bore immense pain and sorrow, with nails in His hands and a pierced side. This act of love, displayed on the cross, is a constant reminder of His immense sacrifice for us. It is a love that goes beyond human comprehension, a love that has the power to transform lives.

As we move on to the third verse, we are reminded that Jesus hears our prayers both day and night. There is no time when He is unavailable or distant. He is ever-present, attentive to our needs and concerns. This realization brings immense comfort and peace, knowing that we are never alone. Whether we are working diligently or playing joyfully, He is with us every step of the way. His love is not limited by time or circumstance.

Moreover, Jesus watches over us with a loving eye. He appoints holy angels to keep us safe till the end of our days. This assurance speaks volumes about His protective nature. It is a constant reminder that we are not left to navigate the challenges of life on our own. His watchful eye is upon us, guiding and guarding us through every twist and turn. In this hectic world, where dangers may lurk, we can take refuge in the knowledge that we are under the divine protection of Jesus’ love.

The final verse of the hymn encapsulates a heartfelt prayer to Jesus. We acknowledge that He loves us and we in turn pray that He will keep us ever pure and holy till the day we come to Him in heaven. It is an expression of our to be faithful to His love and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. This prayer is a testament to the fact that the love of Jesus not only brings comfort and reassurance but also inspires us to live a life worthy of His sacrifice.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Loves Me” reminds us of the immense love that Jesus has for each and every one of us. It speaks of His constant presence, His sacrificial love on the cross, His attentiveness to our prayers, His watchful eye, and His divine protection. It is a hymn that brings hope and assurance, especially in times of doubt or uncertainty. May we hold on to this message and allow the love of Jesus to transform our lives, bringing us peace, joy, and hope. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Unconditional Love and Protection of Jesus in the Hymn Jesus Loves Me. Find reassurance, guidance, and eternal hope in His constant presence and sacrificial love. Trust in Jesus' watchful eye and His divine protection, knowing that He loves you unconditionally.
Jesus Loves Me - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Unconditional Love and Protection of Jesus in the Hymn "Jesus Loves Me." Find reassurance, guidance, and eternal hope in His constant presence and sacrificial love. Trust in Jesus' watchful eye and His divine protection, knowing that He loves you unconditionally.