Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears – Hymn Lyric

Find strength in faith with the hymn "Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears." Let go of worries

Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears – Hymn Lyric

Awake Our Our Fears Engaging Explore the powerful hymn “Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears,” which reminds us to find strength in our faith during times of uncertainty and fear. Through trust in ‘s mighty power and the refreshment of His , we can cast aside our trembling thoughts and journey with courage and determination on the path of . Let us awaken our souls, conquer our fears, and embrace the road that awaits us.


Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears – Hymn Lyric

Awake, our souls; away, our fears;
let every trembling thought be gone;
awake and run the heavenly race,
and put a cheerful courage on.

True, ’tis a strait and thorny road,
and mortal spirits tire and faint;
but they forget the mighty God
that feeds the strength of every saint:

The mighty God, whose matchless power
is ever new and ever young,
and firm endures, while endless years
their everlasting circles run.

From thee, the overflowing spring,
our souls shall drink a fresh supply,
while such as trust their native strength
shall melt away, and droop, and die.

Swift as an eagle cuts the air,
we’ll mount aloft to thine abode;
on wings of love our souls shall fly,
nor tire amidst the heavenly road.


Meaning of Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears

Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears: Finding Strength in Faith

In times of uncertainty and fear, it is natural for our souls to be filled with worry and doubt. We may encounter obstacles and challenges that make us feel and tired. But it is during these moments that we must remember the power of faith and the strength it can give us. The hymn “Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears” reminds us to cast aside our trembling thoughts and run the race of life with courageous hearts.

Life is often described as a strait and thorny road, one that can make our spirits tire and faint. It is true, the path we walk is not always smooth, and we may face difficulties along the way. But in our weariness, we tend to forget the mighty God who sustains and strengthens every saint. The hymn calls us to remember the matchless power of our Heavenly Father, a power that is ever new and ever young. It is a power that endures throughout endless years, never faltering or growing weak.

When we feel depleted, it is important to turn to God, the overflowing spring of strength and renewal. Just as we drink from a physical spring to quench our thirst, our souls can drink from God’s abundant love and grace. Trusting in our own strength will only lead to disappointment and despair, as it is limited and will eventually melt away. But in God’s strength, we find the sustenance that will never run dry. It is in this trust and reliance on God that our souls find the refreshment they need to persevere.

Like an eagle soaring high above the earth, we too can rise above our fears and limitations. On wings of love, our souls can take flight and journey towards God’s abode. The hymn encourages us not to tire amidst the heavenly road, reminding us that with God as our guide, we can face any challenge with faith and perseverance. Just as an eagle cuts through the air effortlessly, we can navigate through life’s difficulties with grace and confidence.

Finding strength in our faith is not about avoiding struggles or pretending they don’t exist. It is about acknowledging the obstacles we face and trusting that God’s love and power will carry us through. The hymn “Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears” serves as a reminder that our fears and doubts need not define us. Instead, we can choose to awaken our souls to the possibilities that lie ahead and put on a courageous , knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

In conclusion, the hymn “Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears” speaks to the importance of finding strength in our faith. It encourages us to let go of our trembling thoughts and run the race of life with courage and determination. Life may present us with challenges and obstacles, but through trust in God’s mighty power and the refreshment of His love, we can find the endurance we need to persevere. So let us awaken our souls, cast away our fears, and journey towards the heavenly road that awaits us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find strength in faith with the hymn Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears. Let go of worries, run life's race courageously, and trust in God's power to persevere.
Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears - Hymn Lyric - Find strength in faith with the hymn "Awake Our Souls Away Our Fears." Let go of worries, run life's race courageously, and trust in God's power to persevere.