Jesus A Child His Course Begun – Hymn Lyric

Discover lessons in love and service from "Jesus A Child His Course Begun." Follow Jesus' example in starting your faith journey early

Jesus A Child His Course Begun – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus A Child His Course Begun: Lessons in Love and Service” is a that teaches us important lessons about love, service, and following Jesus’ example in our own lives. Through Jesus’ early beginnings, we learn the importance of starting our journey of early, being humble and compassionate, and seeking guidance through prayer. We are reminded to extend love and compassion to all, especially the most vulnerable, and to treasure and meditate on Jesus’ teachings.


Jesus A Child His Course Begun – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, a child, His work begun:
How radiant dawned His heavenly day!
And those who such a race would run,
As early should be on their way.

His Father’s business was His care;
Yet in man’s favor still He grew;
O might we learn by thought and prayer,
Like Him a work of love to do!

For all mankind He , nor yet
An infant’s visit would deny;
Nor friend nor mother did forget
In His last hour of .

O , ask Him to impart
That clear, that temper mild,
Which made the mother in her heart
Keep all the sayings of her Child.

Bless Him who said, of such as you
His Father’s kingdom is: and still,
His yoke to bear, His work to do,
Study His life to learn His will.


Meaning of Jesus A Child His Course Begun

Jesus A Child His Course Begun: Lessons in Love and Service

In the hymn “Jesus A Child His Course Begun,” we are reminded of the early beginnings of Jesus’ journey on this earth. This beautiful hymn teaches us important lessons about love, service, and the importance of following Jesus’ example in our own lives.

The verse tells us how Jesus, as a child, started His work. His presence brought a radiant dawn to humanity, and those who wish to run the race of life successfully should start early on their way. This reminds us that it’s never too early to begin our own journey of faith and service.

We are reminded of Jesus’ unwavering commitment to His Father’s business. Despite being fully divine, He still grew in favor with humans, showing us the importance of humility and compassion. This teaches us that even when we have great responsibilities, we should always make time to care for others and be of service to them.

The hymn invites us to learn from Jesus’ example through thought and prayer, to be inspired to also do a work of love. This emphasizes the importance of reflecting on Jesus’ life and teachings, and seeking guidance through prayer to understand how we can follow in His footsteps.

Jesus came to earth for the sake of all humanity, not denying even the littlest and most vulnerable among us. This is exemplified through His willingness to be as an infant and His care for His friends and mother even in His most difficult hour. This reminds us to extend love and compassion to all, no matter their age, status, or circumstance.

As children, we are encouraged to ask Jesus to give us the same spirit of clarity and a gentle temperament that Mary had. We are reminded of Mary’s faithfulness in treasuring and pondering the sayings of her Child in her heart. This teaches us the importance of cherishing and meditating on the teachings of Jesus, allowing them to shape our lives and actions.

The hymn encourages us to bless Jesus, who declares that the Father’s kingdom belongs to those who are childlike. This reminds us that childlike qualities such as trust, innocence, and openness are highly valued in ‘s kingdom. We are also urged to take up His yoke and do His work, studying His life to understand and fulfill His will.

In conclusion, “Jesus A Child His Course Begun” teaches us valuable lessons in love and service. Through Jesus’ example, we learn the importance of starting our own journey of faith early, being humble and compassionate in our interactions with others, and seeking guidance through prayer and reflection. We are reminded to extend love and compassion to all, especially the most vulnerable. As children, we are encouraged to treasure and meditate on Jesus’ teachings, and to cultivate childlike qualities that God values. May we learn from Jesus’ life and continue to grow in love and service, just as He did from childhood.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover lessons in love and service from Jesus A Child His Course Begun. Follow Jesus' example in starting your faith journey early, being humble and compassionate, and seeking guidance through prayer and reflection. Treasure His teachings and cultivate childlike qualities for growth in love and service.
Jesus A Child His Course Begun - Hymn Lyric - Discover lessons in love and service from "Jesus A Child His Course Begun." Follow Jesus' example in starting your faith journey early, being humble and compassionate, and seeking guidance through prayer and reflection. Treasure His teachings and cultivate childlike qualities for growth in love and service.