Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song – Hymn Lyric

Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song: Unite in joyful adoration

Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song – Hymn Lyric

to the Lord a new melodious song, full of joy and love that knows no wrong. Let all tribes and tongues unite, lifting their voices in glorious flight. His reigns wide as the world’s expanse, and His love resounds in the rapturous dance.


Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song – Hymn Lyric

Sing to the Lord a new melodious song:
Assist the Choir, ye tribes of every tongue:
Wide as the world his sovereign mercy reigns;
Wide as the world resound the rapturous strains

Ye Angels, join the joyful acclamation,
And sing the Love, that brings to me Salvation.
His gracious eye behold in full survey,
Where Adam’s race in mingled ruin lay:

No human aid the danger could avert;
No Angel’s hand could soothe the raging smart;
In his own breast divine compassion rises,
And the grand scheme the host of Heaven surprises.

God’s only which heavenly glories bright,
His Father’s fairest image and delight,
Justice and grace the victim have decreed,
To wear our flesh, and in that flesh to bleed;

Prostrate in dust, ye sinners, all adore him,
And tremble, while your hearts rejoice before him.
The wondrous work is done; the Covenant stood,
And Christ atones for human guilt with blood;

Nailed to the tree he bows his sacred head;
A mangled corpse he sojourns with the dead;
Rising, the Gospel sends through every nation;
Sinners believe, and gain complete salvation.

Father of grace, accept our humble praise
O let it run through everlasting days!
And , blest , spotless Lamb of God,
Accept the souls dear-ramsomed with thy blood.

And to those songs, form all our feeble voices,
In which the choir round thy bright throne rejoices.


Meaning of Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song

“Sing to the Lord a New Melodious Song” is more than just a collection of beautiful words that inspire us. It’s a vibrant call to praise, a reminder of the endless love and salvation that dwells in the heart of worship. Let’s unfold the splendor and meaning represented in each verse, imagining a song that echoes in every corner of the earth, celebrating the most incredible story ever told.

Imagine the world as a vast stage and each of us as members of an extraordinary choir. We’re invited to “Sing to the Lord a New Melodious Song,” to lift our voices in harmony with nature, with our friends, and even with the angels up above. The beauty of this chorus isn’t just in the notes we hit or the rhythms we keep—it’s in the collective joy we share when we sing about the mercy that covers our world as wide and endlessly as the ocean.

Now, picture the angels joining in our song! They’re the ones who’ve witnessed the wonders of Heaven and still, they’re in awe of the love that brings us salvation. It’s as if they’re cheering us on, amazed by the grace and love that look down upon the human race, seeing where we have stumbled and offering us a hand to rise again.

How incredible is it to that the help we needed couldn’t from just any hero, not from the strongest warriors or the most powerful leaders, not even from the angels themselves? It was compassion—pure, heartfelt compassion—that set in motion a rescue plan like no other. The whole host of Heaven was in awe, because the plan came from the very heart of God.

The sacrifice that this plan required was grand. The Son of God, a figure of heavenly glory and the image of divine perfection, agreed to take on our humble form, to live as we do, and to experience our deepest pains. This decision for justice to meet grace, for a king to become a servant, for the divine to bleed as human—it’s a story that should stir the depths of every heart. As we sing about this profound mystery, we lay down before Him in awe while the spark of joy flickers within us.

Our song continues as we think about the sacrifice that was made. We visualize the moments where battle lines were drawn, where defeat seemed certain, and where one man changed everything. This song isn’t just a tune we hum; it’s a dramatic tale of love winning against the odds. Christ’s triumph isn’t just a verse we sing; it’s the heart of salvation and the promise of a new beginning for all.

It’s a joy to know that this song isn’t over. It echoes throughout history, into the present, and reaches into eternity. The wondrous work is done, the promise is kept, and the good news is being spread to every corner of the world. We are called to believe and receive the freedom of complete salvation.

Our song finishes by inviting all to share in this ongoing melody of gratitude. “Father of grace, accept our humble praise,” we sing, hoping that our thanks will echo through time. And to the Savior, the spotless Lamb of God, we offer lives redeemed by His sacrifice, promising to add our voices to the heavenly chorus that resounds around His throne.

Remember, “Sing to the Lord a New Melodious Song” isn’t just a phrase to repeat—it’s an invitation to experience and join in the wonderful story of redemption. It’s a call to share the joy, to widen the circle, and to make the choir of praise larger and louder. Every child, teen, and adult, regardless of where we come from or what language we speak, has a place in this global choir.

As we embrace this melodious mission, let’s remember that our song is special because it comes from the heart. We may not have the most perfect pitch or the ability to wow crowds with our voices, but our sincere praise is music to the ears of the One who loves us beyond measure. So, let’s sing with courage, with faith, and with grand anticipation for the moments when our songs of earth mingle with the harmonies of Heaven.

Every time we come together, whether in the quiet corners of our homes or in the bustling halls of our schools, our song can be a of hope. It can lift the spirits of those who hear it, remind us of the love that surrounds us, and motivate us to live out the harmonies of grace and in our daily lives.

So grab a friend, hum a tune, and let the melody of salvation out. “Sing to the Lord a New Melodious Song” and discover the everlasting joy that comes from joining in this eternal chorus of praise and wonder.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song: Unite in joyful adoration, let voices resound. His wide mercy brings salvation. Sing and praise the Lord's love.
Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song - Hymn Lyric - Sing To The Lord A New Melodious Song: Unite in joyful adoration, let voices resound. His wide mercy brings salvation. Sing and praise the Lord's love.