The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and beauty of the golden sunbeams with their gleaming light. Witness God's glory and power in His creations. Praise Him and offer Him our heartfelt gratitude. Find rest and eternal bliss in His loving presence.

The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams – Hymn Lyric

“The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams” is a hymn that celebrates the and mirth brought by the golden sunbeams. It encourages us to appreciate the beautiful and heart-cheering light they spread, especially after the dark and silent hours of the night. The hymn reminds us to praise God for His wondrous creations and His everlasting presence in our lives.


The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams – Hymn Lyric

The golden sunbeams with their joyous gleams,
Are kindling o’er earth, her life and mirth,
Shedding forth lovely and heart-cheering light;
Through the dark hours’ chill I lay silent and still,
But risen at length to gladness and strength,
I gaze on the heavens all glowing and bright.

Mine eyes now behold Thy works, that of old
And ever are telling to all men here dwelling,
How great is Thy , how wondrous Thy power;
They tell of the home where the faithful shall come,
Who depart to that peace that can change not or cease,
From earth where all passeth as passes the hour.

O come let us raise our voices, and praise
The Maker of all, at His feet let us fall,
Offering to Him again all He hath given,
The best that is ours, our hearts and our powers;
Glad songs that we sing Him, thanks that we bring Him,
These are the incense most grateful to .

and thus ever He cares for us,
Blessing, renewing, warding off ruin,
These are His works, thus His goodness we prove;
When we are sleeping, watch He is keeping,
When we arise, He gladdens our eyes
With the sunshine of mercy, the glow of His love.

All passeth away, but God liveth aye,
And changeth in nought; His thought,
His Word and His Will are steadfast and sure;
Never His grace nor His mercy decays,
It heals the sad heart from its deadliest smart,
Giving it life that shall ever endure.

God, Thou my crown! forgiving look down,
And hide from Thy face through Thy pitying grace,
All my transgressions against Thy command;
Henceforth, oh rule me, guide me and school me,
As Thou seest fit; my ways I commit
All to Thy pleasure, Thy merciful hand.

Crosses and sorrow may end with the morrow,
Stormiest seas shall sink into peace,
The wild winds are hushed, and the sunshine returns;
So fulness of rest and the calm of the blest,
Are waiting me there, in that garden most fair,
That home for which daily my here yearns.


Meaning of The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams

The golden sunbeams with their joyous gleams bring life and mirth to the earth. They shine brightly, spreading beautiful and heart-cheering light all around. It is a sight to behold, especially after the dark and silent hours of the night. As I awaken to this newfound gladness and strength, I cannot help but gaze upon the heavens, which are glowing and bright.

In this moment, my eyes truly see the wonders of God’s creation. Through His magnificent works, He constantly reminds us of His great glory and wondrous power. All who dwell on this earth bear to these creations, for they are an everlasting testament to His greatness. They also serve as a reminder of the eternal home that awaits the faithful who depart from this passing world.

Let us come together and raise our voices in praise of the Maker of all things. Let us bow down at His feet and offer Him all that He has given us, the best of what we have to offer – our hearts and our powers. Our joyful songs and heartfelt thanks are like incense, a sweet fragrance that ascends to Heaven, pleasing to His ears.

God’s care for us is never-ending. He blesses us, renews us, and protects us from harm. His goodness is constant and unwavering. Even when we sleep, He keeps watch over us. And when we awaken, He fills our eyes with the sunshine of His mercy and the warmth of His love. His presence in our lives is a comforting and guiding force.

Everything on this earth may pass away, but God is everlasting. He does not change, for His thoughts, His Word, and His Will are steadfast and sure. His grace and mercy never cease; they heal even the most wounded and saddened hearts, giving life that will endure forever. He is our crown, our protector, and our forgiver. We humbly ask Him to look upon us with forgiveness and grace, to protect us from the consequences of our transgressions.

From this moment onward, we surrender ourselves to God’s rule, guidance, and instruction. We trust in His wisdom and mercy. We submit our lives to His plan, knowing that He will do what is best for us. Crosses and sorrows may come our way, but just like a stormy sea that eventually finds peace, we will also find rest and calmness. The wildest winds that stir our lives will be hushed, and the sunshine of His love will always return.

In that beautiful garden that awaits us, we will find fullness of rest and the ultimate state of bliss. It is a place our spirits long for every day. In that heavenly home, all our yearnings will be fulfilled. We will be free from the burdens and struggles of this world, basking in the eternal love and joy that God has prepared for us.

The hymn, “The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams,” reminds us of God’s constant presence in our lives. It highlights His power, glory, and everlasting nature. It encourages us to praise Him with joy and . It assures us that no matter what challenges we face, God’s love will always prevail, bringing peace and renewal.

May we always cherish the golden sunbeams, for they hold a deeper meaning beyond their physical beauty. They serve as a reminder to embrace the light that God brings into our lives and to share that light with others. Let us see His works and His goodness in everything around us, and let us offer Him our heartfelt praise and thanksgiving.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and beauty of the golden sunbeams with their gleaming light. Witness God's glory and power in His creations. Praise Him and offer Him our heartfelt gratitude. Find rest and eternal bliss in His loving presence.
The Golden Sunbeams With Their Joyous Gleams - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy and beauty of the golden sunbeams with their gleaming light. Witness God's glory and power in His creations. Praise Him and offer Him our heartfelt gratitude. Find rest and eternal bliss in His loving presence.