Abide With Us Lord Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of having Jesus by your side in every aspect of life. Find peace

Abide With Us Lord Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Abide With Us : Finding Peace and Strength in the Presence of God” This reminds us of our need for Jesus’s guidance and protection in our lives. It teaches us that by allowing Jesus to abide with us, we can find peace and strength to overcome challenges. As seventh-graders, we can trust in the presence of Jesus to lead us through the complexities of and help us grow in faith.


Abide With Us Lord Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Abide with us, Lord Jesus!
Thy grace sustain our hearts,
That Satan may not harm us
With his malignant arts.

Abide with us, dear Savior,
And guide us by Thy Word,
That we may now and ever
Find peace in Thee, O Lord.

Abide with us in splendor,
Thou pure, unsullied Light,
Lest we, Thy truth forsaking,
Be lost in error’s .

Abide with us and richly
Thy gifts on us bestow,
That we, such wealth possessing,
In grace and strength may grow.

Abide with us as Victor
In ev’ry mortal ,
Both and Satan felling,
Lead us through death to life.

Abide with us forever,
Thou faithful God and Lord,
In ev’ry need sustain us
And gracious help afford.


Meaning of Abide With Us Lord Jesus

Abide With Us Lord Jesus: Finding Peace in the Grace of God

In our journey through life, we often face challenges and temptations that can harm us. We need the presence of the Lord Jesus to sustain our hearts and protect us from the snares of Satan. The hymn “Abide With Us, Lord Jesus!” reminds us of the importance of having Jesus by our side in every aspect of our lives.

The first verse of the hymn highlights our need for the grace of God. It asks the Lord to sustain our hearts, acknowledging that without His guidance, we are vulnerable to the harm that Satan can cause with his malignant arts. As seventh-graders, we may not fully understand the depths of Satan’s deceptions, but we can grasp the importance of seeking the protection and guidance of Jesus.

Moving on to the second verse, we see a plea for Jesus to abide with us and guide us by His Word. The Word of God, as revealed in the Bible, serves as a roadmap for our lives. It provides us with wisdom and direction, helping us to make choices that bring peace and . As seventh-graders, we may face various challenges in our daily lives, whether it be academic pressure, peer relationships, or self-doubt. By seeking guidance from Jesus and anchoring ourselves in His Word, we can find peace in His presence.

The hymn’s third verse introduces the concept of Jesus as the pure, unsullied Light. By abiding with us in His splendor, He ensures that we do not wander into error’s night, where truth is forsaken. This verse reminds us of the importance of holding onto the truth and not being swayed by false teachings or worldly influences. As seventh-graders, we are continuously exposed to different ideologies and opinions. It is essential for us to build a solid foundation in the truth of God’s Word, allowing it to guide our choices and beliefs.

Moving on to the fourth verse, we encounter the idea of the rich blessings that Jesus bestows upon us when He abides with us. The hymn expresses the desire for Jesus to enrich our lives with His gifts, allowing us to grow in grace and strength. These gifts could include wisdom, discernment, love, kindness, and many others. As seventh-graders, we are at a stage where we are trying to discover ourselves and find our place in the world. By allowing Jesus to abide with us, we open ourselves up to the abundance of His blessings, enabling us to mature and develop into the individuals He created us to be.

The fifth verse of the hymn paints a picture of Jesus as the ultimate victor in every mortal strife. Worldly challenges and the influence of Satan may try to bring us down, but with Jesus by our side, we can overcome them all. As seventh-graders, we may face setbacks, failures, and disappointment. The hymn encourages us to lean on Jesus as our source of strength and to trust Him to lead us through the trials we encounter along the way.

The final verse of the hymn acknowledges the presence of God. It invites Him to abide with us forever, acknowledging His faithfulness as our God and Lord. The chorus repeats the for His sustaining presence and gracious help in every need we face. No matter what circumstances we encounter as seventh-graders, whether big or small, we can trust that God will always be there for us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Abide With Us, Lord Jesus!” teaches us about the importance of having Jesus in our lives. It reminds us to seek His grace, guidance, and protection. As seventh-graders, we are at a crucial stage in our lives, where we are beginning to navigate the challenges and complexities of adolescence. By allowing Jesus to abide with us, we can find peace and strength, grow in our faith, and overcome any obstacles we face. Let us always remember the invitation to abide with Jesus and trust in His faithful presence, for in doing so, we will discover a life filled with His love, grace, and blessings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of having Jesus by your side in every aspect of life. Find peace, grace, and guidance in the hymn Abide With Us Lord Jesus and overcome challenges.
Abide With Us Lord Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the importance of having Jesus by your side in every aspect of life. Find peace, grace, and guidance in the hymn "Abide With Us Lord Jesus" and overcome challenges.