Affirm Anew The Threefold Name – Hymn Lyric

Affirm Anew The Threefold Name: Celebrate God's Unity and Embrace His Love

Affirm Anew The Threefold Name – Hymn Lyric

“Affirm Anew The Threefold Name: Embracing Unity and Spreading God’s Love”This hymn reminds us to affirm and the threefold name of our God – the , , and . Through their saving acts, we witness a ‘s salvation won. As we delve into the verses and reflect on their meaning, we find inspiration to declare God’s , embrace unity, and spread His love to all of humanity.


Affirm Anew The Threefold Name – Hymn Lyric

Affirm anew the threefold name,
one Father, Spirit, Son,
our God whose saving acts proclaim
a world’s salvation won.

In him alone we live and move,
and breath and being find,
the children of his love
who cares for humankind.

Declare in all the earth his grace,
to every his call,
the living Lord of time and place
whose love embraces all.

So shall his endless praise be sung,
his teaching truly heard,
and every culture, every tongue,
receive his timeless word.

Confirm our faith in this our day
amid earth’s shifting sand,
with Christ as life and truth and way,
a rock on which to stand;

the one Son and Lord
by God the Father given,
the true and life-imparting word,
the way that leads to heaven.

Renew once more the ancient fire,
let love our hearts inflame;
renew, restore, unite, inspire
the church that bears your name;

one name exalted over all,
one Father, Spirit, Son,
O grant us grace to heed your call
and in that name be one.


Meaning of Affirm Anew The Threefold Name

Affirm Anew The Threefold Name: Embracing God’s Love and Sharing His Grace

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded to affirm and praise the threefold name of our God – the Father, Spirit, and Son. Through their saving acts, we witness a world’s salvation won. As we delve into the verses and reflect on their meaning, we find inspiration to declare God’s grace in all the earth and to embrace the love that He bestows upon us.

The hymn begins by highlighting the significance of the threefold name, representing the Father, Spirit, and Son. These three divine entities work together to bring us salvation, offering us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. In God alone, we find life, purpose, and existence. It is through His love that we, as wayward children, are cared for and looked after.

The hymn beckons us to embrace the teachings of God and share His message of love throughout the world. As we do so, every culture and every tongue will receive His timeless word. The idea here is that God’s love transcends boundaries. It is not restricted to a specific group or people but is meant for all of humanity.

In our present day, where uncertainties and challenges abound, the hymn reminds us to confirm our faith amid the shifting sands of life. We are encouraged to hold fast to Christ, who is our rock, our anchor, and our guide. By embracing Him as the way, the truth, and the life, we find stability and strength in our journey towards heaven.

Throughout history, the flame of love and devotion to God has flickered and waned. This hymn calls for a renewal of that ancient fire within us, igniting our hearts with love for God and for one another. Such renewal will restore and unite the church, the community that bears God’s name. By embracing this unity, we can better live out His teachings and be a powerful force for good in the world.

As we affirm anew the threefold name, we acknowledge the supremacy and oneness of our God. By focusing on this unity, we can overcome divisions and conflicts, fostering an atmosphere of love and compassion. In doing so, we fulfill God’s call to be one in His name.

In conclusion, “Affirm Anew The Threefold Name” urges us to embrace and the Father, Spirit, and Son – God’s threefold name. It inspires us to declare His grace, share His love, and unite in His name. By affirming this threefold name, we find strength, stability, and purpose in our lives. Let us take this hymn as a call to action, to renew our devotion and commitment to God and to spread His love and grace to the world around us.


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Affirm Anew The Threefold Name - Hymn Lyric - Affirm Anew The Threefold Name: Celebrate God's Unity and Embrace His Love