Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the power and unity of the Father

Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son – Hymn Lyric

In the titled “Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son,” we are reminded of the importance of acknowledging and God’s presence in our lives. The hymn emphasizes the unity of the Father, Spirit, and Son, who together form the foundation of our faith. It encourages us to spread God’s , love, and unity to all people, while also reminding us to have faith in Christ as our unshakable foundation.


Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son – Hymn Lyric

Affirm anew the threefold name
of Father, Spirit, Son,
our God whose saving acts proclaim
a world’s salvation won.

In him alone we live and move
and breath and being find,
the wayward of his love
who cares for humankind.

Declare in all the earth his grace,
to every his call,
the Lord of time and place
whose love embraces all.

So shall his endless praise be sung,
his teaching truly heard,
and every culture, every tongue,
receive his timeless word.

Confirm our faith in this our day
amid earth’s shifting sand,
with Christ as and truth and ,
a rock on which to stand;
the one eternal Son and Lord
by God the Father given,
the true and life-imparting word,
the way that leads to .

once more the ancient fire,
let love our hearts inflame;
renew, restore, unite, inspire
the church that bears your name;
one name exalted over all,
one Father, Spirit, Son,
O grant us grace to heed your call
and in that name be one.


Meaning of Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son

In this hymn titled “Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son,” we are reminded of the importance of acknowledging and praising God’s presence in our lives. It emphasizes the unity of the Father, Spirit, and Son, who together form the foundation of our faith.

From the very start, the hymn highlights the significance of the threefold name of God. By affirming this name, we recognize the power and love behind the creation and salvation of the world. It reminds us that our existence and everything we do is rooted in God’s presence. We are described as wayward children of God’s love, emphasizing that God is caring and watchful over all of humankind.

The hymn encourages us to spread God’s grace and love throughout the earth. It urges us to proclaim God’s goodness to all people, inviting every heart to hear his call. God is depicted as the living Lord of time and place, whose love knows no boundaries. His embrace encompasses every culture and every tongue. This reminds us that God’s message is meant for everyone, regardless of their background or language.

Through praising God and sharing his teachings, we contribute to the endless hymn of his praise. By truly listening and understanding his timeless word, we can bring his message to life. It is a call to unity, where every culture and every tongue reverberate with the truth of his love.

In these ever-changing times, the hymn encourages us to have faith in Christ as our unshakable foundation. We are reminded that amidst the shifting sands of the world, Christ remains our rock, our source of life, truth, and the way to heaven. It reaffirms that Christ is the one and only Son and Lord, given to us by God the Father. This reminds us of the divine connection between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as they work harmoniously in our lives.

The hymn inspires us to reignite the flame of love within our hearts. It calls for the renewal, restoration, unity, and inspiration of the church that bears God’s name. By coming together in love and harmony, we reflect the oneness and power of God. We are reminded that there is one name exalted above all others, the name of the Father, Spirit, and Son.

In concluding the hymn, we are humbly asked for the grace to heed God’s call. It is a reminder that our ultimate purpose is to be united in his name. By affirming and living according to the threefold name of God, we can find strength, purpose, and unity.

In summary, this hymn beautifully emphasizes the significance of affirming the threefold name of Father, Spirit, and Son. It encourages us to spread the message of God’s grace, love, and unity to all people. Through faith in Christ, we find a firm foundation amidst the uncertainties of life. The hymn inspires us to cultivate love within ourselves and among the church community. Let us embrace the call to be one in the name of the Father, Spirit, and Son.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and unity of the Father, Spirit, and Son in the hymn 'Affirm Anew The Threefold Name.' Spread God's love, find strength in Christ, and be united in His name.
Affirm Anew The Threefold Name of Father, Spirit, Son - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the power and unity of the Father, Spirit, and Son in the hymn 'Affirm Anew The Threefold Name.' Spread God's love, find strength in Christ, and be united in His name."