Alone With Jesus Tis So Sweet – Hymn Lyric

Alone With Jesus: Find peace and joy in His presence. Worship at His feet

Alone With Jesus Tis So Sweet – Hymn Lyric

“Alone With Jesus: Finding Peace and in His Presence” beautifully captures the desire to find solace and tranquility in the midst of a chaotic . The hymn speaks of the sweetness of worshiping at Jesus’ feet and finding comfort and protection in Him, even in the storms of life. Being alone with Jesus brings a deep sense of peace, joy, and eternal assurance, reminding us that we are never truly alone.


Alone With Jesus Tis So Sweet – Hymn Lyric

Alone with Jesus, ’tis so sweet
To at His lovely feet,
To raise our hearts in grateful praise,
For all His wondrous works and ways.

Alone with Jesus in the storm,
He’ll keep us from all fear and harm
If we but trust Him day by day,
Although it be a stormy way.

Alone with Jesus, all is well,
Beneath His smile my soul would dwell;
O Lord, how sweet to know and feel
and Thy eternal seal!

Alone with Jesus; to express
The perfect peace we here possess
An angel’s tongue might well employ;
Alone with Jesus, oh, what joy!

Alone with Jesus, hour by hour,
Preserved by His almighty pow’r;
And when the storms of life are o’er,
With Him we’ll dwell forevermore.


Meaning of Alone With Jesus Tis So Sweet

Alone With Jesus: Finding Peace and Joy in His Presence

In our busy and chaotic world, finding a place of peace and solace can often feel like an impossible task. We long for a refuge from the storm, a place where we can find comfort and rest. The hymn “Alone With Jesus” beautifully captures this desire, reminding us of the sweet and transformative experience of being in the presence of our .

The first verse of the hymn speaks of the sweetness that comes from worshiping at the feet of Jesus. Picture yourself in a quiet, secluded room, away from the distractions of the world. It is just you and Jesus, your hearts intertwined in a dance of adoration and praise. In this moment, all the worries and burdens of the day melt away as you focus on His lovely presence. It is in these moments of worship that our hearts are lifted up in gratitude for all the wondrous works and ways of our Savior.

But what happens when the storms of life crashing in? The second verse of the hymn assures us that even in the midst of turmoil and fear, Jesus is our of strength and protection. When we trust Him day by day, He shields us from harm and calms our troubled hearts. Imagine standing on the edge of a turbulent , waves crashing around you, and yet, a sense of peace and security envelopes you because you know Jesus is right there beside you, keeping you safe. It is through these storms that our faith is tested and strengthened, as we learn to lean on Him and find comfort in His presence.

As we continue to contemplate the lyrics of the hymn, the third verse reminds us that being alone with Jesus is not just a temporary experience, but a dwelling place for our souls. His smile, a reflection of His love and acceptance, becomes the very atmosphere in which our souls thrive. To know, deep within our being, that we are loved and sealed by the eternal grace of our Savior is both humbling and awe-inspiring. In the midst of a world that often feels cold and unwelcoming, the warmth of His love surrounds us, casting out all fear and doubt.

It is in the fourth verse that we find the perfect words to express the peace that surpasses all understanding, the peace that can only be found in the presence of Jesus. Imagine having the ability to articulate the tranquility and serenity that fills your heart when you are alone with Him. It is a peace that goes beyond human comprehension, a peace that only an angel’s tongue could adequately describe. In these moments of solitude with Jesus, our hearts are filled with immeasurable joy and contentment. Regardless of what is happening in the world around us, we can experience a deep and lasting joy when we are in His presence.

The final verse of the hymn reminds us that being alone with Jesus is not just a fleeting experience, but a lifelong journey. Hour by hour, we are preserved by His almighty power. Through every season of life, both the calm and the stormy, we can rely on Him to sustain and guide us. And when the storms of life finally pass, we have the assurance that we will dwell with Him forevermore. Just imagine the joy and excitement of that everlasting homecoming, where all tears are wiped away and His love radiates in every corner of our eternal dwelling.

So, dear friend, as you navigate the ups and downs of life, remember the beauty and power of being alone with Jesus. Seek out those quiet moments of worship and reflection, where you can raise your voice in grateful praise and find solace at His feet. Trust Him amidst the storms, knowing that He is your protector and guide. Delight in the sweet assurance of His love and eternal seal. Embrace the perfect peace and joy that comes from being in His presence. And above all, remember that you are never truly alone, for He is with you, hour by hour, until the day you dwell with Him forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Alone With Jesus: Find peace and joy in His presence. Worship at His feet, trust Him in the storm, and experience His love and eternal seal. Embrace the perfect peace and joy that comes from being in His presence. Discover the lasting comfort and security found in being alone with Jesus.
Alone With Jesus Tis So Sweet - Hymn Lyric - Alone With Jesus: Find peace and joy in His presence. Worship at His feet, trust Him in the storm, and experience His love and eternal seal. Embrace the perfect peace and joy that comes from being in His presence. Discover the lasting comfort and security found in being alone with Jesus.