And Now O Father Mindful Of The Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hymn "And Now O Father

And Now O Father Mindful Of The Love – Hymn Lyric

“And Now O Father Mindful Of The Love” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the sacrificial love of Jesus and our desire to live in communion with the Father. Through Jesus’ , our imperfect offerings are made perfect in ‘s eyes. This hymn reminds us to focus on Jesus rather than our own flaws and to pray for our loved ones to experience God’s mercy and grace.


And Now O Father Mindful Of The Love – Hymn Lyric

And now, O Father, mindful of the love
That bought us, once for all, on Calvary’s tree,
And having with us Him that above,
We here present, we here spread to ,
That only offering perfect in Thine eyes,
The one true, pure, immortal sacrifice.

Look, Father, look on His anointed face,
And only look on us as found in Him;
Look not on our misusings of grace,
Our prayer so languid, and our faith so dim;
For lo! between our sins and their reward,
We set the passion of Thy our Lord.

And then for those, our dearest and our best,
By this prevailing presence we appeal;
O fold them closer to Thy mercy’s breast!
O do Thine utmost for their ‘ true weal!
From tainting mischief keep them white and clear,
And crown Thy gifts with strength to persevere.

And so we come; O draw us to Thy feet,
Most patient Savior, Who canst love us still!
And by this food, so awful and so sweet,
Deliver us from every touch of ill:
In Thine own service make us glad and free,
And grant us nevermore to part with Thee.


Meaning of And Now O Father Mindful Of The Love

And Now O Father, Mindful of the Love: A Hymn of Sacrifice and Redemption

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love that the Father has for us. This love was demonstrated on Calvary’s tree, where Jesus Christ offered himself as the perfect sacrifice. Through his death, we are able to have a relationship with God and experience his grace and forgiveness.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the love that bought us on Calvary’s tree. This love refers to the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. It is a reminder of the incredible price that was paid for our redemption. We are then reminded that Jesus is with us, interceding for us before the Father. This is a comforting thought, knowing that we have someone advocating for us in heaven.

The hymn goes on to present our offerings to the Father. It acknowledges that our offering, in and of itself, is imperfect. However, it is made perfect in the eyes of God because it is presented through the sacrifice of Jesus. It is through him that we are able to come before the Father and offer our prayers and worship.

We are then invited to look upon the face of Jesus, the anointed one. It is through Jesus that we are found in the Father’s sight. The hymn encourages us to not focus on our failings and shortcomings, but rather to fix our gaze upon Jesus, who is the source of our hope and . It is through his passion and sacrifice that our sins are forgiven and our relationship with the Father is restored.

The hymn then shifts its focus to our loved ones. It asks the Father to draw them closer to his mercy’s breast. We desire for our family and friends to experience the same grace and forgiveness that we have found in Jesus. We ask that the Father would protect them from the influences of sin and strengthen them to persevere in their faith. It is a heartfelt plea for the spiritual well-being of those we hold dear.

As we come before the Father, we are invited to draw near to his feet. The hymn portrays Jesus as a patient Savior who us unconditionally. We are reminded that through the sacrament of communion, we can partake in his body and blood, which symbolize his sacrifice. By partaking in this food, we are asking the Father to deliver us from evil and protect us from harm.

In our relationship with the Father, we desire to serve him joyfully and freely. The hymn asks that we find gladness and freedom in his service. We long to remain connected to him, never to part from his presence. It is a prayer for a deep and intimate relationship with the Father, where we can experience his love and grace on a daily basis.

In conclusion, “And Now O Father, Mindful of the Love” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the sacrificial love of Jesus and our desire to live in communion with the Father. It speaks of our offering being made perfect through Jesus’ sacrifice, our need to focus on him rather than our own shortcomings, and our desire to see our loved ones experience the Father’s mercy and grace. It is a hymn that reminds us of the incredible love that God has for us and invites us to draw near to him in worship and service.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hymn And Now O Father, Mindful of the Love that speaks of Jesus' sacrifice, our connection to the Father, and our desire for loved ones to experience God's grace.
And Now O Father Mindful Of The Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the hymn "And Now O Father, Mindful of the Love" that speaks of Jesus' sacrifice, our connection to the Father, and our desire for loved ones to experience God's grace.