And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest – Hymn Lyric

"And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest: Find Peace and Gratitude in Evening Prayer. Experience the power of prayer

And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest – Hymn Lyric

“And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest” is a hymn that guides us in our prayer, helping us find peace, , and in the presence of God. It speaks to the nature of prayer, the importance of repentance, and the desire for God’s mercy and protection. Through its beautiful imagery and heartfelt lyrics, this hymn serves as a reminder of the power of prayer and the comfort it brings in times of darkness.


And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest – Hymn Lyric

And now the sun hath sunk to rest,
Again we bend the knee
And meekly lift our ev’ning tho’ts,
O God and King, to Thee.

To Thee, whom seraph hosts adore,
Whom friends believe and fear,
Whose mercy seat, in skies above,
To contrite hearts is near.

Drive evil tho’ts and dreams afar,
And, waking or asleep,
May heav’nly peace, Thy peace, O God,
Thro’ our bosoms keep.

Let mercy fall on us like dew,
And angel pinions play
Around us, while the hours of
In silence pass away.

Each night beside the sable gate
Of death the sleeper lies,
And if we pass its portals, Lord,
Let Eden greet our eyes.



Meaning of And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest

And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest: Finding Peace and Gratitude in Evening Prayer

As the day comes to a close and the sun dips below the horizon, we find ourselves once again bowing our heads in prayer. It is a time of quiet reflection, a moment to express our gratitude and seek solace in the presence of our Father. The hymn “And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest” beautifully encapsulates these sentiments, inviting us to turn our thoughts towards God and find peace in His mercy and love.

The first verse reminds us of the humbling nature of prayer. We meekly lift our evening thoughts to God, recognizing that He is not only worthy of our worship but also the Creator of the angelic hosts who continuously adore Him. This image inspires a sense of awe and reverence, as we join with those celestial beings in recognizing God’s greatness.

The hymn goes on to acknowledge the importance of contrition and repentance. It speaks of God’s mercy seat, which is believed to be near to those with hearts that are contrite. This notion is both comforting and convicting – comforting because we know that God is near to us, ready to forgive us when we turn to Him with sincerity; convicting because it reminds us of our need for repentance and the importance of seeking forgiveness.

In the third verse, we find a plea for protection from evil thoughts and disturbing dreams. It is a recognition that our minds are vulnerable, even while we sleep, and a prayer that God’s peace will guard our thoughts and dreams. This prayer highlights the desire for a peaceful and restful night, one free from anxiety and fear.

The hymn then transitions to a plea for heavenly mercy, comparing it to the refreshing dew that falls upon the earth. Just as the dew brings new and vitality to plants and , we long for God’s mercy to rejuvenate our and bring us spiritual renewal. The imagery of angel pinions playing around us invokes a sense of divine guardianship, as if heavenly beings are watching over us during the night hours, providing a sense of comfort and security.

The final verse of the hymn takes a contemplative turn, acknowledging the inevitability of death. It reminds us that each night, as we sleep, we are positioned at the threshold of death, unsure if we will awake to a new day. It is a sobering thought, yet one that leads to a plea for a heavenly reunion. If we were to pass through death’s gate, we aspire to be greeted by the splendor of Eden – a paradise of immeasurable beauty and eternal joy.

In conclusion, “And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest” is a hymn that guides us in our evening prayer, helping us find peace, gratitude, and hope in the presence of God. It speaks to the humble nature of prayer, the importance of repentance, and the desire for God’s mercy and protection. Through its beautiful imagery and heartfelt lyrics, this hymn serves as a reminder of the power of prayer and the comfort it brings in times of darkness. So, as we close our eyes in prayer each evening, let us remember the words of this hymn and find solace in knowing that God is near, ready to bestow His love and mercy upon us. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest: Find Peace and Gratitude in Evening Prayer. Experience the power of prayer, repentance, and God's mercy for a peaceful night's rest. Amen.
And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest - Hymn Lyric - "And Now The Sun Hath Sunk To Rest: Find Peace and Gratitude in Evening Prayer. Experience the power of prayer, repentance, and God's mercy for a peaceful night's rest. Amen."