Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice – Hymn Lyric

Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice: Reflect on Jesus' incredible sacrifice with powerful hymn lyrics. Find meaning in His love and embrace His grace for eternal life.

Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice – Hymn Lyric

Arise, my soul, arise! These powerful words from the hymn “Arise My Soul Arise Thy Savior’s Sacrifice” remind us of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us. Let’s dive deeper into the meaning of this hymn and reflect on the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice. Through Jesus, the promised blessing, humanity was saved from the power of sin and death. Let us always remember and give thanks for our Savior’s sacrifice, embracing the love and grace found in Jesus Christ.


Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice – Hymn Lyric

Arise, my soul, arise
Thy Savior’s sacrifice!
All the names that love could find,
All the forms that love could take
Jesus in Himself has joined,
Thee, my soul, His own to make.

Equal with , most high,
He laid His glory by:
He, th’ God was born,
Man with men He deigned t’appear,
Object of His creature’s scorn,
Pleased a servant’s form to wear.

Hail Lord,
Divine, Word!
Thee let all my powers confess,
Thee my latest breath proclaim;
Help, ye angel choirs, to ,
Shout the loved Immanuel’s name.

Fruit of a virgin’s womb
The promised blessing’s come:
Christ the fathers’ hope of old,
Christ the woman’s conquering seed,
Christ the Savior! Long foretold,
Born to bruise the serpent’s head.

Refulgent from afar
See the bright Morning-Star!
See the Day-Spring from on high
Late in deepest darkness rise,
recedes, the shadows fly,
Flame with day the opening skies!

Our eyes on earth survey
The dazzling Shechinah!
Bright, in endless glory bright
Now in flesh He stoops to dwell,
God of God, and light of light,
Image of th’invisible.

He shines on earth adored
The presence of the Lord;
God, the mighty God and true,
God by highest Heav’n confessed,
Stands displayed to mortal view,
God supreme, for ever blest.

Jesu! To Thee I bow
Th’Almighty’s fellow Thou!
Thou, the Father’s only Son,
Pleased He ever is in Thee;
Just and holy Thou alone,
Full of grace and truth for me.

High above every name
Jesus, the great I AM!
Bows to Jesus every knee
Things in Heav’n, and earth and ;
Saints adore Him, demons flee,
Fiends and men and angels feel.

He left His throne above
Emptied of all, but love:
Whom the heav’ns cannot contain
God vouchsafed a worm t’appear,
Lord of glory, Son of man,
Poor, and vile, and abject here.

His own on earth He sought,
His own received Him not:
Him, a sign by all blasphemed,
Outcast and despised of men,
Him they all a madman deemed,
Bold to scoff the Nazarene.

Hail Galilean King!
Thy humble state I sing;
Never shall Thy triumphs end,
Hail derided ;
Jesus, hail! The sinner’s friend,
Friend to publicans-and me!

Thine eye observed my pain
Thou good Samaritan!
Spoiled I lay and bruised by sin,
Gasped my faint, expiring soul,
Wine and oil Thy love poured in,
Closed my wounds, and made me whole.

Hail the life-giving Lord,
Divine, engrafted word!
Thee the life my soul has found,
Thee the resurrection proved:
Dead I heard the quickening sound,
Owned Thy voice, believed, and loved!

With Thee gone up on high
I live, no more to die:
First and Last, I feel Thee now,
Witness of Thy empty tomb,
Alpha and Omega Thou
Wast, and art, and art to come!


Meaning of Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice

Arise, my soul, arise! These powerful words from the hymn “Arise My Soul Arise Thy Savior’s Sacrifice” remind us of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us. Let’s dive deeper into the meaning of this hymn and reflect on the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.

In the first verse of the hymn, we are reminded that Jesus took on different forms and names to demonstrate His love for us. He joined Himself with humanity to make us His own. Despite being equal to God, He humbled Himself and was born as a man, facing scorn and wearing the form of a servant. This act of humility and love is something we should always remember and acknowledge.

Hail, everlasting Lord! Jesus is described as the divine, incarnate Word. We should confess and proclaim His name with all our powers. We are encouraged to seek the help of angel choirs to bless and shout the name of Immanuel, which means “God with us.” It is through Jesus, the promised blessing, that the hope of all the fathers of old was fulfilled. He was born to conquer the serpent’s head, saving humanity from the power of sin and death.

As we reflect on the hymn, we are called to see the bright Morning-Star, the Day-Spring from on high. Jesus, the light of the world, rose from deepest darkness and dispelled the shadows. Our eyes on earth witness the dazzling Shechinah, the divine presence of God. This Shechinah shines bright in endless glory, as God manifested Himself in flesh through Jesus Christ. He is the image of the invisible God, the perfect representation of who God is.

Jesus, the mighty God and true, stands displayed to mortal view. He is the supreme God, being worshiped and confessed by highest heaven. We, as believers, bow before Jesus, recognizing Him as the fellow of the Almighty. Only in Jesus do we find righteousness, grace, and truth. He alone is just and holy, fully embodying the character of God.

Jesus, the great I AM, bows to Jesus every knee. All things in heaven, earth, and even hell acknowledge His supremacy. Saints adore Him, demons flee from Him, and all beings in the spiritual realm recognize His authority. Through His sacrifice, Jesus left His throne and took on the form of a lowly human. He emptied Himself, except for love, and became poor, vile, and abject. This demonstrates the depth of His love for us.

However, when Jesus came to His own on earth, they did not receive Him. He was blasphemed, outcast, and despised. People considered Him a madman, boldly scoffing at the Nazarene. Yet, despite the rejection and mockery, Jesus remained steadfast in His mission and purpose. He is hailed as the Galilean King, and even in His humble state, His triumphs will never end. Jesus is the friend of sinners, including publicans like us.

Jesus, the good Samaritan, observed our pain and came to our rescue. Like the wounded traveler in the parable, we were bruised and lying helplessly due to sin. But Jesus poured His love, represented by wine and oil, into our wounds, bringing about spiritual healing and wholeness. The life-giving Lord, through His divine and engrafted word, is the resurrection and the life. Through Him, we have found eternal life and have experienced a transformative love that resurrects our souls from the death of sin.

Because of Jesus, we no longer have to fear death. Through Him, we live eternally. He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega, signifying His eternal existence and everlasting presence. We have felt His presence within us, and as a witness to His empty tomb, we believe in Him and love Him.

Arise, my soul, and let us always remember and give thanks for our Savior’s sacrifice. Let us embrace the love and grace found in Jesus Christ and live our lives in devotion to Him. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the immeasurable love Jesus has for each one of us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice: Reflect on Jesus' incredible sacrifice with powerful hymn lyrics. Find meaning in His love and embrace His grace for eternal life.
Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice - Hymn Lyric - Arise My Soul Arise Thy Saviors Sacrifice: Reflect on Jesus' incredible sacrifice with powerful hymn lyrics. Find meaning in His love and embrace His grace for eternal life.