As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of music in expressing faith and gratitude. Find inspiration in the songs that awaken awe and gratitude in our hearts. As newborn stars were stirred to song

As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song – Hymn Lyric

“As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song: The Power of Music in Expressing Faith and Gratitude” explores the profound impact of music in expressing emotions and thoughts that words alone cannot capture. It highlights how music awakens awe and gratitude, gives voice to our mute souls, and connects us to something greater than ourselves. From ancient hymns found in the Psalms to the songs of faith and praise that endure through history, music continues to be a powerful means of expressing our unwavering faith, celebrating the victory of life over death, and proclaiming the love of .


As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song – Hymn Lyric

As newborn stars were stirred to song when all things to be,
as Miriam and Moses sang when Israel was set free,
so music bursts unbidden when God-filled hearts rejoice,
to waken awe and gratitude and give mute faith a voice.

In psalms that raise the singer’s sense to universal truths,
in prophet’s dark-toned oracle or hymn of three brave youths:
the song of faith and praise endured through those God called to be
a chosen people bearing for all the world to see.

When God’s redeeming Word took flesh to make sure,
unheeding hearts attuned to strife refused love’s overture.
Yet to the end the song went on: a supper’s parting hymn,
a psalm intoned on dying lips when sun and hope grew dim.

But silence won no vict’ry there; a rest was all it scored
before glad alleluias rose to greet the risen .
The church still keeps that song alive, for death has lost its sting,
and with the gift of life renewed the heart will ever .


Meaning of As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song

As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song: The Power of Music in Expressing Faith and Gratitude

Music has a unique way of expressing emotions and thoughts that words alone cannot fully capture. It has the ability to move us, uplift our spirits, and evoke a deep sense of awe and gratitude. Just like the stars that burst into song when all things came to be, or the melodies sung by Miriam and Moses when Israel was set free, music has the power to awaken our faith and give voice to our mute souls.

In the Psalms, we find a collection of songs that raise the singer’s sense to universal truths. These ancient hymns were written to praise and God, expressing the deepest longings and sincerest prayers of the faithful. They remind us of the beauty of creation, the importance of gratitude, and the steadfast love of God. Through songs like these, we are reminded of our purpose and connection to something greater than ourselves.

Throughout history, prophets have also used music as a means to deliver their messages. In their dark-toned oracles, they would often sing hymns of warning, calling people to repentance and change. These powerful songs were meant to inspire transformation and hope, even in the midst of difficult times. Just like the hymn of the three brave youths in the fiery furnace, these songs of faith and praise endured through the ages, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, our faith can be a source of strength and light.

When God’s redeeming Word took flesh in the form of Christ, music played a significant role in the story of salvation. And yet, despite the profound love and sacrifice demonstrated by Jesus, many hearts remained unheeding and closed off to love’s overture. Nevertheless, the song of faith and praise persisted. It continued to be sung, even in Jesus’s final moments on Earth, as he shared a supper with his disciples and offered them a parting hymn.

When darkness fell upon the land and hope seemed lost, there was a momentary silence. But that silence did not have the final say. As the sun rose on that glorious Easter morning, the silence was shattered by exultant alleluias. Death had lost its sting, and the victory of life, love, and resurrection was proclaimed through song. The risen Lord had triumphed, and the hymns of praise echoed through the ages.

Today, the church continues to keep that song alive. It is a song that proclaims the victory of life over death, love over hatred, and hope over despair. It is a song that reminds us that we are part of a chosen people, called to bear the light of God’s love for all the world to see. It is through music that we can express our joy, our gratitude, and our unwavering faith.

Whether it is the vibrant melodies of a gospel choir, the solemn chants of a Gregorian chant, or the contemporary worship songs that resonate with our hearts, music has a way of transcending barriers and touching souls. It speaks to us in a language that surpasses words, allowing us to connect with our deepest emotions and experiences. When words fail us, music gives us a voice.

As we listen to and participate in the songs of faith, our hearts are renewed and our spirits are uplifted. We are reminded of the power of God’s love and the hope that is found in Christ. In this ever-changing world, where darkness often seems to overshadow the light, music can serve as a beacon of hope, guiding us back to the truth and beauty of God’s everlasting love.

So let us join together, young and old, in the songs of faith and praise. Let us allow music to stir our hearts and awaken awe and gratitude within us. Just as newborn stars were stirred to song when all things came to be, and just as Miriam and Moses sang when Israel was set free, let our voices join the chorus of believers throughout history as we give thanks, express our faith, and celebrate the abundant life that God has given us.

May the hymns we sing, the melodies we cherish, and the songs we offer be a testament to the power and beauty of music in expressing our deepest devotion, our unwavering faith, and our heartfelt gratitude. As newborn stars were stirred to song, may our voices, filled with the love of God, continue to resound and inspire others to find their own song of faith and praise.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of music in expressing faith and gratitude. Find inspiration in the songs that awaken awe and gratitude in our hearts. As newborn stars were stirred to song, let our voices resound.
As Newborn Stars Were Stirred To Song - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of music in expressing faith and gratitude. Find inspiration in the songs that awaken awe and gratitude in our hearts. As newborn stars were stirred to song, let our voices resound.