As You Journey Day By Day With Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Join Jesus on your daily journey and discover that with His help, your problems can turn into blessings. Trust in His guidance and let Him turn your sorrows into joy as He transforms your struggles into valuable lessons. Remember, you are never alone with Jesus by your side, so keep the faith and let Him bring happiness to your life each day.
Table of Contents
As You Journey Day By Day With Jesus – Hymn Lyric
As you journey day by day with Jesus,
You will meet with problems hard to face;
If you’re stuck, just ask your Friend to help you,
He will give you problem-solving grace.
He will turn your troubles into treasures,
He will turn your sorrows into joy,
Don’t be down, for He is surely giving
Happiness to every girl and boy.
Do you say your trials seem unending,
And your troubles seem so very big?
But with God a mountain is a molehill,
And the strongest stump is but a twig.
He will turn your troubles into treasures,
He will turn your sorrows into joy,
Don’t be down, for He is surely giving
Happiness to every girl and boy.
You will go through days that bring you sorrow,
Many things may try to get you down,
But God uses rain to make a rainbow,
And He’ll use the thorns to make a crown.
He will turn your troubles into treasures,
He will turn your sorrows into joy,
Don’t be down, for He is surely giving
Happiness to every girl and boy.
Take your troubles to the throne of Heaven,
There you’ll see them through the Savior’s eyes;
He can make the most of every moment;
He can shrink your problems down to size.
He will turn your troubles into treasures,
He will turn your sorrows into joy,
Don’t be down, for He is surely giving
Happiness to every girl and boy.
Meaning of As You Journey Day By Day With Jesus
Hey there, friends! Have you ever felt like you’re facing a mountain of problems that just seem too big to handle? Well, guess what? You’re not alone! We all go through tough times, but the good news is that we have a Friend who is always there to help us out Jesus!
Just like the hymn says, as you journey day by day with Jesus, you might encounter some tough challenges along the way. But here’s the thing you don’t have to face them alone. When you’re feeling stuck and unsure of what to do, all you have to do is ask Jesus for help. And you know what? He will give you the grace and wisdom you need to solve those problems.
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when life throws a curveball your way, right? But remember, with Jesus by your side, even the biggest problems can be turned into valuable lessons. He has a way of turning your troubles into treasures and your sorrows into joy. So, don’t let those tough times get you down Jesus is in the business of bringing happiness to everyone!
You might be thinking, “But my trials seem never-ending, and my troubles just keep piling up.” Well, let me tell you something to Jesus, a mountain is just a molehill, and the strongest stump is just a twig. He has the power to shrink your problems down to size and help you overcome any obstacle that comes your way.
Even when you’re going through days that bring you sorrow and things seem to be weighing you down, remember that God has a plan for you. Just like how he uses rain to create a beautiful rainbow, he can turn your hardships into something amazing. And those thorns in your life? He’s going to use them to make a crown fit for a king or queen!
So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by your troubles, take them to the throne of Heaven. Through the eyes of the Savior, you’ll see that every moment has a purpose and that he can help you make the most of even the toughest situations. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Jesus for guidance and support he’s always ready to lend a helping hand.
As you continue on your journey with Jesus, remember that you are never alone. He is there to guide you, comfort you, and turn your troubles into blessings. So, keep your head up, trust in his plan, and watch as he transforms your struggles into something beautiful. Just like the hymn says, he will turn your troubles into treasures and your sorrows into joy. Trust in him, and he will bring happiness to every boy and girl he meets.
Keep the faith, friends, and know that with Jesus by your side, you can conquer anything that comes your way. Happy journeying!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!