Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Beauty of the City of God - Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight takes you on a journey to the glorious new Jerusalem. Discover a city of radiant splendor

Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight – Hymn Lyric

“Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight: Exploring the Beauty of the City of God” takes us on a captivating journey to the new , a city of unparalleled splendor and happiness. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt descriptions, we long to be a part of this extraordinary place where sadness is nonexistent and reigns supreme. The hymn invites us to imagine a city so stunning, so radiant, that it can only be described as bathed in unfallen sunlight.


Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight – Hymn Lyric

Bathed in unfallen sunlight, itself a sunborn gem,
Fair gleams the glorious city, the new Jerusalem!
City fairest, splendor rarest, let me gaze on thee!
O city fairest, splendor rarest, for all the free!

Calm in her queenly glory, she sits all joy and :
Pure in her bridal beauty, her raiment festal white!
Home of gladness, free from sadness, let me dwell in thee!
O home of gladness, free from sadness, mine !

Shading her golden pavement, the tree of is seen,
Its fruit-rich branches waving, celestial evergreen.
Tree of wonder, let me under thee forever rest!
O tree of wonder, let me under thy rich boughs be blest!

Rich are the priceless jewels that deck her mighty walls,
And from the throne of God-head, a wondrous radiance falls.
City fairest, splendor rarest, let me gaze on thee!
O city fairest, splendor rarest, home for all the free!


Meaning of Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight

Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight: Exploring the Beauty of the City of God

Imagine a city so stunning, so radiant, that it can only be described as bathed in unfallen sunlight. This hymn takes us on a journey to the new Jerusalem, a city of unparalleled splendor and beauty. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we can’t help but be captivated by the imagery and longing to be a part of this extraordinary place.

The hymn begins by describing the city as a “sunborn gem,” with a brilliance that comes from within. Just the thought of such a place fills our hearts with awe and wonder. The new Jerusalem is portrayed as fair and glorious, a sight that surpasses anything we have ever encountered. Its splendor is not something that can easily be comprehended, but it is something that we long to gaze upon.

We are told that this city is a home for all the free, a sanctuary where joy and light reign supreme. It is a place where sadness has no place, where gladness is the order of the day. Just the mere thought of residing in a home of perpetual happiness fills us with a sense of longing and anticipation. To dwell in a place that is forever free from sorrow is a dream we hold onto tightly.

As we envision this magnificent city, we are drawn to its queenly glory. The hymn describes the new Jerusalem as pure in her bridal beauty, adorned in a raiment of festal white. This imagery evokes a sense of grandeur and purity, as if the city itself is a awaiting her eternal groom. The beauty of this city surpasses anything we can imagine, and we yearn to be part of its splendor.

The hymn introduces us to the tree of life, which stands as a majestic presence, shading the golden pavement of the city. Its branches are filled with fruit, rich and abundant, ensuring eternal sustenance and nourishment. This tree of wonder offers rest and serenity, a place where we can find solace and . To be under its rich boughs is to be blessed beyond measure, experiencing a connection to something greater than ourselves.

As we continue to explore the new Jerusalem, we learn of the priceless jewels that adorn its mighty walls. These jewels reflect the light of the throne of God and fill the city with a wondrous radiance. The beauty and splendor of this place are incomparable, drawing us closer to its allure. Every corner of the new Jerusalem is filled with the brilliance of God’s glory, a sight we long to behold.

In conclusion, the hymn “Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight” invites us to explore the breathtaking beauty of the new Jerusalem. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt descriptions, we are transported to a city beyond our wildest dreams. It is a place of joy, freedom, and eternal happiness. The new Jerusalem beckons us to dwell within its walls, to experience a life in which sadness is nonexistent and gladness is ever-present. As we reflect on these verses, our hearts are filled with a longing to be part of this celestial wonder. May the beauty and splendor of the new Jerusalem continue to inspire us in our journey through life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Beauty of the City of God - Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight takes you on a journey to the glorious new Jerusalem. Discover a city of radiant splendor, eternal joy, and freedom from sadness. Join us in longing for a place beyond imagination.
Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Beauty of the City of God - Bathed In Unfallen Sunlight takes you on a journey to the glorious new Jerusalem. Discover a city of radiant splendor, eternal joy, and freedom from sadness. Join us in longing for a place beyond imagination.