Before I Knew Jesus My Lord No Joy Could The World Me Afford – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound transformation when encountering Jesus in "Before I Knew Jesus My Lord." Experience newfound joy and fulfillment beyond what the world can offer. Hold on to His hand and trust His plan.

Before I Knew Jesus My Lord No Joy Could The World Me Afford – Hymn Lyric

Before I Knew Jesus My : No Joy Could the World Me Afford is a that beautifully illustrates the transformative power of encountering Jesus. It speaks of a life devoid of true joy and the remarkable change that occurs when Jesus enters our hearts. This hymn reminds us that Jesus offers a joy that surpasses anything the world can provide and encourages us to trust in Him even in moments of uncertainty.


Before I Knew Jesus My Lord No Joy Could The World Me Afford – Hymn Lyric

Before I knew Jesus my Lord,
No joy could the world me afford;
But, oh, what a change, so sweet and so strange
Has since to Him I’m restored!

I see it so diff’rently now!
With joy He doth richly endow;
I Him still more than ever before,
I see it so diff’rently now.

I understood not that by
He could my transgressions efface,
And make my pure, from danger secure
And give me beside Him a .


I knew not that He was so good,
Nor knew that all trouble He could
Remove from my heart, and sweet peace impart;
His great love was not understood.


Some things I do not understand,
But still I hold on to His hand;
Some day He will tell, and all will be well
With me in yon beautiful land.



Meaning of Before I Knew Jesus My Lord No Joy Could The World Me Afford

Before I Knew Jesus My Lord: No Joy Could the World Me Afford

Imagine a world where nothing brings true happiness and fulfillment. A world where joy seems elusive and unattainable. This hymn speaks of a profound transformation that occurred when the singer came to know Jesus, their Lord. The change was so sweet and strange, filling their life with newfound joy and meaning.

In the first verse, the singer reflects on their life before encountering Jesus. They that no joy could the world offer them. They were left searching for something more, something that could truly satisfy their deepest longings. This sentiment resonates with many of us who have experienced moments of emptiness and dissatisfaction, even when surrounded by material possessions and worldly success.

But then, something incredible happened – the singer encountered Jesus. This encounter brought about an extraordinary change in their life. The refrain joyfully declares how differently they now see the world. Jesus has enriched their life with joy beyond measure. It’s a joy that surpasses temporary pleasures and fills the heart with everlasting contentment.

The second verse delves deeper into the transformation that occurred through the grace of Jesus. Before knowing Him, the singer had no understanding of the power of grace to erase their transgressions. They didn’t realize that Jesus could make their heart pure and protect them from danger. With Jesus, they found a place of security and love beside Him.

The hymn continues to express the singer’s astonishment at the goodness of Jesus. They had no prior knowledge of just how good He is. They didn’t comprehend that all their troubles could be removed and replaced with sweet peace. Jesus’ great love for them was a concept that was previously incomprehensible. Their encounter with Him opened their eyes to a love so deep and profound that it defied their previous understanding.

While there may still be unanswered questions and things the singer doesn’t fully understand, they choose to hold on to Jesus’ hand. They trust that someday He will reveal the answers, and everything will be well. This reflects the challenge of – holding on to Jesus even when faced with uncertainty. The confidence to trust in Him and His plans for our lives can bring immense comfort and peace.

In conclusion, the hymn “Before I Knew Jesus My Lord” beautifully captures the transformative power of encountering Jesus. It speaks of a life devoid of true joy and the profound change that occurs when Jesus enters our hearts. This hymn reminds us that Jesus offers a joy that surpasses anything the world can provide. It speaks of grace, purity, and the great love Jesus has for us. It acknowledges that there may be parts of our faith that we don’t fully understand, but encourages us to hold on to Jesus’ hand and trust that He will guide us. May this hymn inspire us to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus and experience the joy and love He offers.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound transformation when encountering Jesus in Before I Knew Jesus My Lord. Experience newfound joy and fulfillment beyond what the world can offer. Hold on to His hand and trust His plan.
Before I Knew Jesus My Lord No Joy Could The World Me Afford - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound transformation when encountering Jesus in "Before I Knew Jesus My Lord." Experience newfound joy and fulfillment beyond what the world can offer. Hold on to His hand and trust His plan.