Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice in "Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling." Experience healing

Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling – Hymn Lyric

“Beneath The Cross Of Kneeling: Finding Healing, Strength, and ” explores the profound impact of God’s boundless displayed through the cross. The delves into themes of healing, redemption, and the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice. It invites readers to seek solace, renewal, and gratitude in the embrace of God’s beneath the cross of Jesus.


Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling – Hymn Lyric

Beneath the Cross of Jesus kneeling,
Dawns on my soul the endless day;
There, deeper than all tides of feeling,
Doth God His boundless grace display;

Thence flow the mystic waves of healing;
There all my stains are washed away.

God wrought for man, His love forth-shewing,
When Moses smote the rock of old;
And, lo, through Israel’s camp on-flowing,
Out brake the longed-for flood, and rolled,

New strength, new joy, new life bestowing,
On lips that quaffed it, pure and cold.

God wrought for man, mankind redeeming,
When Christ was pierced by Roman spear,
And, o’er the thirsty world down-streaming,
Forth gushed a fountain, cool and clear,

Till souls, beside those waters gleaming,
Forgot in joy ‘s desert drear.

Beside that well for aye abiding,
New strength, new joy, new life I gain;
Within that cleft securely hiding,
No care can cark, no sorrow stain;

Here rests the blissful soul confiding,
Here faith the healing draught can drain.

Lord, let my heart, this gift receiving,
Beat one glad anthem to Thy praise;
And may the stream, Thy pierced heart leaving,
Refresh and heal me all my days:

Thus by Thy blood my life retrieving,
A psalm of endless thanks I’ll raise.


Meaning of Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling

Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling: Finding Healing, Strength, and Joy

The hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus Kneeling” beautifully captures the profound impact of God’s boundless grace displayed through the cross. As we delve into the verses, we explore the themes of healing, redemption, and the transformational power of Christ’s sacrifice. Through the symbolic imagery of the rock and the fountain, we discover how God’s love was poured forth, bringing forth new strength, joy, and life.

In the first verse, the hymn describes kneeling beneath the cross of Jesus as the dawn of an endless day on the soul. It portrays the profound impact that encountering the cross has on our lives. It is a place where our stains are washed away, and the endless waves of God’s healing love flow over us. This imagery invites us to experience the cleansing power of Christ’s sacrifice and find solace in the boundless grace that God offers.

The next verse presents an allusion to Moses striking the rock, which brought forth water to quench the thirst of the Israelites in the desert. It draws a parallel between this miraculous event and Christ’s sacrifice. Just as water flowed from the rock and provided nourishment, Jesus’ sacrifice gushed forth like a fountain, bringing new strength, joy, and life to a spiritually thirsty world. This imagery symbolizes the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice to redeem mankind.

The hymn continues to emphasize the redemptive nature of Christ’s sacrifice in the third verse. It describes the well beside which we abide, finding solace and renewal. This well represents the source of spiritual nourishment and healing that comes from being in Christ’s presence. It is a place where cares and cannot penetrate and where we can confidently rest and trust in God’s boundless love. This imagery illustrates the profound impact of Christ’s sacrifice on our lives, enabling us to find comfort and security in His presence.

The final verse presents a heartfelt response to God’s gift of grace. It acknowledges the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice, which enables us to live a life of joy, gratitude, and endless thanks. The verse envisions a heart beating with gladness, an anthem of praise to God. It also highlights the continuous refreshment and healing that flows from Christ’s pierced heart, allowing us to experience renewal and restoration throughout our lives. This imagery portrays the impact of Christ’s sacrifice on our hearts and lives, leading us to offer a never-ending song of thanksgiving.

As we reflect on the lyrics of this hymn, we are reminded of the profound love and grace displayed through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It is a love that washes away our stains, brings healing to our souls, and provides us with strength, joy, and new life. The imagery of the rock and the fountain allows us to grasp the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice and its redemptive power.

Regardless of our circumstances, we can find solace beneath the cross of Jesus. It is a place where our cares and sorrows fade away, replaced by a deep sense of and security. This hymn reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we can find and restoration in the embrace of God’s boundless love.

Let us, like the hymn suggests, receive this gift with a grateful heart, beating one glad anthem to God’s praise. May we continually draw from the stream of healing that flows from Christ’s pierced heart, refreshing and renewing us each day. And let our lives become a psalm of endless thanks, a reflection of the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice in our lives.

In conclusion, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus Kneeling” reminds us of the immeasurable love and grace displayed through Christ’s sacrifice. It invites us to seek healing, strength, and joy in His presence, knowing that beneath the cross, we are washed, renewed, and transformed. May this hymn serve as a beautiful reminder of the profound impact of Christ’s sacrifice in our lives, and may it inspire us to live a life of gratitude and praise.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice in Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling. Experience healing, strength, and joy in His presence. Find solace and renewal beneath the cross.
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling - Hymn Lyric - Discover the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice in "Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Kneeling." Experience healing, strength, and joy in His presence. Find solace and renewal beneath the cross.