Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly – Hymn Lyric

Experience the gentle and loving nature of Jesus with the hymn "Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly." Walk humbly with God and find strength in his loving presence. Embody his grace and love in your life.

Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly” reminds us of Jesus’ gentle and loving nature. With his presence in our lives, we can overcome challenges and walk the path of righteousness. Let us strive to embody Jesus’ humility and grace, knowing that with him by our side, we can find comfort and strength in any situation.


Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly – Hymn Lyric

Blessed Jesus, meek and lowly,
With us here take thine abode;
We would fain like thee be holy,
Humbly walking with our God.

We would sweet Spirit cherish,
Welcome in our hearts thy stay;
Lest without thine aid we perish,
O, abide with us, we pray.

Guide us in the path of heaven,
Rugged tho’ that path may be;
Let each bitter cup that’s given,
to draw us nearer thee.

In thy traced before us,
There we see earth’s scorn and frown;
There is suf’ ere the glory,
There’s a cross before the crown.

In thy vineyard let us labor,
Of thy goodness let us tell;
All is ill without thy favor,
With thy presence all is well.

While the ev’ning ,
Thro’ this dreary night of tears,
Tarry with us, O our ,
Till the light appears.

Then with thee may we forever
Reign with all the good and blest,
Where no sin from thee can sever,
Where the weary are at rest.

There to praise the matchless Giver,
There with angels to adore
Him who did thro’ grace deliver
Us from death forevermore.


Meaning of Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly

As we sing the hymn “Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly,” we are reminded of the gentle and loving nature of Jesus. He is always there for us, ready to take us into his loving embrace and guide us on the path of righteousness. Just like the lyrics of the hymn urge us to be holy and humbly walk with God, we should strive to embody these qualities in our daily lives.

Jesus is our constant , and we should welcome his sweet Spirit into our hearts. With his presence, we can navigate the challenges of life and overcome any obstacles that come our way. Without Jesus by our side, we may feel lost and alone, but with him, we have the strength and courage to face whatever comes our way.

The path to heaven may not always be easy, but with Jesus as our guide, we can navigate the rough terrain and overcome any hardships that come our way. Just as Jesus endured suffering and scorn on earth before receiving his glory, we too may face challenges and obstacles that test our faith. But just like Jesus, we can emerge victorious and receive our crown of glory.

Let us labor in Jesus’ vineyard and share his goodness with others. With Jesus’ presence in our lives, everything is well. His love and grace sustain us in times of darkness and sorrow, and we can find solace in his comforting presence.

Even in the darkest moments, Jesus is there with us, guiding us through the night of tears until the morning light appears. With Jesus as our Savior, we can rest assured that we will reign with the good and blessed in eternal glory, where sin and death have no power.

Let us praise the matchless Giver, Jesus, who delivered us from death and granted us eternal life. In the presence of angels, we will adore him and bask in his everlasting love and grace.

So let us strive to be like “Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly,” embodying his humility, love, and grace in all that we do. With Jesus by our side, we can navigate life’s challenges and emerge victorious, ready to receive our crown of glory in the presence of our Savior for all . Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the gentle and loving nature of Jesus with the hymn Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly. Walk humbly with God and find strength in his loving presence. Embody his grace and love in your life.
Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly - Hymn Lyric - Experience the gentle and loving nature of Jesus with the hymn "Blessed Jesus Meek And Lowly." Walk humbly with God and find strength in his loving presence. Embody his grace and love in your life.