Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King – Hymn Lyric

Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King: Experience True Happiness and Contentment through Jesus' Love. Proclaim His Salvation and Find Rest and Fulfillment in Him. Discover the Transformative Power of His Mercy.

Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King – Hymn Lyric

“Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King: Discovering True Happiness and Contentment” This hymn reminds us that true happiness and contentment can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus. Through His mercy and love, we can find joy, peace, and fulfillment. The hymn invites us to Jesus’ name, proclaim His salvation, and surrender to Him to experience His transforming love.


Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King – Hymn Lyric

Blest with the mercy of Jesus my King,
Happy, so happy, the songs that I sing;
Filled with His fullness so rich and so free, O hallelujah!
He satisfies me!

O hallelujah! His love is so free!
O hallelujah! He satisfies me!

This great salvation with joy I’ll proclaim,
Loud hallelujahs give Jesus’ dear name.
Once in the darkness I wandered ,
Far from His love and His mercy away;
Now I am resting in Jesus’ control,
His perfect peace fills my satisfied soul.


Cleansing from , and this rest, sweetest rest,
Makes me contented and perfectly blest;
Now Jesus, my Master and King,
Glory and honor forever I’ll sing.


Come to this , ye weary and ,
See this salvation, ’twill make your hearts glad;
Ever to Jesus for safety abide,
‘Neath His blest shelter His rapture confide.



Meaning of Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King

Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King: Finding Happiness and Contentment

In life, it is only natural for us to seek happiness and contentment. We often look to various sources to fulfill our desires and joy into our lives. However, true happiness can only be found when we discover the mercy and love of Jesus, our King. This hymn beautifully expresses the joy and satisfaction that comes from having a personal relationship with Him.

The first verse starts with the powerful declaration, “Blest with the mercy of Jesus my King, Happy, so happy, the songs that I sing.” This line encapsulates the essence of the entire hymn. The author acknowledges that they are blessed with Jesus’ mercy, and this blessing fills them with uncontainable joy. It is through this joy that they find the strength to sing .

The refrain of the hymn reinforces the idea of Jesus’ love being free and satisfying. It is a declaration of gratitude for the great salvation they have found in Jesus, and they take joy in proclaiming it to the world. The author understands the importance of praising Jesus and giving glory to His name, as it brings true fulfillment.

The second verse of the hymn speaks of a personal transformation. The author, once lost in darkness, has now found their way back through Jesus’ love and mercy. They that they were once far away from Him, but now they have found rest and peace in His control. This verse beautifully emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus’ love in our lives.

The refrain is repeated, reminding us once again that Jesus’ love is not only free but also fulfilling. It is a love that satisfies the deepest longings of our souls. This notion is at the core of the hymn, and it speaks to the universal desire for lasting happiness and contentment.

Moving on to the third verse, the author speaks of the cleansing from sins and the sweet rest that comes with it. Jesus’ love has the power to forgive our sins and bring us peace. This forgiveness and rest bring contentment, making us perfectly blessed. The hymn emphasizes the importance of surrendering to Jesus, acknowledging Him as our Master and King. It is through this surrender that we find true honor and glory in His presence.

In the final verse, the hymn extends an invitation to those who are weary and sad. It invites them to come to Jesus and witness the salvation He offers. This salvation is described as something that will make their hearts glad. It encourages them to find safety and rapture in Jesus’ embrace, to trust in Him and seek shelter under His loving care.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, it becomes evident that true happiness and contentment lie in our relationship with Jesus. It is through His mercy and love that we can find rest, peace, and fulfillment. This hymn beautifully conveys the transforming power of Jesus’ love and the joy that comes from knowing Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King” encapsulates the idea that happiness and contentment can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus. It speaks of the joy and satisfaction that comes from being blessed with His mercy and love. The hymn encourages us to proclaim this great salvation, celebrate Jesus’ name, and find rest and contentment in Him. It is an invitation to everyone, no matter their circumstances, to come and experience the life-transforming love of Jesus. May we all find true happiness and fulfillment in Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King: Experience True Happiness and Contentment through Jesus' Love. Proclaim His Salvation and Find Rest and Fulfillment in Him. Discover the Transformative Power of His Mercy.
Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King - Hymn Lyric - Blest With The Mercy Of Jesus My King: Experience True Happiness and Contentment through Jesus' Love. Proclaim His Salvation and Find Rest and Fulfillment in Him. Discover the Transformative Power of His Mercy.