Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake – Hymn Lyric

Join the gathering of brethren beloved for Jesus' sake. Experience the joy

Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake – Hymn Lyric

“Brethren Beloved For Jesus’ Sake: A Gathering of Joy and Love” invites us to come together in the name of Jesus. With open arms, we celebrate and share the joys that only He can bring. Let us set aside worldly worries and focus on His , speaking of His love and following the path He showed us. As we unite in this gathering, a bond of love and unity strengthens, forever bright.


Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake – Hymn Lyric

Brethren, beloved for Jesu’s sake,
A hearty welcome here receive;
May we together now partake
The joys which he alone can give!

May he, by whose kind care we meet,
Send his good Spirit from above,
Make our communications sweet,
And cause our hearts to burn with love

Forgotten be each worldly theme,
When thus we meet to pray and praise,
We only wish to speak of him,
And tell the wonders of his grace.

We’ll talk of all he did and said,
His suffering and his dying love,
The path he marked for us to tread,
And how he triumphs now above.

Thus as the moments pass ,
We’ll love, and wonder, and adore;
Then hasten on the glorious day,
When we shall meet to part no more.


Meaning of Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake

Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake

Welcome, friends! As we come together today, let us gather with joyous hearts, eager to celebrate the love and teachings of Jesus. Imagine us stepping into a warm and welcoming space, where every person is not just a friend but a brother or sister in . Here, as we unite, we experience a heartfelt welcome, one that echoes the warmth of the hymn, “Brethren, beloved for Jesu’s sake.”

When we think about the idea of being beloved for Jesus’ sake, it stirs up images of community, togetherness, and a bond that transcends the daily hustle-bustle of life. Jesus, in his unending love, brings us together. He’s like the kind friend who throws open the doors of his and says, “Come in! You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.”

So, let’s talk about the joys that Jesus alone can give. It’s not just about laughter and happiness—as wonderful as those are—but about the deep, -filling joy that comes from knowing you’re loved and cared for by someone so pure and selfless. Imagine the biggest, warmest hug—that’s the kind of joy Jesus gives us.

In this special gathering, we invite the Holy Spirit to join us. It’s as if we’re saying, “Hey there, Holy Spirit, we’re over here! Come make our conversations sweeter and our hearts warmer with love.” And the beautiful thing is, the Spirit does come, tying us all together in an unseen but deeply felt bond.

Now let’s pause and think about worldly themes—those everyday worries about homework, chores, or what’s trending online. When we’re here together, we make a pact to set those aside. Instead, we focus our hearts and minds on praying, praising, and just being present with each other. It’s like stepping into a new world where the only currency that matters is kindness and the only language spoken is love.

At the core of our togetherness is Jesus—his life, his words, his love. Have you ever heard a really good story, one that makes you lean in, eyes wide with wonder? That’s what we do here. We lean in to listen and share the incredible story of Jesus—what he did, what he said, and the overwhelming love he showed all the way to the cross.

You know how sometimes a path can seem unclear or a little scary? Jesus marked out a path for each of us, and it’s one paved with love, hope, and reassurance. As we walk together, side by side, we draw strength from knowing that we’re not alone. Jesus walked this path long before us, and now he walks it with us.

Part of the beauty of coming together like this is remembering Jesus’ —how he rose above all the trials and pain. It’s a bit like that moment when you reach the top of a hill and can finally see the vast, beautiful landscape all around. Jesus’ triumph gives us that exhilarating perspective on life—high over the troubles and with a clear view of how everything fits together in ‘s plan.

Every minute spent in such fellowship is precious. We love more deeply, wonder a little more about the vastness of God’s grace, and adore him with every fiber of our being. It’s a bit like being caught up in a wonderful daydream, except this one is real, and it’s shared with others who feel just the same.

And as we draw our time together to a close, we’re not sad. Instead, we’re excited because every moment spent in fellowship like this only makes us more eager for that glorious day. You know, the big day that we’re all waiting for when we’ll finally get to meet every friend of Jesus and never have to say goodbye.

That’s what “Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake” is all about. It’s about that special kind of welcome that only Jesus’ love can create. It’s about the joys, the togetherness, and the anticipation of something even more wonderful to come. It’s about knowing that no matter what happens out there, in here, with our brethren, we’re loved just for Jesus’ sake.

So, whenever you come into this ‘here’, remember that you’re now part of something pretty amazing. You’re a beloved brother or sister, united in song, spirit, and the sweet stories of Jesus. Welcome to the family, welcome to the joy, welcome to the of “Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake.”


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the gathering of brethren beloved for Jesus' sake. Experience the joy, love, and unity as we share the wonders of His grace and the path He set for us. Let these words ignite hope and solace in your hearts.
Brethren Beloved For Jesus Sake - Hymn Lyric - Join the gathering of brethren beloved for Jesus' sake. Experience the joy, love, and unity as we share the wonders of His grace and the path He set for us. Let these words ignite hope and solace in your hearts.