Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters – Hymn Lyric

"Spread Kindness & Reap Rewards - Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters"

Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters – Hymn Lyric

Learn about the powerful message behind the hymn “Cast Thy Bread Upon The ” that teaches us the importance of kindness, generosity, and selflessness. By casting our acts of goodness into the world, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and make a difference in the lives of others. Trust that even though the results may not be immediate, our efforts will ultimately be rewarded with joy, love, and fulfillment.


Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters – Hymn Lyric

Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Thinking not ’tis thrown away;
God Himself saith, thou shalt gather
It again some future day.

Cast thy bread upon the waters;
Wildly though the billows roll,
They but aid thee as thou toilest
Truth to spread from pole to pole.

As the seed, by billows floated,
To some distant island lone,
So to human souls benighted,
That thou flingest may be borne.

Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Why wilt thou still doubting stand?
Bounteous God send the
If thou sowest with liberal hand.


Meaning of Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters

“Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters: Spreading Truth and Reaping Bountiful Harvests”

Have you ever heard the saying “What goes around, comes around?” Well, that’s exactly what this beautiful hymn is all about. It’s called “Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters,” and it teaches us an important lesson about kindness, generosity, and the rewards that come from selflessness.

Imagine standing on the shore of a vast , with waves crashing against the rocks. Now, imagine holding a loaf of bread in your hands. Instead of keeping it all for yourself, this hymn tells us to cast our bread upon the waters. But wait, why would we throw away something as as bread?

Here’s the thing – when it says “bread,” it’s not just referring to the physical food that sustains us. It’s a metaphor for acts of goodness, kindness, and generosity that we can share with others. When we cast our bread upon the waters, we are sending out these acts of goodness into the world, not expecting anything in return. It’s like sprinkling seeds of kindness and love, hoping they will grow and flourish.

The hymn reminds us that even though it might seem like our acts of kindness go unnoticed or unappreciated, they are never in vain. Just like God promises, we will gather the rewards of our generosity someday. It might not be immediate, and it might not be in the way that we expect, but God will ensure that our efforts are not wasted.

Think about it – when we cast our bread upon the waters, it’s like throwing a pebble into a still pond. The ripples that it creates spread and wide, touching the lives of people we may never even meet. Our acts of kindness have the power to inspire others, and they can continue to grow and make a positive impact, just like the seeds that are carried by ocean currents to distant islands.

The hymn tells us that even when the billows roll and gets tough, our acts of kindness are not in vain. In fact, they can be our armor, protecting us from the storms that may come our way. When we spread truth and love from pole to pole, we are empowering ourselves and those around us to face challenges with strength and resilience.

Sometimes, we may doubt the impact of our actions. We might wonder if our small efforts really make a difference in the grand scheme of things. But this hymn urges us to let go of those doubts and sow our kindness with a liberal hand. It promises that when we give freely and generously, God will send a bountiful harvest our way.

It’s important to understand that this harvest doesn’t necessarily mean material possessions or wealth. Rather, it refers to the abundance of joy, love, and fulfillment that we will receive when we live a life of generosity and selflessness. When our hearts are open, and we spread goodness wherever we go, we become part of something much bigger than ourselves – a ripple effect of positivity that touches countless lives.

So, my friend, don’t hesitate to cast your bread upon the waters. Share your acts of kindness, love, and generosity with the world. Trust that they will make a difference, even if you don’t see the immediate results. Remember that every act of goodness is like a seed, carried by the winds of fate, and destined to bring light to those who need it the most.

As you go about your days, think about how you can cast your bread upon the waters. It could be as simple as a smile to brighten someone’s day, a helping hand offered to someone in need, or a kind word to uplift a friend. Embrace opportunities to spread truth and love, and watch as the ripples of your actions create a wave of positive change in this world.

So, my dear friend, let us strive to live by the message of this hymn – to cast our bread upon the waters, knowing that our acts of kindness and generosity will never be in vain. Let us sow our seeds of love and truth with a liberal hand, and trust that God will us with a bountiful harvest of joy, love, and fulfillment in return. Together, let us make this world a better , one act of kindness at a time.


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Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters - Hymn Lyric - "Spread Kindness & Reap Rewards - Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters"