Cheer Up My Soul There Is A Mercy Seat – Hymn Lyric

Discover comfort and hope at the mercy seat. Find solace in times of trouble and cast your burdened soul at Jesus' feet. Believe in His love and forgiveness.

Cheer Up My Soul There Is A Mercy Seat – Hymn Lyric

“Cheer Up My Soul: Finding Comfort and at the Mercy Seat” is a that reminds us that no matter how burdened our may be, there is a of solace and assurance called the mercy seat. With powerful imagery and references to biblical concepts, the hymn emphasizes the power of God’s grace, the promise of His love, and the unbreakable bond we have with Him. It is a beautiful reminder that we can find rest, forgiveness, and strength in the arms of our loving Lord.


Cheer Up My Soul There Is A Mercy Seat – Hymn Lyric

Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy seat,
Sprinkled with blood, where answers prayer;
There humbly cast thyself beneath his feet,
For never needy sinner perished there.

Lord, I am come! thy promise is my plea,
Without thy word I durst not venture nigh;
But thou hast called the burdened soul to thee,
A burdened soul, O Lord, am I!

Bowed down beneath a heavy load of sin,
By ‘s fierce sorely pressed,
Beset without, and full of fears within,
Trembling and faint I come to thee for rest.

Be thou my refuge, Lord, my hiding-place,
I know no force can tear me from thy side;
Unmoved I then may all accusers face,
And answer every charge, with “Jesus died.”

Yes! thou didst weep, and bleed, and groan and die!
Well hast thou known what fierce temptation means,
Such was my love! and now enthroned on high,
The same compassion in thy bosom reigns.

Lord, give me faith–he hears! what grace is this!
Dry up thy tears, my soul, and cease to grieve;
He shows me what he did, and who he is,
I must, I will, I can, I do believe.


Meaning of Cheer Up My Soul There Is A Mercy Seat

Cheer Up My Soul: Finding Comfort and Hope at the Mercy Seat

In times of trouble and despair, it can be easy for our souls to become burdened with the weight of our sins and the challenges that life throws our way. We may feel overwhelmed, lost, and in desperate need of relief. However, there is a place where we can find solace and assurance – a place known as the mercy seat.

The hymn opens with a beautiful verse that sets the tone for the message it conveys. “Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy seat, sprinkled with blood, where Jesus answers prayer.” These words paint a picture of hope and remind us that no matter how dire our situation may seem, there is always a place we can go to find comfort and healing.

The concept of a mercy seat dates back to biblical times. In the Old Testament, it was the place where God’s presence resided in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple. This was the place where the high priest would sprinkle the blood of sacrificed animals to atone for the sins of the people. It was a symbol of God’s mercy and forgiveness.

As we delve deeper into the hymn, we are encouraged to cast ourselves humbly at the feet of Jesus, for it is at the mercy seat that we find salvation. The hymn reminds us that no needy sinner has ever perished there, highlighting the power of God’s grace and the assurance of His love. It is through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross that we can approach the mercy seat with confidence, knowing that our sins have been forgiven.

The hymn also speaks to the promise that God has made to His . It acknowledges that we dare not come near the mercy seat without God’s word as our plea. Yet, we are reassured that God has called the burdened soul to Him. This powerful truth reminds us that no matter how heavy our load of sin may be, God is always ready and willing to receive us with open arms.

In the next verse, the hymn paints a vivid picture of a soul bowed down beneath the weight of sin and the temptation of the enemy. It speaks to the inner struggles we may face, the fears that may consume us, and the weariness that we experience. However, it reminds us that we can find rest in the arms of our Lord, who serves as our refuge and hiding place.

The words “I know no force can tear me from thy side” reflect the unbreakable bond we have with God once we our lives to Him. Regardless of the accusations or challenges that may come our way, we can stand firm in the knowledge that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross forever secures our place in His arms.

The hymn reminds us of the incredible love and compassion that Jesus exhibited during His time on earth. It emphasizes that He understands what it means to face fierce temptation and experience pain. This understanding is what allows Him to show us the same compassion as He reigns on high.

The powerful plea for faith in the following verse is a reminder that it is through faith that we can truly experience the grace and mercy of God. The hymn acknowledges that God hears our cries and offers us His wondrous grace. It encourages us to dry our tears and cease to grieve, for God reveals to us what He has done and who He is.

In the final line, the hymn conveys a resounding declaration of belief. “I must, I will, I can, I do believe.” These words serve as a powerful affirmation of our faith in God’s love and the salvation that is found at the mercy seat. It is through this belief that we find the strength and courage to face any trial that comes our way.

In conclusion, the hymn “Cheer Up My Soul: There Is A Mercy Seat” beautifully captures the essence of finding hope, comfort, and forgiveness at the mercy seat. It speaks to our deep need for salvation and emphasizes the unwavering love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ. May these words serve as a reminder to each of us, no matter our age or circumstances, that there is always a place of refuge and healing where our souls can find rest.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover comfort and hope at the mercy seat. Find solace in times of trouble and cast your burdened soul at Jesus' feet. Believe in His love and forgiveness.
Cheer Up My Soul There Is A Mercy Seat - Hymn Lyric - Discover comfort and hope at the mercy seat. Find solace in times of trouble and cast your burdened soul at Jesus' feet. Believe in His love and forgiveness.