Come Be My Hearts Beloved Guest – Hymn Lyric

Looking for true joy and contentment? Embrace God's presence as your beloved guest. Open your heart and soul to Him and experience His blessings. Sing "Come

Come Be My Hearts Beloved Guest – Hymn Lyric

Be Our Hearts’ Guest: Embracing the Joy of ‘s Presence” is a hymn that invites us to experience the incredible joy and that come from having God in our lives. The hymn encourages us to open our hearts and souls to God, welcoming Him as our honored guest. It reminds us that God’s love and are available to all, regardless of our past mistakes or circumstances, and that in His presence, we find acceptance, forgiveness, and true fulfillment.


Come Be My Hearts Beloved Guest – Hymn Lyric

Come, be our hearts’ beloved guest,
our joy beyond all telling,
for only they on earth are blest
with whom thou hast dwelling.

O keep thy banquet, Lord, with us,
with sinners poor and needy,
since graciously thou callest thus:
“Come, all things now are ready.”

We open hearts and souls to ,
Lord Jesus, to receive thee;
for thee we long most ardently;
O may we never leave thee!


Meaning of Come Be My Hearts Beloved Guest

Come, Be Our Hearts’ Beloved Guest: Embracing the Joy of God’s Presence

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Come, Be My Hearts’ Beloved Guest,” we are reminded of the incredible joy that comes from having God’s presence in our lives. The comforting words of this hymn invite us to open our hearts and souls to God, to welcome Him as our honored guest, and to experience the blessings that come from dwelling with Him.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the immense joy and happiness that is found in having God as our guest. It is a joy that surpasses all understanding, a joy that cannot be put into words. When we allow God into our lives, we are truly blessed, for He brings a peace and contentment that cannot be found anywhere else.

As we sing this hymn, we recognize that the invitation to be God’s guest is extended to everyone – sinners, the poor, and the needy. God’s love and grace are not reserved for a select few, but for all who are to receive Him. He calls out to us, tenderly and lovingly, inviting us to come and partake in His abundant .

In our human nature, we may feel unworthy or inadequate to be in the presence of such greatness. However, the hymn reminds us that God’s invitation is not based on our own merits or accomplishments. He graciously offers His love and salvation to all, regardless of our past mistakes or current circumstances.

As we sing these words, “Come, all things now are ready,” we are reminded that God has already prepared a place for us at His table. He eagerly awaits our arrival, longing for us to find our truest joy and satisfaction in Him. In His presence, we find acceptance, forgiveness, and a deep sense of belonging.

To fully embrace this invitation, we must open our hearts and souls to Jesus. We must make space for Him in our lives, allowing Him to reign as the beloved guest of our hearts. When we do so, we experience a profound transformation.

Jesus becomes the center of our thoughts, desires, and actions. Our longing for Him becomes more fervent, as we seek to never leave His side. The hymn expresses this longing, acknowledging that we ardently desire to remain with Him always, not out of obligation, but out of a genuine love and devotion.

In a world filled with distractions and temptations, it can be easy to forget the deep yearning our hearts have for God’s presence. We may get caught up in the busyness of life or become entangled in , losing sight of what truly matters. Yet, this hymn serves as a reminder of the joy and fulfillment that come from truly abiding in God’s love.

As we reflect on the beautiful words of this hymn, let us make a conscious effort to invite God into our lives each and every day. Let us open our hearts to His presence, just as we would open our homes to a beloved guest. May we never forget the joy that comes from dwelling with Him, and may we continually strive to draw closer to Him.

So, let us sing these words with genuine sincerity and expectation, knowing that as we welcome God into our lives, we will experience a joy beyond all telling. Let us embrace Him as our beloved guest, for in doing so, we will find true love, peace, and contentment that can only be found in His presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking for true joy and contentment? Embrace God's presence as your beloved guest. Open your heart and soul to Him and experience His blessings. Sing Come, Be My Hearts Beloved Guest and invite God into your life today.
Come Be My Hearts Beloved Guest - Hymn Lyric - Looking for true joy and contentment? Embrace God's presence as your beloved guest. Open your heart and soul to Him and experience His blessings. Sing "Come, Be My Hearts Beloved Guest" and invite God into your life today.