Come Jesus From The Sapphire Throne – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Glory and Grace of Jesus From the Sapphire Throne. Join us in heartfelt worship and communion

Come Jesus From The Sapphire Throne – Hymn Lyric

“Come, Jesus, From the Sapphire Throne” is a hymn that invites us to contemplate the and magnificence of Jesus as He comes from His heavenly throne. The hymn emphasizes the privilege of entering His temple and experiencing His presence, as well as the power of His and guidance in our lives. It encourages us to worship wholeheartedly, partake in , and trust in Jesus as our faithful .


Come Jesus From The Sapphire Throne – Hymn Lyric

Come, Jesus, from the sapphire throne,
Where redeemed behold Thy face.
Enter this temple, now Thine own,
And let Thy glory fill the .

We praise Thee that to-day we see
Its sacred walls before Thee stand;
‘Tis Thine for us; ’tis ours for Thee;
Reared by Thy kind assisting hand.

Oft as returns the day of rest,
Let heartfelt worship here ascend;
With Thine own joy fill every breast,
With Thine own power Thy word attend.

Here in the dark and sorrowing day,
Bid the throbbing heart be still;
Oh, wipe the mourner’s tears away,
And give new strength to meet Thy will.

When round the Board Thine own shall meet,
And keep the feast of dying love,
Be our communion ever sweet
With Thee, and with Thy Church above.

Come, faithful Shepherd, feed Thy sheep;
In Thine own arms the lambs enfold;
Give help to climb the heavenward steep,
Till Thy full glory we behold.


Meaning of Come Jesus From The Sapphire Throne

Come, Jesus, From the Sapphire Throne: A Reflection on the Glory and Grace of God

In this beautiful hymn, we are invited to contemplate the magnificence and power of Jesus as He comes from His heavenly throne. The imagery of the sapphire throne evokes a sense of regality and divinity, as we imagine Jesus seated in a place of honor and exaltation. As the redeemed, we are blessed to have the opportunity to enter this temple, which is now consecrated as His own. The hymn calls upon Jesus to fill the temple with His glory, symbolizing His presence and the outpouring of His divine grace upon His people.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the privilege we have in being able to behold the face of Jesus, who is seated on the sapphire throne. It is a wondrous sight that fills us with awe and reverence. We praise Him for the opportunity to gather in this holy place, which stands as a testament to His love and mercy. It is a temple built by His kind assisting hand, representing His involvement and guidance in its construction. It is a place where we can come together and worship, dedicating our hearts and souls to Him.

On the day of rest, as we gather in this sanctuary, the hymn encourages us to offer heartfelt worship to Jesus. It is a time to let His joy fill our hearts and to listen with reverence as His word is proclaimed. We seek His power to flow through us and to guide our every thought and action. In the midst of and sorrow, the hymn reminds us that Jesus has the power to bring calm and stillness to our hearts. He has the ability to wipe away our tears and to strengthen us to face the challenges of life.

The hymn also references the act of communion, when we gather around the table to partake in the feast of dying love. It is in this sacrament that we experience a sweet and intimate communion with Jesus and with His Church above. It is a moment of deep connection with the Divine, where we are reminded of His sacrifice and the love He has for each one of us. It is a time to reflect on our own journey of and to recommit ourselves to following Jesus as the faithful Shepherd who lovingly guides and cares for His flock.

As the hymn draws to a close, it reminds us of the importance of being shepherded by Jesus. Just as a shepherd tenderly cares for his sheep, Jesus lovingly takes care of us. He holds us in His arms and protects us from harm. He helps us navigate the challenges of life and guides us along the that leads to heavenly glory. Ultimately, our goal is to behold the fullness of His glory, to experience His presence in its entirety.

In conclusion, “Come, Jesus, From the Sapphire Throne” is a hymn that invites us to reflect on the beauty and majesty of Jesus. It encourages us to gather in His temple, to offer heartfelt worship, and to receive His grace and guidance. It reminds us of His sacrificial love demonstrated through the communion feast. And it encourages us to trust in Him as our faithful Shepherd who leads us to the ultimate glory of His presence. May we always be in awe of His splendor and may His love fill our hearts as we journey through life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Glory and Grace of Jesus From the Sapphire Throne. Join us in heartfelt worship and communion, as we reflect on His love and guidance. Visit our temple today!
Come Jesus From The Sapphire Throne - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Glory and Grace of Jesus From the Sapphire Throne. Join us in heartfelt worship and communion, as we reflect on His love and guidance. Visit our temple today!