Come O Come To Jesus Tis A Joy To Know – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of knowing Jesus and the power of His love. Find forgiveness and renewal in His crimson flow. Come O Come to Jesus and be whiter than the snow.

Come O Come To Jesus Tis A Joy To Know – Hymn Lyric

“Come O Come To , It’s a Joy to Know Him” invites you to experience the transformative power of Jesus’ and forgiveness. This beautifully describes how Jesus can wash away our sins and make us pure again. Don’t wait, open your heart to Him and embrace the joy of knowing Him.


Come O Come To Jesus Tis A Joy To Know – Hymn Lyric

Come, O come to Jesus,
‘Tis a joy to know
He can make you whiter
Than the driven snow.

Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Plunge beneath the fountain
In the crimson flow;
Linger not beloved,
Mercy free doth flow
Plunge and be ye whiter
Than the driven snow.

Jesus now is calling,
Do not spurn His call;
Pardon has been purchased
Thro’ His blood for all.

Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Plunge beneath the fountain
In the crimson flow;
Linger not beloved,
Mercy free doth flow
Plunge and be ye whiter
Than the driven snow.

Jesus now is knocking,
Will you let Him in?
He will free from bondage,
Save Thy from .

Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Plunge beneath the fountain
In the crimson flow;
Linger not beloved,
Mercy free doth flow
Plunge and be ye whiter
Than the driven snow.

Jesus now in mercy,
Lovingly doth wait,
Bidding you to enter
E’er it be too late.

Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Plunge beneath the fountain
In the crimson flow;
Linger not beloved,
Mercy free doth flow
Plunge and be ye whiter
Than the driven snow.


Meaning of Come O Come To Jesus Tis A Joy To Know

Come O Come To Jesus, It’s a Joy to Know Him

Have you ever felt like you needed a fresh start? Like you’ve made mistakes and wish you could just wipe the slate clean? Well, my friends, I have good news for you. There is someone who can make you whiter than the driven snow, and His name is Jesus.

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the power and love of Jesus. It says, “Come, O come to Jesus, ‘Tis a joy to know. He can make you whiter than the driven snow.” Just think about that for a moment. Jesus has the incredible ability to cleanse us from our sins and make us pure again. No matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been, His love is greater than any stain we may carry.

The chorus declares, “Whiter than the snow, Whiter than the snow, Plunge beneath the fountain in the crimson flow.” Imagine standing before a fountain, its waters shimmering in the sunlight. As you step forward and immerse yourself in its refreshing embrace, all the dirt, all the filth, all the impurities wash away, leaving you whiter than the snow. That is the power of Jesus’ love and forgiveness.

But there’s more to this hymn than just the promise of forgiveness. It also speaks of the urgency in responding to Jesus’ call. It says, “Linger not beloved, Mercy free doth flow. Plunge and be ye whiter than the driven snow.” You see, Jesus is not only calling us, but He is knocking at the of our hearts, waiting for us to let Him in.

The second verse encourages us to respond to His call, as it says, “Jesus now is calling, Do not spurn His call. Pardon has been purchased thro’ His blood for all.” Jesus has already paid the price for our sins through His sacrifice on the cross. His blood was shed so that we can be forgiven and set free. All we need to do is accept His invitation and open the door to our hearts.

And what a glorious transformation us when we do! The hymn tells us, “Jesus now is knocking, Will you let Him in? He will free from bondage, Save Thy soul from sin.” Just imagine being released from the chains of guilt, shame, and sin that may have held you captive. Jesus offers true freedom and to all who open their hearts to Him.

But let us not delay, for the hymn warns, “Jesus now in mercy, Lovingly doth wait, Bidding you to enter E’er it be too late.” The opportunity to know Jesus and experience His forgiveness is not something we should take lightly. His mercy is extended to us, but we must be willing to respond. The time to accept His invitation is now, before it’s too late.

As we contemplate the lyrics of this hymn, let us remember the incredible love and grace of Jesus. He stands ready to wash us clean, to make us whiter than the snow. All we need to do is come to Him, accept His forgiveness, and open our hearts to His transformative power.

So, my friends, let us respond to Jesus’ call with joy and gratitude. Come O come to Jesus, for it truly is a joy to know Him. And in His crimson flow, we will find the cleansing and renewal our souls so desperately need. May we plunge into His love and emerge as radiant as the driven snow.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy of knowing Jesus and the power of His love. Find forgiveness and renewal in His crimson flow. Come O Come to Jesus and be whiter than the snow.
Come O Come To Jesus Tis A Joy To Know - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy of knowing Jesus and the power of His love. Find forgiveness and renewal in His crimson flow. Come O Come to Jesus and be whiter than the snow.