Come To Jesus Are You Lonely – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and guidance in the loving arms of the Lord. Don't face loneliness alone. Lean on Jesus

Come To Jesus Are You Lonely – Hymn Lyric

Come To Jesus Are You Lonely – Finding Comfort and Guidance in the Loving Arms of the Feeling lonely? The “Come to Jesus” reminds us that Jesus is there to provide solace and support. It urges us to test Him through His written word and embrace His loving presence, finding rest and in His arms. So, if you’re seeking comfort and guidance, come to Jesus.


Come To Jesus Are You Lonely – Hymn Lyric

Come to Jesus! Are you lonely?
Solace sweet He will afford;
Lean on Jesus, Jesus only!
Come and find a loving Lord.

He is waiting, will you leave Him,
Pleading at your in vain?
He is willing, oh, believe Him;
He may never call again.

Now it is the time to test Him,
Test Him by His written word;
Come, for He will ne’er deny it;
Come to Christ, the Lord.

By still waters He will lead you,
In green , you shall rest;
And the pierced hands that freed you,
Bear you near His tender breast.


Meaning of Come To Jesus Are You Lonely

Come To Jesus Are You Lonely – Finding Comfort and Guidance in the Loving Arms of the Lord


Are you feeling lonely, like you’re carrying the weight of the on your shoulders? Do you long for solace and someone to lean on? Look no further, for there is a loving Lord waiting to embrace you and provide you with all the support and comfort you seek. In the hymn “Come to Jesus,” we are reminded of the importance of turning to Jesus when we feel lonely and lost. Let us delve deeper into the verses of this hymn and explore how they resonate with our own experiences.

Verse 1:

“Come to Jesus! Are you lonely?

Solace sweet He will afford;

Lean on Jesus, Jesus only!

Come and find a loving Lord.”

Loneliness can be an overwhelming emotion, making us feel as though we are isolated from the world and lacking any support. However, the hymn assures us that Jesus is the source of solace and comfort. When we turn to Him, we find a loving Lord who can fill the void in our hearts. Jesus invites us to lean on Him, to trust Him, and to find refuge in His arms.

Verse 2:

“He is waiting; will you leave Him,

Pleading at your heart in vain?

He is willing, oh, believe Him;

He may never call again.”

Sometimes, we become so caught up in our own worries and distractions that we neglect the call of Jesus. We may hear His gentle plea in our hearts, but we hesitate to respond. This verse reminds us of the urgency to accept His invitation and acknowledge His presence in our lives. Jesus stands ready to embrace us, but we must be mindful not to let this opportunity slip away, for we never know when it might come again.

Verse 3:

“Now it is the time to test Him,

Test Him by His written word;

Come, for He will ne’er deny it;

Come to Christ, the risen Lord.”

When we feel lost and lonely, it can be difficult to discern the path forward. However, the hymn suggests that we test Jesus by His written word, the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is filled with timeless wisdom and promises that attest to ‘s unfailing and presence in our lives. By immersing ourselves in His word and seeking His guidance through prayer, we can embrace the assurance that Jesus will never deny us His love and support.

Verse 4:

“By still waters He will lead you,

In green pastures you shall rest;

And the pierced hands that freed you,

Bear you near His tender breast.”

In times of loneliness, Jesus offers to lead us by the still waters. He invites us to find solace and rest in green pastures. This imagery of tranquil settings reminds us that amid our struggles, Jesus provides a sanctuary where we can find peace and rejuvenation. Moreover, the hymn beautifully highlights the significance of Jesus’ pierced hands, symbolizing His on the cross. These same hands lovingly hold us close to His tender breast, reassuring us of His unwavering care and protection.


In conclusion, the hymn “Come to Jesus” serves as a gentle reminder that we need not face our loneliness alone. Jesus stands waiting, ready to embrace us and offer us solace, love, and guidance. Though we may sometimes hesitate, it is important to answer His call and test Him through His written word. By turning to Jesus, we can find comfort by still waters and rest in green pastures. Let us lean on Him, for He is the loving Lord who will never deny us His presence. So, if you find yourself lonely and in search of solace, remember the words of this hymn and come to Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and guidance in the loving arms of the Lord. Don't face loneliness alone. Lean on Jesus, the loving Lord who will never deny you. Come to Jesus, find solace and rest.
Come To Jesus Are You Lonely - Hymn Lyric - Find comfort and guidance in the loving arms of the Lord. Don't face loneliness alone. Lean on Jesus, the loving Lord who will never deny you. Come to Jesus, find solace and rest.