Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave – Hymn Lyric

Explore the transformative power of Jesus' blood in the hymn "Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave." Discover how forgiveness

Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave – Hymn Lyric

Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave: The Power of His Blood In the “Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave,” we explore the transformative power of Jesus’ blood. Through forgiveness, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and a determined pursuit of heavenly goals, this hymn reminds us of the security, , and empowerment we receive from having Jesus’ blood on our souls. Let’s delve into the significance of His blood and embrace the grace and it represents.


Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave – Hymn Lyric

Dear Jesus all my sins forgave,
And washed and made me whole,
I have sweet peace and within,
His blood is on my .

His blood is on my soul,
His blood is on my soul,
I rest securely in His hand,
His blood is on my soul.

The tempter can not overcome,
Or gain the least control,
I have God’s everlasting seal,
Christ’s blood is on my soul.

His blood is on my soul,
His blood is on my soul,
I rest securely in His hand,
His blood is on my soul.

I have His Spirit now within,
My in His control,
I’m ready for the crowning day,
His blood is on my soul.

His blood is on my soul,
His blood is on my soul,
I rest securely in His hand,
His blood is on my soul.

I am determined by His grace
To reach bright ‘s goal,
And reign with Jesus on His throne,
His blood is on my soul.

His blood is on my soul,
His blood is on my soul,
I rest securely in His hand,
His blood is on my soul.


Meaning of Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave

Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave: The Power of His Blood

Introduction :

In the hymn titled “Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave,” we find a beautiful expression of faith in the power of Jesus’ blood to wash away sins and bring peace, joy, and security. This hymn speaks to the belief that through forgiveness and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome temptation and confidently strive towards our heavenly goal. Join me as we explore the significance of Jesus’ blood and its transformative effect on our lives.

1. The Cleansing Power of Jesus’ Blood :

At the of this hymn lies the powerful truth of Jesus’ blood as the agent of forgiveness and redemption. As the verse states, Jesus forgives all our sins and washes us clean, wholeness and restoration to our souls. In a world filled with guilt and shame, this assurance of forgiveness offers comfort and hope.

2. Finding Security in His Blood :

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the sense of security that comes from having Jesus’ blood on our souls. The tempter, symbolic of evil and temptation, cannot overcome us because we are protected and sealed by God’s everlasting seal. This seal signifies our belongingness to Christ and assures us of His constant presence and protection.

3. Empowered by His Spirit :

Beyond the forgiveness and security, the hymn also speaks of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Through the power of the Spirit, our lives are no longer under our own control but rather in the hands of Christ. This surrender allows us to experience transformation and empowers us to live in obedience and resist temptation.

4. Striving for Heaven’s Goal :

The final verse of the hymn highlights our determination to reach the ultimate goal of heaven and reign with Jesus on His throne. Through His grace, we are enabled to live a life that is pleasing to Him, keeping our eyes on the prize of . As we fix our gaze on this heavenly goal, we can find encouragement and motivation in knowing that His blood empowers us to press on.

Conclusion :

In “Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave,” we find a heartfelt expression of faith in the transformative power of Jesus’ blood. From the cleansing of sins to the security and empowerment it brings, this hymn serves as a reminder of the depth of God’s love for us and the grace we receive through Christ. As we reflect on these lyrics and the truths they convey, may we be encouraged to fully embrace the forgiveness, security, and empowerment that come from having Jesus’ blood on our souls.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Explore the transformative power of Jesus' blood in the hymn Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave. Discover how forgiveness, security, and empowerment are found through His blood, bringing peace, joy, and the goal of heaven within reach.
Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave - Hymn Lyric - Explore the transformative power of Jesus' blood in the hymn "Dear Jesus All My Sins Forgave." Discover how forgiveness, security, and empowerment are found through His blood, bringing peace, joy, and the goal of heaven within reach.