Do Something For Jesus Believer – Hymn Lyric

Discover how the hymn "Do Something For Jesus Believer" encourages believers to take action

Do Something For Jesus Believer – Hymn Lyric

“Do Something For Believer: Making a Difference in the ” reminds us that as believers, we have the power to make a positive impact by actively using our talents and abilities to serve Jesus. This encourages believers of all ages to take action and spread the love and teachings of Jesus in their daily lives. By answering the call to action, we can bring others closer to Jesus, inspire change, and make a difference in the world around us.


Do Something For Jesus Believer – Hymn Lyric

Do something for Jesus, believer,
Some talent was given to you;
Whatever in is your station,
There’s something or other to do.

Do something for Jesus,
Do something for Jesus,
Oh, work in His vineyard, I pray;
Bring one to believe Him,
To love and receive Him,
Do something for Jesus today.

Why stand you so idle and listless?
Oh, rouse you, dear Christian, take heed;
The weak and the erring are near you,
The sick and the helpless in need.


The harvest so swiftly is passing,
There’s work for the feeble and strong;
And following after the Savior,
There’s work for the old and the young.



Meaning of Do Something For Jesus Believer

Do Something For Jesus Believer: Making a Difference in the World

In this hymn, the lyrics remind us of the importance of taking action and using our talents to serve Jesus. As believers, we are called to actively participate in the work of the Lord and make a difference in the world around us. Whether we are young or old, weak or strong, there is always something we can do to bring others closer to Jesus and spread His love.

One of the key messages of this hymn is the call for believers to not remain idle or listless but instead to rouse ourselves and take heed. It serves as a gentle reminder that even though our daily lives may be filled with various responsibilities and routines, there is always room to do something for Jesus. Whether it’s in our schools, neighborhoods, or communities, there are countless opportunities for us to share the love and teachings of Jesus with those around us.

As believers, we have been with unique talents and abilities, and this hymn encourages us to use them for the glory of . It emphasizes that whatever our station in life may be, there is always something we can do. Perhaps you have a talent for music, writing, or public speaking? Use it to inspire others and spread the message of Jesus. Maybe you are skilled in sports or other recreational activities? Use that platform to be a good example of Christian behavior and values. Each one of us has something to offer, and it’s up to us to discover how we can best use our talents to serve Jesus and make a difference.

The refrain of the hymn repeatedly urges believers to “do something for Jesus,” emphasizing the urgency and importance of our actions. It asks us to work in His vineyard and bring others to believe in Him, love Him, and receive His . By actively engaging in the work of Jesus, we not only enrich our own spiritual journeys but also have the potential to positively impact the lives of those around us.

The hymn also reminds us of the different types of people we encounter in our lives who are in need of our help. It mentions the weak, the erring, the sick, and the helpless. These individuals symbolize those who are spiritually lost, physically or emotionally ill, or simply in need of guidance and support. The hymn encourages us to be aware of these individuals and to reach out to them with compassion and love, just as Jesus did during His earthly ministry.

Furthermore, the hymn suggests that the harvest is passing swiftly and that there is work to be done for both the feeble and the strong. This serves as a reminder that there is no age limit when it comes to serving Jesus. Whether we are young or old, we can all contribute to His work. can show kindness and share the teachings of Jesus with their friends, while adults can engage in missionary work, in their communities, or support charitable causes. Each contribution, no matter how big or small, is valuable in the eyes of God.

In conclusion, the hymn “Do Something For Jesus Believer” encourages us to actively engage in the work of the Lord. It reminds us that we all have talents and abilities that can be used to bring others closer to Jesus and spread His love. Whether it’s through music, art, sports, or simply acts of kindness, there is always something we can do to make a difference in the lives of those around us. By answering the call to action and actively participating in the work of Jesus, we can experience the joy of serving others and be a positive force in the world. So let us heed the hymn’s call and “do something for Jesus today”!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how the hymn Do Something For Jesus Believer encourages believers to take action, use their talents, and make a difference in the world. Find inspiration to actively participate in the work of the Lord and spread His love, bringing others closer to Jesus.
Do Something For Jesus Believer - Hymn Lyric - Discover how the hymn "Do Something For Jesus Believer" encourages believers to take action, use their talents, and make a difference in the world. Find inspiration to actively participate in the work of the Lord and spread His love, bringing others closer to Jesus.