Do You Love The World – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on life's temptations and joys. Choose between worldly desires and eternal truths. Discover if you truly love the world or seek a higher purpose. Find solace in reflection and divine love.

Do You Love The World – Hymn Lyric

In the midst of the ‘s temptations and allure, we are faced with a choice: **Do you love the world in its pomp and show?** Are we willing to sacrifice the for the temporary pleasures of this life? Let us reflect deeply on what truly matters and choose a path that aligns with our deepest values and divine purpose.

Table of Contents


Do You Love The World – Hymn Lyric

Do you love the world, in its pomp and show?
In its course of will you onward go?
Is the pride of life more than heav’n above?
Will you lose your for the sins you love?

Do you love the world? Will you selfish be,
When the Lord provides everything for thee?
Can you still refuse? Will you and bow?
Give your heart and life to His service now?

Do you love the world, its applause and fame?
Soon ’twill end in sorrow, remorse, and shame;
Jesus bids you come and redeem your soul
From its awful doom, the judgments roll.

Do you love the world? Is it dear to thee?
Can it help thy soul in eternity?
Will you choose its way more than godly fear,
Sealing thus your doom, when the Lord is near?

Do you love the world more than Christ who died?
How the blood flowed free from His pierced side!
When it cost His life to prepare that place,
Will you die in sin, and refuse His grace?


Meaning of Do You Love The World

As we walk this path of life, we find ourselves surrounded by the grandeur, the allure, and the fleeting delights of this world. The temptations and desires are endless, pulling at us from every direction, whispering the promise of happiness and fulfillment. But amidst this cacophony of distractions, I invite you to pause for a moment and reflect deeply, with honesty and vulnerability, on the ultimate truths of our existence.

Do you love the world in its pomp and show? This question beckons us to examine the fabric of our daily lives. Are we drawn by the spectacle, the glitter and glamour that often distract us from our higher calling? Do we find ourselves consumed by the pursuit of material success, recognition, and the fleeting pleasure these things bring?

There is no denying that the world, in all its brilliance, can be enticing. Yet, it’s important to remember that this allure is transient. The pride of life, the applause, and fame—all these will one day fade into the sands of time. Will you then cast aside the eternal for the temporal? For in doing so, we may find ourselves losing touch with the eternal essence of our , the very core of our true existence.

Do you love the world? Will you selfish be, when the Lord provides everything for thee? In our quest for self-discovery, it is crucial to recognize the gifts and blessings that have been bestowed upon us. Every breath we take, every beat of our heart, is a testament to the boundless love and care of the Divine. The Lord provides not just for our physical needs but nurtures the deeper yearnings of our spirit. Are we open and willing to acknowledge this divine grace? Or have we shut ourselves off, clinging to the superficial, and in doing so, draining our hearts of the profound joy that comes from surrendering to a higher purpose?

Do you love the world, its applause, and fame? As we tread our paths, let us not forget the greater purpose that calls us. The world’s recognition may offer a momentary sense of achievement, but true fulfillment comes from aligning our lives with the eternal truths. The journey of self-discovery is not about collecting accolades or securing our legacy in the annals of history, but rather about living authentically, in harmony with our deepest values and divine wisdom.

In this contemplative silence, let us ask ourselves what truly matters. **Do you love the world? Is it dear to thee?** Can the transient joys of this world your soul in eternity? When faced with the infinite, do the worldly pleasures still hold their charm? These questions are not meant to admonish but to invite you into the sacred space of introspection. It is through honest reflection that we meet our true selves, breaking through the layers of fear, pride, and illusion.

Dearest ones, the choice before us is profound and deeply personal. **Do you love the world more than Christ who died?** When we remember the ultimate sacrifice, the boundless love that offered us , we are called to reflect on our priorities. To reflect on the grace that flows freely from the pierced side, asking nothing in return but our openness, our willingness to embrace and be transformed by this love.

In the stillness of this moment, may we find the courage to embrace our vulnerabilities, to lay bare our hearts before the Divine, and to choose a path that reflects our deepest truths. Let us commit to a journey of self-discovery, where we find strength in our faith, in our surrender, and joy in living a life that honors the sacredness of our being.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflect on life's temptations and joys. Choose between worldly desires and eternal truths. Discover if you truly love the world or seek a higher purpose. Find solace in reflection and divine love.
Do You Love The World - Hymn Lyric - Reflect on life's temptations and joys. Choose between worldly desires and eternal truths. Discover if you truly love the world or seek a higher purpose. Find solace in reflection and divine love.