Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someones Face – Hymn Lyric

Spread joy and blessings by brightening someone's face every day. Discover how the simple acts of kindness

Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someones Face – Hymn Lyric

“Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someone’s Face: Spreading Joy and Blessings Around Us” is a hymn that reminds us of the everyday blessings we receive and encourages us to spread love and kindness to others. Through the warmth of the sunbeams, the cheer of songbirds, and the guidance of our , we have the power to make a positive impact on those around us and find solace in the presence of Jesus. This hymn reminds us to appreciate the simple things in life and to keep forward, sharing His love and His praises.


Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someones Face – Hymn Lyric

Ev’ry day the sunbeams brighten some one’s face;
Ev’ry day the song-birds cheer some lonely ;
Ev’ry day our Father sends us blessings true;
are His mercies, ev’ry moment new.

Marching on, on, on, while we sing His praise;
Jesus will be with us “all the days;”
Marching, on, on, on to our above,
Singing, singing of our Savior’s love.

Ev’ry day our Captain in His wisdom leads,
Giving grace sufficient, caring for our needs;
Ev’ry day His will our lives control,
If we give Him entrance to our inmost soul.


Ev’ry day His children may to others bring
Cups of living water from the heav’nly spring;
In His smile is sunshine; in His voice a song;
Look and find Him with you, tender, true and strong.



Meaning of Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someones Face

Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someone’s Face: Spreading Joy and Blessings Around Us


In this wonderful hymn, the verses speak of the simple yet powerful ways in which the blessings of our Father touch our lives each day. Whether it is through the warmth of the sunbeams, the melodies of songbirds, or the tender care of our Captain, Jesus, every moment brings with it the opportunity to spread love, kindness, and bring joy to others. Let us delve deeper into these ideas and discover how we can make a positive impact on those around us, while also finding solace in the presence of our Savior.

Verse 1 – Ev’ry day the sunbeams:

The first verse beautifully describes how the sunbeams brighten someone’s face every day. It reminds us that even the simplest things in life have the power to uplift and bring joy. Just like the rays of the sun, we can choose to spread kindness, compassion, and happiness to those we encounter. By sharing a genuine smile, lending a listening ear, or performing acts of kindness, we can bring light to the lives of others.

Additionally, this verse suggests that the songbirds cheer some lonely place every day. This not only emphasizes the beauty of nature but also highlights the significance of music as a means of solace and comfort. It is through the melodies and harmonies that our spirits are lifted, inspiring us to appreciate the small wonders that surround us. We, too, have the ability to bring cheer to those who may be feeling lonely or downcast, by sharing a song, offering words of encouragement, or simply being present for them.

Refrain – Marching on, on, on, while we sing His praise:

The refrain echoes the call for us to keep marching forward while singing praises to Jesus. It serves as a reminder that our journey in spreading love, compassion, and joy is ongoing. As we face challenges and embrace victories, we can find strength by acknowledging the presence and guidance of our Savior.

Verse 2 – Ev’ry day our Captain:

This verse emphasis the wisdom and care exhibited by our Captain, Jesus, who leads us through life’s journey. Just as a captain steers a ship and ensures the safety of its crew, Jesus provides us with sufficient grace and cares for our needs. It is through His wisdom that we can overcome obstacles, find peace in difficult situations, and grow in resilience.

Moreover, the verse indicates that His Spirit will control our lives if we allow Him to enter our hearts. By surrendering ourselves to His love and guidance, we can live a life rooted in faith and devotion. This not only impacts our individual well-being but also enables us to show grace, forgiveness, and understanding to others.

Verse 3 – Ev’ry day His children:

This verse speaks of the responsibility we have as children of God to bring refreshing cups of living water to others. Just as we quench our thirst with water, our souls thirst for love, , and support. By spreading kindness and extending a helping hand, we can offer a source of refreshment to those who are and in need. It is through our acts of compassion that we can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to do the same.

The verse also paints a vivid picture of Jesus, our Savior, who is always with us. In His smile, we find sunshine, and in His voice, a song. This portrayal reminds us that through our faith and relationship with Jesus, we can discover a source of unwavering strength, joy, and peace. When we seek Him, we will find Him to be tender, true, and strong.


In conclusion, the hymn “Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someone’s Face” serves as a beautiful reminder of the simple yet impactful ways in which we can make a difference in the lives of others. By embracing the teachings of Jesus, we can bring light and joy to those around us. Let us be mindful of the blessings we receive each day and how we can extend them to others through acts of kindness, compassion, and love. As we march forward in life, may we keep singing praises to our Savior and continue spreading His message of everlasting love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread joy and blessings by brightening someone's face every day. Discover how the simple acts of kindness, music, and faith can make a positive impact on others. Embrace the teachings of Jesus and find solace in His presence.
Every Day The Sunbeams Brighten Someones Face - Hymn Lyric - Spread joy and blessings by brightening someone's face every day. Discover how the simple acts of kindness, music, and faith can make a positive impact on others. Embrace the teachings of Jesus and find solace in His presence.