Father, Whose Everlasting Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the boundless love of our Heavenly Father in the hymn "Father

Father, Whose Everlasting Love – Hymn Lyric

This engaging summary encapsulates the message of the hymn “Father, Whose Everlasting Love” on a 7th-grade literacy level. It emphasizes God’s boundless love and grace, the universal nature of His salvation, and our role in sharing this message with others. Using inclusive language and relatable themes, it invites readers to reflect on God’s love and respond with love and compassion towards others.


Father, Whose Everlasting Love – Hymn Lyric

Father, Whose everlasting love
Thy only for sinners gave,
Whose grace to all did freely move,
And sent Him down the world to save;

Help us Thy mercy to extol,
Immense, unfathomed, unconfined;
To the who died for all,
The general of mankind.

Thy undistinguishing regard
Was cast on Adam’s fallen race;
For all Thou hast in Christ prepared
Sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.

The world He suffered to redeem;
For all He hath the atonement made;
For those that will not to Him
The ransom of His life was paid.

Why then, Thou universal Love,
Should any of Thy grace despair?
To all, to all, Thy bowels move,
But straitened in our own we are.

Arise, O God, maintain Thy cause!
The fullness of the Gentiles call;
Lift up the standard of Thy cross,
And all shall own Thou diedst for all.


Meaning of Father, Whose Everlasting Love

Father, Whose Everlasting Love: A Hymn of Universal Grace

In this hymn, we are reminded of the boundless love and mercy of our Heavenly Father, who sent His only Son to save us from our sins. The incredible grace that God freely offers to all people is emphasized throughout the verses, inviting us to extol and praise the Lamb who died for us – the Savior of all mankind.

From the very beginning, God’s love has been all-encompassing, undiscriminating, and unrestricted. His regard extends to Adam’s fallen race, without any distinction or bias. In Christ, God has prepared more than enough grace for everyone, offering us salvation freely and sovereignly. No matter who we are or what we have done, the atonement made by on the cross is sufficient to save us all.

It is important to acknowledge that God’s love is universal, reaching out to every single person. No one is excluded. None should despair or doubt God’s grace. He desires that all should come to Him, experiencing the fullness of His love and redemption. Our own limitations and narrowness in understanding His love should not hinder us from sharing this universal message of grace with others.

We are called to arise and stand for God’s cause, to be ambassadors of His love and salvation. Just as the hymn urges God to call the fullness of the Gentiles, we are reminded of our responsibility to share the good news of the with people from all backgrounds and nations. The standard of God’s cross is the symbol of His for all, and its power and significance should be proclaimed widely.

As we reflect on this hymn, we realize that it speaks to the core of our – God’s immense love, His all-encompassing grace, and the sacrifice of Jesus for the salvation of all mankind. It is a message that resonates deeply, no matter our age or literacy level, because it speaks to the universal longing in every human heart – the to be loved, accepted, and forgiven.

When we understand the depth of God’s love and grace, it changes our perspective and compels us to respond. It motivates us to love others unconditionally, just as God loves us. It pushes us to reach out to those who feel excluded or marginalized, sharing the hope that comes from knowing Christ. It encourages us to live lives marked by gratitude and worship, praising the Lamb who gave Himself for us all.

Let us remember the lasting truth of this hymn, that God’s love is everlasting. It is not bound by time or circumstance. His love is available to each and every one of us, and it is our privilege and responsibility to proclaim this message of universal grace to the world.

Father, Whose Everlasting Love, help us to walk in the light of Your love and extend that love to others. May we be instruments of Your grace, sharing the good news of salvation with all people, so that they too may experience the transformative power of Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the boundless love of our Heavenly Father in the hymn Father, Whose Everlasting Love. Explore the universal grace and salvation offered to all through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Father, Whose Everlasting Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the boundless love of our Heavenly Father in the hymn "Father, Whose Everlasting Love." Explore the universal grace and salvation offered to all through His Son, Jesus Christ.