Give Me A New A Perfect Heart – Hymn Lyric

Meta Description (Maximum 160 characters): Seeking spiritual transformation and growth? Reflect on the hymn "Give Me A New

Give Me A New A Perfect Heart – Hymn Lyric

“Give Me A New, A Perfect Heart: Reflecting on Transformation and Faith” explores the yearning for spiritual transformation and the desire to let go of doubts, fears, and . The invites us to seek solace in God and to our hearts to transformation. It emphasizes the importance of following Christ’s teachings, cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and finding rest in God’s perfect .


Give Me A New A Perfect Heart – Hymn Lyric

Give me a new,
a perfect heart,
From doubt, and fear,
and free;
The mind which was
in Christ impart,
And let my spirit
cleave to Thee.

O take this heart
of stone away!
Thy sway it doth not,
cannot own;
In me no longer let it stay;
O take away
this heart of stone!

Cause me to walk
in Christ my Way;
And I Thy statutes
shall fulfill,
In every point
Thy law obey,
And perfectly perform
Thy will.

Within me Thy good Spirit place,
Spirit of health,
and love, and power;
Plant in me Thy victorious grace,
And sin shall never
enter more.

O that I now,
from sin released,
Thy Word may to
the utmost prove!
Enter into the
promised rest,
The Canaan of
Thy perfect love.

Now let me gain
perfection’s height;
Now let me into
nothing fall,
Be less than nothing
in Thy sight,
And feel that Christ
is all in all.


Meaning of Give Me A New A Perfect Heart

Give Me A New, A Perfect Heart: Reflecting on Transformation and Faith

In life, we often find ourselves in need of change. We desire to let go of our worries, doubts, and sorrows, and instead, embrace a sense of and happiness. This yearning for transformation is beautifully captured in the hymn “Give Me A New, A Perfect Heart.”

The hymn opens by expressing a plea for a new heart, one that is free from the burdens of doubt, fear, and sorrow. We all have experienced moments of uncertainty and apprehension, but this hymn reminds us that we can seek solace in God. It reminds us that we can look to as our guide, allowing His teachings and example to shape our thoughts and actions.

As the hymn continues, it emphasizes the desire to be rid of the heart of stone. A heart of stone symbolizes an unyielding, unresponsive, and stubborn attitude towards God’s guidance and love. We often resist change, clinging to our own ways and beliefs. However, this hymn invites us to acknowledge our limitations and surrender our hearts to divine transformation. By doing so, we can welcome the softening of our hearts, allowing God’s love and grace to flow through us.

Walking in Christ’s way is another important aspect of spiritual growth. The hymn highlights the willingness to follow Christ’s teachings and obey God’s commandments. It encourages us to be conscious of the choices we make and strive to align our actions with the principles of love, justice, and compassion. By embracing these values, we can become true disciples of Christ, spreading His light in the and fulfilling God’s will.

In the hymn, a prayer is offered to have the Holy Spirit dwell within. The Spirit is described as one of health, love, and power. This divine presence within us empowers us to overcome temptation and resist sin. By cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit, we gain strength and guidance to navigate life’s challenges and make choices that honor God.

As we progress in our spiritual journey, we long for more than just freedom from sin. The hymn speaks of the promised rest, the Canaan of God’s perfect love. This rest represents a deep sense of peace and contentment that is found in God’s embrace. It invites us to trust in God’s plan for our lives, knowing that His love will sustain us through every trial and tribulation.

The hymn concludes with a powerful declaration of humility and surrender. It expresses a desire to be nothing in God’s sight, acknowledging that our worth and significance come solely from our connection to Christ. By recognizing our dependence on Him, we release our burdens and discover the truth that Christ is all in all. In this realization, we find true fulfillment and happiness.

In summary, the hymn “Give Me A New, A Perfect Heart” beautifully portrays the desire for spiritual transformation and growth. It encourages us to seek God’s guidance, surrender our hearts, and walk in Christ’s footsteps. It reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit and the rest that can be found in God’s perfect love. Ultimately, it teaches us the importance of humility and recognizing Christ as the source of our identity and purpose. May this hymn inspire us to continually seek a new, perfect heart and deepen our faith in God’s transformative power.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Meta Description (Maximum 160 characters): Seeking spiritual transformation and growth? Reflect on the hymn Give Me A New, A Perfect Heart and discover the path to peace, purpose, and divine love.
Give Me A New A Perfect Heart - Hymn Lyric - Meta Description (Maximum 160 characters): Seeking spiritual transformation and growth? Reflect on the hymn "Give Me A New, A Perfect Heart" and discover the path to peace, purpose, and divine love.