Go Carry Thy Burden To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and peace in Jesus's loving arms. Bring your burdens to Him and receive forgiveness

Go Carry Thy Burden To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

can sometimes feel like a heavy burden, weighing us down with worries and troubles. In the hymn, “Go, Carry Burden To ,” we find solace in the idea of bringing our burdens to Jesus and laying them at His feet. Let’s explore the beautiful message of this hymn and how it can offer us a sense of peace and comfort.


Go Carry Thy Burden To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Go, carry thy burden to Jesus,
And lay down thy load at His feet,
Where ‘s cross is uplifted,
Find pardon and comforting sweet.

O, steal away softly to Jesus,
To Him let thy heart be outpoured;
Thy Father, who seeth in secret,
Shall give thee a gracious reward.

Rejoice in His wonderful mercy,
Thy soul from its sorrow relieved,
Then, turning in love to thy ,
Give freely, as thou hast received.

Let Christ be thy gracious Companion,
Keep close to His side, day by day;
The Fountain, unseen, of the
That brighten and gladden the way.

O, fellowship and holy,
His life, overflowing in love,
Shall bring to the needy around thee
Fair sunbeams and bloom from above.



Meaning of Go Carry Thy Burden To Jesus

Go, Carry Thy Burden To Jesus: Finding Comfort and Peace in His Arms

Life can sometimes feel like a heavy burden, weighing us down with worries and troubles. It’s during these challenging times that we need to remember that we are not alone. In the hymn, “Go, Carry Thy Burden To Jesus,” we find solace in the idea of bringing our burdens to Jesus and laying them at His feet. Let’s explore the beautiful message of this hymn and how it can offer us a sense of peace and comfort.

The hymn begins by encouraging us to go and carry our burdens to Jesus. It reminds us that Jesus is always ready to receive us with open arms, no matter how heavy our burdens may be. We are invited to come before Him and lay down our worries, fears, and troubles. Just as Calvary’s cross was uplifted for us, bringing forgiveness and redemption, we can find solace and comforting sweetness in His presence.

In our fast-paced and demanding world, finding ways to relieve our burdens and seek comfort becomes essential. The refrain of the hymn encourages us to “steal away softly to Jesus,” and pour out our hearts before Him. It’s a reminder that we don’t have to carry our burdens alone. Our Heavenly Father sees and understands our struggles, even those we keep hidden in secret. When we seek Him in earnest, He promises to reward us with His and love.

When we experience the mercy and comfort that Jesus offers, our souls find relief from sorrow. We are reminded of the boundless love and compassion that He showers upon us, undeserving as we may feel. This newfound joy and peace in our hearts should not be kept to ourselves; rather, we should turn towards our neighbors with love and kindness. Just as we have freely received from Christ, we are called to freely give to others.

The hymn encourages us to let Christ be our gracious Companion throughout life’s journey. By keeping close to His side every day, we tap into a never-ending fountain of blessings. These blessings may not always be visible to the naked eye, but they brighten and gladden our . As we walk hand in hand with Jesus, we discover that His love flows abundantly, bringing forth sunbeams and blooming flowers to those around us. Our lives become vessels, overflowing with His love, and we become conduits of His grace.

The fellowship we experience with Jesus is described as precious and holy. By embracing His life within us, we are filled to the brim with His overflowing love. This love spills over onto those who are in need around us. It becomes a source of light, bringing hope and joy to those who are struggling. Just as the sunbeams warm and illuminate, the love of Christ upon others, helping them find solace and peace in their own burdens.

In conclusion, the hymn “Go, Carry Thy Burden To Jesus” reminds us that we do not have to bear the weight of our burdens alone. Jesus is always waiting for us to come to Him, offering comfort, forgiveness, and peace. When we find solace in His presence, may we turn to our neighbors with open hearts and open hands, freely sharing the love and grace we have received. As we walk closely with Him, may our lives become a beautiful song, bringing light and hope to those around us. So, let us go and carry our burdens to Jesus, finding comfort and peace in His loving arms.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and peace in Jesus's loving arms. Bring your burdens to Him and receive forgiveness, solace, and grace. Embrace His love and share it with others.
Go Carry Thy Burden To Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Find comfort and peace in Jesus's loving arms. Bring your burdens to Him and receive forgiveness, solace, and grace. Embrace His love and share it with others.