Gods Love Is Both Matchless and Tender – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Unparalleled Love of God: Discover the Beauty and Embrace His Tender Affection. Don't Miss Out on His Matchless Grace. Is God's Love Nothing to You?

Gods Love Is Both Matchless and Tender – Hymn Lyric

God’s Love is Both Matchless and Tender: Embrace the Miraculous Gift of God’s Love In a chaotic , God’s love shines brightly as an extraordinary and indescribable force. His love surpasses all understanding and is available to everyone, flaws and all. Regardless of our past mistakes, God’s love is limitless and eternal, waiting for us to embrace its transformative power.


Gods Love Is Both Matchless and Tender – Hymn Lyric

God’s love is both matchless and tender,
The wealth of it never was told;
Poor , hast thou nothing to render,
Thyself wilt thou even withhold?
His Son left the mansions of heave,
No home and no comforts had He;
His side by the soldier was riven
O say! is that nothing to thee?

Nothing to thee!
Nothing to thee!
O say! is that nothing to thee?

Back-slider, thy God-given chances,
Say, wilt thou continue to spurn;
While Satan still further advances
And makes it more hard to return?
Sin’s pleasures to thee once were hateful,
Thy joy was the joy of the free;
Yet, tho’ thou are faithless, He’s faithful,
O say! is that nothing to thee?


But while thou art waiting and thinking,
Deciding what next thou wilt do,
The sands in time’s hour-glass are sinking,
The days are both numbered and few;
O do not put off thy repentance,
Tomorrow thy judge thou may’st see,
And may ring forth the sentence
That Jesus is nothing to thee!



Meaning of Gods Love Is Both Matchless and Tender

God’s Love is Both Matchless and Tender: Embrace the Miraculous Gift

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is comforting to know that there is a love so extraordinary that words fail to capture its true essence. God’s love is unmatched, surpassing all comprehension, and it extends to each and every one of us, regardless of our flaws or past mistakes. It is a love that knows no limits, a love that knows no end.

Imagine, if you will, the immense wealth of God’s love. It is a treasure beyond measure, a gift so precious that it leaves us in awe. And yet, despite the abundance of this love, some may question if they have anything to offer in return. They may feel unworthy, weighed down by their shortcomings. But fear not, for God’s love is not based on what we can give, but on His boundless grace.

about this, dear soul: God’s own Son, Jesus, descended from the glorious abode of heaven. He willingly left behind the comforts and splendor of His heavenly home to dwell with us, His beloved creations. In His earthly sojourn, Jesus faced trials and tribulations unimaginable. His side was pierced by a soldier’s spear, and His own people turned against Him. And yet, even in the face of such suffering, He did it all for one reason: His immense love for you.

O say, dear , is that of Christ nothing to you? Can you fathom the depths of love expressed through His selfless act? He endured unimaginable pain and suffering because He saw something within you that was worth it. You hold a special place in His heart, and He longs for you to embrace His love and return to Him.

Perhaps, dear back-slider, you have strayed from the path God has set before you. The enemy, Satan, may be whispering lies into your ears, making it seem all the more difficult to find your back. But let me tell you, dear soul, that God’s love knows no bounds. It is a love that pardons, forgives, and welcomes you with open arms. No sin is too great for His grace to cover, and no distance is too far for His love to reach.

Do not let your past define you or hold you back from a future filled with and redemption. The pleasures of sin may have once enticed you, but deep down, you know they brought only sorrow and emptiness. Remember the joy and freedom you once experienced when you walked hand in hand with the Father. Even if you have been unfaithful in your relationship with Him, He remains faithful. O say, dear friend, is that faithfulness of God nothing to you?

As you contemplate your next steps, remember that time is not infinite. Each passing moment brings you closer to the day of reckoning, when you will be face to face with your Judge. The sands in the hourglass of time continue to slip away, and the days are numbered. So, I implore you, do not delay your repentance any longer. Tomorrow may be too late, and the consequences of your choices may bear heavy upon you.

Imagine, dear soul, the anguish you may feel when the angels proclaim a verdict, when they declare that Jesus is nothing to you. Such a fate is avoidable, for God’s love still beckons, for you to return to His embrace. You have the power to change your destiny, to choose a life filled with joy, purpose, and eternal love.

In closing, dear friend, may you grasp the magnitude of God’s love. It is a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that is both matchless and tender. Embrace this miraculous gift, for it is through God’s love that we find true peace and everlasting fulfillment. Let your heart be filled with gratitude, and let your soul be consumed by the overwhelming embrace of God’s love. O say, dear one, is God’s love nothing to you?

Nothing to thee! Nothing to thee! O say! Is that nothing to thee?


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Unparalleled Love of God: Discover the Beauty and Embrace His Tender Affection. Don't Miss Out on His Matchless Grace. Is God's Love Nothing to You?
Gods Love Is Both Matchless and Tender - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Unparalleled Love of God: Discover the Beauty and Embrace His Tender Affection. Don't Miss Out on His Matchless Grace. Is God's Love Nothing to You?