Hark My Soul It Is The Lord – Hymn Lyric
Dive into the beautiful hymn “Hark My Soul It Is The Lord” and experience the unwavering love and grace of Jesus Christ. Despite our weaknesses, His love remains constant and His presence guides us through darkness. Let us strive to love Him more deeply and passionately, as we anticipate sharing in His glory in the future.
Table of Contents
Hark My Soul It Is The Lord – Hymn Lyric
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord;
’tis thy Saviour, hear his word;
Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee,
‘Say, poor sinner, lov’st thou me?
‘I delivered thee when bound,
and, when wounded, healed thy wound;
sought thee wandering, set thee right,
turned thy darkness into light.
‘Can a woman’s tender care
cease towards the child she bare?
Yes, she may forgetful be,
yet will I remember thee.
‘Mine is an unchanging love,
higher than the heights above,
deeper than the depths beneath,
free and faithful, strong as death.
‘Thou shalt see my glory soon,
when the work of grace is done;
partner of my throne shalt be:
say, poor sinner, lov’st thou me?’
Lord, it is my chief complaint
that my love is weak and faint;
yet I love thee, and adore;
O for grace to love thee more!
Meaning of Hark My Soul It Is The Lord
Hello there, dear friend! Today, let’s dive into the beautiful hymn “Hark My Soul It Is The Lord” and explore the comforting and uplifting message it conveys.
When we listen to the verses of this hymn, we are reminded of the unwavering love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He calls out to our souls, asking us if we love Him. And despite our shortcomings and weaknesses, His love for us never falters.
Just like a caring mother never forgets her child, Jesus never forgets about us. His love is constant and steadfast, reaching heights beyond our understanding and depths we cannot fathom. He is always there to guide us, heal us, and bring light into our lives when we are lost in darkness.
As we reflect on these words, we may find ourselves echoing the sentiment expressed in the hymn feeling that our love for Him may be weak at times. But even in our feeble attempts to love Him, we can ask for His grace to help us love Him more deeply and passionately.
It’s truly incredible to think about the promise of seeing His glory once the work of grace is complete. He invites us to be partners in His kingdom, sharing in His eternal love and joy.
So, as we go about our days, let’s hold onto the reassurance that Jesus is always with us, guiding us with His unchanging love. And may we strive to deepen our love for Him with each passing moment, knowing that He is ever faithful and strong as death.
Let’s take a moment to bask in the overwhelming love and grace of our Lord, and let it inspire us to love Him more fervently each day.
Until next time, dear friend, may you feel the presence of the Lord in your life and may His love fill your soul with peace and joy. Keep shining bright!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!