He Is Risen Our Lord Is Risen – Hymn Lyric

Witness the triumph over death and rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord. Spread the good news and find hope in the power of Christ's sacrifice. He is risen

He Is Risen Our Lord Is Risen – Hymn Lyric

“He Is Risen, Our Lord Is Risen: A Triumph Over Death” celebrates the miraculous resurrection of Jesus, our Savior. The hymn highlights the defeat of death and the chains it held, emphasizing the power and significance of Christ’s resurrection. It calls us to spread the message of love, hope, and freedom that comes from knowing Jesus is alive.


He Is Risen Our Lord Is Risen

He is ris’n, our Lord is risen,
Christ hath burst death’s bonds in twain.
Left at dawn the rock-sealed prison,
Jesus lives, who once was slain.

Death is swallowed up in vict’ry,
Lo! the Lamb of Calvary-
Lives, with Heav’n and earth rejoicing,
For He sets the captive free.

He is ris’n, our Lord is ris’n,
Sing a glad triumphant strain!
He is ris’n, our Lord is ris’n,
Christ is ris’n! He lives again!

Now the Morning Star in beauty
Shines upon our onward .
Making light the path of duty,
That our footsteps ne’er stray.

He who death shall guide us,
Gently lead us by the .
Safely whatsoe’er betide us,
Till we reach the better land. [Refrain]

Christ is ris’n! proclaim the story
Till the nations know.
Jesus lives, the King of glory!
Jesus lives, who loves us so.

That He suffered death to save us,
Shed His blood for one and all.
Sin can never more enslave us,
If upon His name we call.



Meaning of He Is Risen Our Lord Is Risen – Hymn Lyric

“He Is Risen, Our Lord Is Risen: A Triumph Over Death”

On that glorious morning, as the began to rise, something miraculous happened. Death, that fearful and final foe, was defeated. Christ, our Lord, had risen! The chains of death were broken, and a new era of hope and salvation dawned upon the world. This hymn, with its refrain, celebrates the triumphant resurrection of Jesus, our Savior.

The verses of this hymn remind us of the incredible power and significance of Christ’s resurrection. “Christ hath burst death’s bonds in twain,” proclaims the hymn, emphasizing the awe-inspiring moment when Jesus shattered the chains of death, emerging from the tomb victorious. It was indeed a triumph, as death was swallowed up in victory.

As we reflect on this wondrous event, we cannot help but feel grateful for the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. “He who vanquished death shall guide us, gently lead us by the hand,” the hymn reminds us. Jesus, the conqueror of death, becomes our guide and our protector. He leads us through the challenges and trials of life, ensuring that we never stray from the path of righteousness.

The hymn also speaks of the Morning Star, a symbol of light and hope. It tells us that Christ’s resurrection brings light to our journey, illuminating our path of duty. With Jesus by our side, we are empowered to fulfill our responsibilities and live according to God’s will. We need not fear darkness or uncertainty, for the Morning Star shines brightly, guiding us towards our destination.

It is important for us to spread the good news of Christ’s resurrection to the world. The hymn urges us to proclaim the story until the waiting nations know of Jesus’ triumphant victory over death. We have a duty to share this message of love and hope with all those who have not yet heard it. Jesus lives, the King of glory, and we are called to declare it from the mountaintops.

But what does Christ’s resurrection for us today? Why should it matter to us, as we navigate through the trials and tribulations of our own lives? The answer lies in the hymn itself, in the message it conveys. Jesus lives, and because of His sacrifice, sin can never enslave us again. When we call upon His name, we are set free from the bondage of sin and death.

This truth is a source of immense comfort and reassurance. No matter what challenges we face, we can find solace in knowing that Jesus has overcome them all. His resurrection is a promise of victory in our own lives. It reminds us that we are never alone, that Jesus is always with us, guiding us towards the better land.

So let us sing a glad and triumphant strain, declaring with that Christ is risen! The risen Lord gives us hope when we are downtrodden, peace when we are troubled, and strength when we are weary. He is our rock, our refuge, our Savior. We can face each day with confidence, knowing that He is by our side.

In conclusion, the hymn “He Is Risen, Our Lord Is Risen” beautifully captures the essence and significance of Christ’s resurrection. It speaks to the triumph over death, the guiding light that Jesus provides, and the power of His sacrifice. As we celebrate this glorious event, let us share the good news with others, proclaiming the story until all the waiting nations know of Jesus’ triumph. For He is risen, our Lord is risen. Christ lives, and because of Him, we too can live in victory.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image He Is Risen Our Lord Is Risen
He Is Risen Our Lord Is Risen - Hymn Lyric - Witness the triumph over death and rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord. Spread the good news and find hope in the power of Christ's sacrifice. He is risen, our Lord is risen!