Hear Ye The Glad Good News From Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible glad good news from Heaven! Let Jesus bring you life

Hear Ye The Glad Good News From Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Do you want to hear the incredible good news from Heaven? It’s a message of hope, joy, and everlasting for all who believe. Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us and purchased a pardon for our mistakes. By in Him, we receive the gift of eternal life.


Hear Ye The Glad Good News From Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Hear ye the glad good news from Heav’n?
Life to a death-doomed race is giv’n!
Christ on the cross for you and me
Purchased a pardon full and free.

He that believeth, he that believeth,
He that believeth hath everlasting life;
He that believeth, he that believeth,
He that believeth hath everlasting life.

When we were lost, the of God
Made an atonement by His :
When we the glad good news believe,
Then the atonement we receive. [Refrain]

Why not believe the glad good news?
Why still the voice of God refuse?
Why not believe, when God hath said,
All, all our guilt on Him was laid. [Refrain]


Meaning of Hear Ye The Glad Good News From Heaven

Do you ever wonder about the good news that comes from Heaven? Well, let me tell you, it’s incredible! It’s a message that brings hope, joy, and everlasting life to all of us. Can you believe that? Life, given to a race that was doomed to death! It’s all because of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself on the cross for you and me. He loves us so much that He purchased a pardon for all our mistakes, and it’s freely available to anyone who believes in Him.

You what? That’s the key word here – belief. If you believe in Jesus, if you trust in Him, then you are granted everlasting life. It’s as simple as that! Isn’t it amazing to that by just believing, we receive this incredible gift? It’s like the best present ever, and it’s not something we have to earn or work for. It’s a free gift from God Himself.

When we were lost, when we were trapped in our wrongdoing, Jesus, the Son of God, stepped in and made a way for us to be reconciled with our Heavenly Father. He did this by shedding His precious blood on the cross, paying the price for all our sins. By doing so, He made atonement for us, bringing us back into a right relationship with God. And when we truly believe in this good news, when we accept His sacrifice for us, then we receive the full benefits of that atonement – , , and eternal life.

So why wouldn’t we believe this incredible news? Why would we ever refuse the voice of God calling out to us, offering us salvation? It doesn’t make sense when you think about it. God, in His infinite love and mercy, has told us that all our guilt, all our mistakes, have been placed on Jesus. He took it all upon Himself so that we could be set free from the burden of . And yet, some still hesitate to believe.

Maybe it’s because they think they’re not of this gift. But let me tell you, my friend, no one is deserving of it. It’s not about being worthy; it’s about accepting God’s grace and love. We all make mistakes, we all fall short, but that’s precisely why Jesus came – to save us from ourselves.

Or perhaps some doubt because they can’t see or touch God. They want proof. But let me ask you this, do we need physical evidence to believe in something? We believe in love, right? We believe in the beauty of a sunset or the power of a thunderstorm, even though we can’t hold them in our hands. Believing in God is similar. It’s about having faith, trusting in something greater than ourselves.

And what could be greater than a God who loves us unconditionally, who offers us eternal life through His Son? It’s like the ultimate happy ending, the greatest story ever told. All we have to do is open our hearts and believe in this good news. It’s a choice we can make, a decision that changes everything.

So, my dear friend, I implore you, don’t let doubt or fear hold you back. Embrace the glad good news from Heaven. Believe in Jesus Christ and the atonement He made for you. Accept the pardon that has been freely given. And know that by doing so, you will have everlasting life. The gift is there for the taking; all you have to do is believe. You won’t regret it!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incredible glad good news from Heaven! Let Jesus bring you life, hope, and everlasting joy. Believe in Him for a pardon and receive eternal life.
Hear Ye The Glad Good News From Heaven - Hymn Lyric - Experience the incredible glad good news from Heaven! Let Jesus bring you life, hope, and everlasting joy. Believe in Him for a pardon and receive eternal life.